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DR Anthony Llewellyn

Experienced Psychiatrist, Executive and CHAIR | BMedSci, MBBS, FRANZCP, MHA, GAICD | Cert Coaching


A seasoned Psychiatrist and Executive Leader with extensive experience in medical workforce, educational and governance roles across various complex healthcare and training organizations. Demonstrated success in fostering collaborative environments, engaging with diverse stakeholders, putting patient needs at the centre of the outcome and driving improvements in medical training and service delivery. Committed to patient-centered care, cultural competence, and the professional development of medical practitioners.


  • 2024 - present, Medical Education Specialist, Royal Australian and New Zealand College of Psychiatrists
  • 2023 - present, VMO Psychiatrist, Maitland Private Hospital (HealtheCare)
  • 2023 - present. Chair of Accreditation, South Australia Medical Education and Training (SAMET) and SAMET Advisory Council Member.
  • 2021 - 2023, VMO Psychiatrist, Warner's Bay Private Hospital (Ramsay)
  • 2021 - Present. Adjunct Associate Professor, University of Newcastle.
  • 2020 - 2021. Honorary Senior Lecturer, University of Newcastle.
  • 2016 - Present. Managing Director of Great Mynds Pty Ltd and AdvanceMed.
  • 2016 - 2020. Senior Lecturer University of Newcastle.
  • 2017 - 2018. Tutor and Lecturer for University of Sydney, Master of Medicine (Psychiatry).
  • 2016 - 2017. Academic Lead for Postgraduate Course in Psychiatry, Health Education and Training Institute of NSW.
  • 2016 - 2020. Director of Prevocational Education and Training and Rural Site Coordinator of Training, Hunter New England Mental Health / HNET Psychiatry Program.
  • 2014 - 2016. Deputy Director and Chair of Audit and Finance, Confederation of Prevocational Medical Education Councils.
  • 2012 - 2016. Board Member, Confederation of Prevocational Medical Education Councils.
  • 2012 - 2016. Executive Medical Director, Health Education and Training Institute.
  • 2010 - 2012. Executive Medical Director Primary and Community / Acting Director Medical Workforce Development.
  • 2005 - 2010. Manager of Medical Administration, Mental Health.

Clinical ROLES

Visiting Medical Officer in Psychiatry

Maitland Private Hospital

Part-Time Appointment and now regular Locum appointments. Focus on employing a biopsychosocial, interdisciplinary and recovery focused approach to adult persons presenting with a range of mental health conditions, including mood disorders, anxiety disorders, substance use disorders, psychotic disorders and personality disorders.

Visiting Medical Officer in Psychiatry

Warners Bay Private Hospital

Various Part-Time Locum engagements.

(Senior) Staff Specialist in Psychiatry

Hunter New England Local Health District

Including the previous entity of Hunter Health.

Various fractional clinical roles which I undertook whilst performing Executive roles.

Break from substantive clinical work from 2012 to 2016 whilst at HETI where I continued to participate in the HNE Child and Adolescent Mental Health After Hours Roster.

CHAIR, DIRECTOR and Committee Level experience

Chair of Accreditation and Member of Health Advisory Council

Mar 2023Present
South Australian Medical Education and Training
  • Leading the strategic oversight of the accreditation process for intern (PGY1) and postgraduate year 2 (PGY2) training posts, significantly enhancing the scope and quality of training in South Australia.
  • Spearheading the adoption of a new national framework for accreditation standards, setting a precedent for future training standards to commence in 2024.
  • Actively contributing to the performance of the Health Advisory Council, influencing decision-making, policy development, and strengthening committee reporting, to align with evolving educational standards and health sector needs.

Member of Barrington Clinic Management and Quality Assurance Committee

Maitland Private Hospital (Healthecare)

Key management and quality assurance committee for the 37-bed (expanding to 48 beds in 2024) private mental health inpatient facility and associated day programs.

Responsible for initiating a review of current policies and guidelines in line with evidence based and best practice, refreshment of KPIs and participation in most recent Root Cause Analysis process which led to several important changes to improve patient safety and experience, including:

  • Changes to consent documentation.
  • Changes to leave and observation policy.
  • Regular collection of patient's GP medical record.
  • Regular Multidisciplinary team review for all patients.

Adjunct Associate Professor 2021 - present; Conjoint Senior Lecturer (2020-present); Senior Lecturer (2016-2020); Conjoint and Temporary Lecturer (1999-2016)

University of Newcastle

Past Member of Curriculum Development Committee.
Previous Chair for the final phases of the Bachelor of Medicine program and the new Doctor of Medicine program (Newcastle and New England University); Chair Year 4/5 Committee.

