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I am currently still studying at Morristown East High School

Work experience


Soaky Mountain Waterpark
  • Good customer service skills
  • Good organization skills
  • Work well in a fast-paced environment
  • Ability to learn quickly
  • Cleaning efficiently and quickly


Junior Year

Morristown East High school
  • Scored highly on my practice ACT and have been passing all my classes decently since freshman year
  • I was apart of DECA and FBLA during my sophomore year


Time Management-
  • I was always 10 minutes early to work as I had to set up the area before the rest of my coworkers got to their positions. 
  • Always had left over time to help other departments incase they were struggling or backed up.
  • I took charge of a situation that others couldn't resolve.
  • If any of my coworkers needed help then they would come to me for help
  • Leadership also helped increase productivity and decreased mistakes
Team Work-
  • I enjoyed working as a good group because the work flow was always smoother.
  • This also helped to increase employee engagement
  • Problem solving skills were increased through out our department
  • I worked with foreign exchange students so communication is needed, so I took it upon myself to learn basic phrases in their native language to improve work flow.