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Dr Anthony Llewellyn

Experienced Consultant Psychiatrist and Executive


I have over 16 years of experience as a Consultant Psychiatrist. And have worked in a number of General and Adult roles, including inpatient and community as well as 9-months running my own private practice in Newcastle. I was most recently engaged working in Psychiatry at the Newcastle Community Mental Health Service up until November 2020.

In an executive capacity, I am currently Managing Director & Co-founder at AdvanceMed, Managing Director of Great Mynds and Advisor / Investor at Med Apps. I am also a Conjoint Senior Lecturer at the University of Newcastle. Previously I was Executive Medical Director at the Health Education & Training Institute of NSW.

I have a Bachelor of Medicine, a Bachelor of Surgery and a Bachelor of Medical Science. I am a Fellow of the Royal Australian and New Zealand College of Psychiatrists. I have a Masters of Health Administration. I am also a graduate of the Australian Institute of Company Directors and have a Certificate in Coaching.

I like to regularly update my clinical experience through short term locum stints.

Recent Experience


Managing Director

AdvanceMed / Great Mynds Pty Ltd

Providing career advice, planning and preparation among postgraduate medical trainees in Australia, created by a group of doctors with a strong interest in transitions in medical training.

  • Clients & Consulting: Over 1000 individual Doctors; Health services; Universities, Specialty colleges; NSW Ministry of Health; Royal Australasian College of Physicians and Royal Australian and New Zealand College of Radiologists.
  • Established careers workshops, development of medical careers coaching business and online learning site, and delivered projects for two medical colleges;
  • Development of a successful YouTube channel with over ~11,000 subscribers and (blog) receives over ~30,000 page views monthly
  • Delivering online training & workshops, including around 700 coaching hours annually.

Conjoint Senior Lecturer (2020 – Present); Senior Lecturer (2016 – 2020)

University of Newcastle
  • Reshaped both the current and future programs with an emphasis on work-readiness and transitioning medical graduates into their next role as trainee doctors and updated the teaching and learning practices to harness the benefits of newer methodologies and pedagogies such as programmatic assessment and workplace-based assessment.
  • Recipient of Teaching Award for establishing various interactive online student-centred programs, including an online syllabus for the psychiatry program and a successful near to peer teaching program conducted via facebook live.
  • Held various Committee Chair and Member positions.
Jul 2021Nov 2021

Senior Staff Specialist

HNE Mental Health, Newcastle Community Mental Health Service

Part Time Role providing consultant level reviews to patients and families and clinical leadership to the multidisciplinary team, including supervision of trainees. 


Director of Prevocational Education & Training

Hunter New England Local Health District
  • Ensured newly graduated doctors were effectively onboarded as Interns and Residents when working in mental health services.
  • Service has full accreditation status for 3 cycles of accreditation and received outstanding achievements and an award from the Health Education and Training Institute.

Executive Medical Director

Health Education & Training Institute of NSW
  • Overhauled the allocation & accreditation of NSW medical interns with close to 1000 intern positions provided on an annual basis.
  • Hosted the ANZMET2014 Forum in the Hunter Valley for over 700 delegates.
  • Completion of the Medical Portfolio Programs Review: Equipping NSW Doctors for Patient-Centred Care.
  • Establishment of the NSW Aboriginal Trainee Doctors Forum (first in Australia).
  • Establishment of Medical Administration & Radiology Training Networks for NSW;
  • Completion of 4 National Intern Audit Cycles for the Council of Australian Governments.
  • Reviewed the HETI Hospital Accreditation Standards - oversaw streamlining of and improved patient safety and contemporary learning outcomes.
  • Publication of the HETI Intern Learning Guide (a curriculum/syllabus for internship).
  • Responsible for the Human Resources Portfolio and Strategic plan with NSW Health and Staff Engagement.
  • Various committee roles as outlined above.

Executive Medical Director Primary and Community / Acting Director Medical Workforce Development (2010 – 2012); Manager of Medical Administration, Mental Health

Hunter New England Local Health District (previously Hunter Area Health Service)

Whilst a trainee with the then Hunter Health I took on senior clinical and administrative roles.

As a Fellow of the College, I took on the vacant Manager of Medical Administration role and would undertake regular short term clinical roles in the service to provide relief and maintain my clinical skills.

  • Secretariat for Medical Dental Appointments Advisory Committee (Senior Medical Appointments Committee) – mandatory Board subcommittee.
  • Ensured newly graduated doctors were effectively onboarded as Interns and Residents when working in mental health services.
  • Gained full accreditation status for 3 cycles of accreditation and received outstanding achievements and an award from the Health Education and Training Institute.
  • Reported to the Chief Executive and Director of Primary and Community Operations for clinical engagement and advice and the HNE Clinical Council on Strategic Matters.
  • Supported the development of a medical workforce of ~2,000 doctors.
  • Reported to the HNE District Board on senior medical hires and appointments.
  • Stabilizing workforce, filling difficult to recruit posts and raising the standard of training to improve on internal growth and development.
  • NSW Health Award Finalist for Workforce Category.


Relevant references are available upon request.