Advisor / Investor

Med Apps Pty Ltd

Med Apps provides an offline-accessible, mobile-first tool for easily accessing clinical and hospital guidelines, communicating with clinicians, and facilitating education and training.

The app has grown to be the market leader in Australia with current expansions into both the United Kingdom and North America, as well as into Nursing.

Advisory Board Member

International Clinician Educators Board, Royal College of Physicians & Surgeons Canada

Appointed to represent clinical educators across Australasia.
Provided advice on the global competency framework for Doctors CanMEDS.

Deputy Chair

20122018 inc

NFP Health StartUp that provides Free Open Access Medical Education (#FOAMED) to prevocational medical trainees (Interns and Residents) with a regular user base of 10,000 plus monthly.    

Appointed as a recognized leader, educator, and innovator in the medical education space. Provided strategic advice on the startup and how to mitigate risk.
Set up the technology for the organization.

Executive Medical Director

Health Education & Training Institute NSW

Member of Executive Committee, including Audit and Risk meetings.

Ex Officio and voting member of all Medical Training Councils, including Prevocational Training Council and Prevocational Accreditation Committee.

Oversaw HETI's initial accreditation as a Prevocational Medical Council via the Australian Medical Council in 2014.

Chair of HETI Medical Appointments Committee.

Oversaw a review of HETI's Prevocational Accreditation Standards reducing the administrative burden on sites by approximately 33% without compromise in safety or quality.

Deputy Chair

Confederation of Postgraduate Medical Education Councils

The peak body for prevocational medical education and training in Australia & New Zealand.

Deputy Chair and Chair of the Finance and Risk Committee.
Implemented a strategic review following a significant and sudden decline in government funding, enabling the continuation of core functions.

Council Member

NSW Health Pathology Clinical Advisory Council

Strategic advice and represented the Health Education & Training Institute (NSW).

Executive Medical Director and Director Medical Workforce


Secretariat for the Medical Dental Appointments Advisory Committee (HNELHD Board Subcommittee) oversight of the appointment and credentialing of approximately 2,000 medical practitioners as well as hundreds of temporary locum appointments per annum. Included responsibility for successfully conducting the 5 year reappointment process, "the quinquennium" of all senior medical staff in 2012.
Member of Clinical Council.
Member of Medical Staff Council.


Medical Education Specialist & Fellow

Royal Australian and New Zealand College of Psychiatrists

Providing strategic input into the development of RANZCP's training programs, including educational reform, best practice and stakeholder engagement.

Chair of Accreditation and Member Health Advisory Council

South Australia Medical Education and Training (SAMET)

SA MET has key roles of developing education and training, and the accreditation of postgraduate training posts in South Australia.

  • Leading the review and implementation of SAMET's recent Australian Medical Council (AMC) Accreditation Report, with a strategic action plan for prevocational accreditation.
  • Collaborating effectively with other jurisdictional stakeholders to align SAMET’s approach with the National Prevocational Medical Training Framework, enhancing educational consistency across jurisdictions.
  • Revamped communication processes and accreditation documentation, ensuring accuracy, clarity, appropriate tone and compliance with requirements..
  • Strengthened committee reporting at the Health Advisory Council level, instigating an accreditation reporting dashboard and conveying complex information in a concise and understandable manner.
  • Demonstrating a strong commitment to professional development of staff and staying up to date with the latest trends and best-practice in accreditation, medical education and training.

Managing Director

AdvanceMed / Great Mynds Pty Ltd

AdvanceMed's mission is to help doctors manager their medical careers. Doctors with expertise In medical recruitment, HR, training & management.

  • Founded and leading AdvanceMed, focusing on career advice, planning, and preparation services for postgraduate medical trainees in Australia.
  • Consulted with over 2000 doctors, health services, universities, and specialty colleges, demonstrating a profound understanding of medical career pathways and training needs.
  • Developed and implemented comprehensive career development strategies, directly supporting the professional growth of medical practitioners across various specialties.
  • Led and delivered projects for two medical colleges, contributing to the enhancement of their AMC accreditation status, training programs, and resources.
  • Established a strong social media presence, including a YouTube channel with over 11,000 subscribers and a blog ( that receives over 30,000 monthly page views.
  • Designed and delivered online training and workshops, providing approximately 1,000 coaching hours annually to support trainees in their career development.

