Meadows Mall Game Shop
Won employee of the month 3 times (2 times consecutive). Fastest person to be promoted in the company to manager (68 days).
Innovative Salesperson. I am a young, electrified 17 year old always learning and improving to sell and manage any products available. Works great with others; knows how to properly run a shop on its own too. Have great bonds with people who can contribute to any company in case of any circumstances. On time, never shy to speak up when need to, and empowers every person that stumbles upon.
Won employee of the month 3 times (2 times consecutive). Fastest person to be promoted in the company to manager (68 days).
Successfully self established business. Clients served every single day of the week. Great reviews from past and current clients. Handles any situation with care and precision. Business is expanding from clients which is very appreciated.
Selected from 20 candidates to lead the new development of the U-16 Rising BMC, a young group of age 13 to 16 year old which learns how the company works, getting used to each work area, and how to be successful in the company.
Will graduate as top 30 of the class of 2023. Will receive a white gown. Is taking college credit courses.