Senior Lecturer (Part-Time) 2016

University of Newcastle

A university of and for our regions, the University of Newcastle has delivered superior education and world-class research since 1965.

  • Key contributor to the redesign of the medical curriculum, focusing on work-readiness and smooth transitions for medical graduates into trainee roles.
  • Integrated innovative teaching methodologies such as programmatic and workplace-based assessments, significantly enhancing student engagement and learning outcomes.
  • Awarded for outstanding teaching contributions, particularly in establishing interactive online programs, demonstrating excellence in digital education delivery.
  • Chaired critical academic committees, showcasing strong leadership in educational program management and committee operation.

Executive Medical Director

Health Education & Training Institute of NSW

A leading provider of high-quality training and education to support more than 110,000 clinical and non-clinical staff, trainers, managers, and leaders across the NSW health system.   

  • Managed implementation of approximately 25% of the Statewide Health Workforce Plan, ensuring timely and specification-compliant delivery.
  • Oversaw annual budgets of ~$30 million and significant training programs, demonstrating adept financial and resource management.
  • Pioneered the NSW Aboriginal Trainee Doctors Forum, showcasing commitment to diversity and inclusiveness in medical training.
  • Revitalized the NSW medical intern system, enhancing the allocation and accreditation processes, and ensuring high-quality training experiences for interns.
  • Annual management of a number of specialty training networks, including the 5 NSW Psychiatry Training networks.
  • Completion of 4 National Intern Audit Cycles for the Council of Australian Governments.
  • Completion of the Medical Portfolio Programs Review: Equipping NSW Doctors for Patient-Centred Care in partnership with Health Consumers NSW.
  • Publication of the HETI Intern Learning Guide (a curriculum/syllabus for internship).
  • Oversight of a number of training events and conferences, including the 2014 Australian and New Zealand Medical Education Training Forum a 4 day program with over 570 delegates in the Hunter Valley.

Executive Medical Director Primary and Community / Acting Director Medical Workforce Development (2010 – 2012); Manager of Medical Administration, Mental Health

Hunter New England Local Health District (previously Hunter Area Health Service)

Providing a range of health services to the Hunter, New England & Lower Mid North Coast.

  • Reported to the Chief Executive and Director of Primary and Community Operations for clinical engagement and advice and the HNE Clinical Council on Strategic Matters.
  • Spearheaded the development of a medical workforce of approximately 2000 doctors, demonstrating leadership in workforce planning and development.
    • Led a successful lobbying effort for the implementation of a NSW Rural Generalist program as a vital component of a strategy to sustain and revitalize rural communities and hospitals.
  • Innovated the HNET Psychiatry Training (and Administration) model, setting exemplary standards in training and outcomes, and establishing a robust return-of-service obligation across the service. 
    • The approach was recognized as an HNE Health Award winner and NSW Awards finalist, serving as a model for similar projects in other regions.
    • Successfully filled all medical positions in HNE Mental Health (HNEMH), including critical Staff Specialist posts, by implementing effective recruitment and retention strategies.
    • Achieved near 100% First Time Pass Rates among psychiatry trainees, reflecting outstanding training quality and effectiveness.
  • Responsible for all senior and junior medical appointments to the HNEMH service, including credentialing, scope of practice, performance monitoring, investigations and disciplinary action where required.
  • Served as Medical Superintendent (Psychiatrist responsible for compliance with the NSW Mental Health Act) for HNEMH.

Educational qualifications

  • 2023 - current. Diploma of Career Transition Coaching, Australian Institute of Professional Coaching.
  • 2018 - Professional Development Certificate in Coaching - Institute of Coaching and Consulting Psychology, Sydney.
  • 2016 - commenced PhD in Medical Education under Professors Jolly and Kelly (I achieved confirmation in 2019 but unfortunately had to exit the program due to personal circumstances and impacts of COVID-19 in 2020).
  • 2016 - Advanced Not-for-Profit Governance 2 Day Course - AICD.
  • 2011 - Graduate, Company Directors Course - AICD.
  • 2009 - Masters Health Administration - University of NSW.
  • 2005 - Fellowship Royal Australian and New Zealand College of Psychiatrists.
  • 1996 - Bachelor of Medicine, Bachelor of Surgery - University of Tasmania.
  • 1992 - Bachelor of Medical Science - University of Tasmania .

List of Current and PAST Clients

NSW Ministry of Health - Confidential Report into Hospital Accreditation Status.

Western Regional Training Hub (University of Sydney) - multiple careers workshops..

Northern NSW LHD - careers workshop.

Westmead Surgical Skills Program - careers workshop.

Mid North Coast LHD - careers workshop.

Australian Indigenous Doctors' Association - careers webinar.

Royal Australian College of General Practitioners - development and hosting of an educational webinar series for International Medical Graduates considering general practice as a career in Australia.

GP Synergy - education and marketing of general practice training to doctors.

Royal Australian College of Physicians (RACP) - guide into best practice training selection. Addressing AMC accreditation requirement for RACP to implement an approach to selection of trainees into Basic Physician Training.

Royal Australian and New Zealand College of Radiologists - advice on trainee selection and meeting Australian Medical Council standards.

Northern Sydney LHD - careers workshops and training.

Eastern Health Melbourne - careers workshops and training.

Greenslopes Private Hospital - careers workshops and training.

Invited Speaker

Australian Medical Students' Association National Executive Meeting October, 2023.

Gold Coast University Hospital, Careers Information Night 2022, 2023.

Royal College of Physicians and Surgeons of Canada, International Conference on Residency Education, 2022.

RANZCOG Queensland Trainee Branch Meeting, 2022.

Australian Medical Students' Association, National Leadership Development Conference, 2021.

ReseaRch and publications

Llewellyn, Anthony, Aspasia Karageorge, Louise Nash, Wenlong Li, and Dennis Neuen. “Bullying and Sexual Harassment of Junior Doctors in New South Wales, Australia: Rate and Reporting Outcomes.” Australian Health Review 43, no. 3 (2019): 328. doi:10.1071/ah17224.

Roberts, Chris, Priya Khanna, Louise Rigby, Emma Bartle, Anthony Llewellyn, Julie Gustavs, Libby Newton, et al. “Utility of Selection Methods for Specialist Medical Training: A BEME (Best Evidence Medical Education) Systematic Review: BEME Guide No. 45.” Medical Teacher 40, no. 1 (2017): 3–19. doi:10.1080/0142159x.2017.1367375.

Lau, Michelle W., Wenlong E. Li, Anthony Llewellyn, and Allan M. Cyna. “Prevalence and Associations of Psychological Distress in Australian Junior Medical Officers.” Internal Medicine Journal 47, no. 10 (2017): 1190–96. doi:10.1111/imj.13545.

Karageorge, Aspasia, Anthony Llewellyn, Louise Nash, Claire Maddocks, Dimitra Kaldelis, Harsimrat Sandhu, James Edwards, and Brian Kelly. “Psychiatry Training Experiences: a Narrative Synthesis.” Australasian Psychiatry 24, no. 3 (2016): 308–12. doi:10.1177/1039856216646233.

Nash, Louise, Aspasia Karageorge, Anthony Llewellyn, Harsimrat Sandhu, James Edwards, Brian Kelly, David Burke, et al. “Accentuate the Positives, but Don’t Necessarily Eliminate the Negatives: A Cross-Sectional Survey of Junior Doctor Psychiatry Terms.” MedEdPublish 5 (2016): 110. doi:10.15694/mep.2016.000110.

Nash, Louise, Aspasia Karageorge, Anthony Llewellyn, Harsimrat Sandhu, James Edwards, Brian Kelly, David Burke, Claire Maddocks, and Kate Reynolds. “Accentuate the Positives, but Don’t Necessarily Eliminate the Negatives: A Cross-Sectional Survey of Junior Doctor Psychiatry Terms.” MedEdPublish 5 (2016): 110. doi:10.15694/mep.2016.000110.

Cohen, Martin, Anthony Llewellyn, Philippa Ditton-Phare, Harsimrat Sandhu, and Marina Vamos. “Hunter New England Training (HNET): How to Effect Culture Change in a Psychiatry Medical Workforce.” Australasian Psychiatry 19, no. 6 (2011): 531–34. doi:10.3109/10398562.2011.603332.
Llewellyn, Anthony, Martin Cohen, and Harsimrat Singh-Sandhu. “Success in Psychiatry Training Programs.” Australasian Psychiatry 21, no. 4 (2013): 412–12. doi:10.1177/1039856213496857.


Dr Christopher Wellard, VMO Psychiatrist and Clinical Director, Maitland Private Hospital
Phone: 0423 386 268

Dr Sally Lambert, VMO Psychiatrist, Maitland Private Hospital
Phone: 0413 093 084