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About Brian Pervis


Brian Pervis, DNP, is a dedicated nursing professional committed to teaching, research, and service. As an educator, Brian excels in creating dynamic and engaging learning environments for nursing students, fostering their growth and preparing them for successful careers in healthcare. His teaching philosophy emphasizes critical thinking, evidence-based practice, and compassionate patient care.


In the realm of research, Brian is deeply invested in advancing the nursing field through innovative studies and scholarly work. His research interests include gerontology, critical care, and implementing screening tools to improve patient outcomes. His recent dissertation on the implementation of an Opiate Use Disorder (OUD) Screening Tool in a pain management clinic highlights his dedication to addressing critical issues in healthcare and improving patient safety.


Brian's commitment to service is evident through his active participation in various professional organizations and his contributions to the nursing community. He is passionate about continuous education and professional development, ensuring that he and his colleagues remain at the forefront of nursing practice. Through his combined efforts in teaching, research, and service, Brian Pervis continues to impact the nursing field and the broader healthcare community significantly.


Stone Academy President


Commitment to Excellence Award

  • I was selected as an instructor committed to excellence in my teaching of PN students.

Stone Academy Student


Best Nursing Instructor Award

  • The students voted me as the best instructor of the cohort.

Gateway Community College Students


Pinning Keynote Ceremony Speaker

  • I was selected as the keynote speaker for the 2019 graduating class of RN students.

Engineering & Science University Magnet School


Honorable Keynote Speaker- Cancer and Families Roundtable

Work Experience

Integrative Pain and Psych Care


Family Nurse Practitioner

  • Evaluate patients and documents information in the patient’s chart.
  • Perform physical examination and order and interpret diagnostic tests.
  • Perform advanced nursing interventions as needed.
  • Formulate an assessment of the patient's condition and provides a treatment plan, including writing a prescription(s) and providing ongoing follow-up of the condition. Provide alternative methods of therapy to patients as appropriate.
  • Educate staff, patients and families on healthcare issues and treatments.
  • Manage acute and long-term medical needs of patients in collaboration with other primary care providers and oversee the care needs of patients in the clinical setting.
  • Provide emotional and spiritual support to patients.
  • Provide management of medical emergencies as needs dictate.
  • Ensure appropriate and timely documentation of medical care in the patient’s medical record in compliance with company documentation policies. Identify and correct problems in medical records.
  • Perform additional work functions and duties as assigned.

Excelsior College


Nursing Faculty

The following list outlines the expectations for faculty who agree to serve as instructors and facilitators for an online course for Excelsior College.
1. Adhere to the Excelsior Credo in all interactions with members of the Excelsior College community, including students, staff, and other faculty members.
2. Fulfill all requirements and adhere to all College policies identified in this handbook. Most notably, instructional faculty must be aware of and adhere to the College policies that most directly impact instruction (see Academic Policies and Procedures).
3. Prepare to teach:
a. Review the syllabus, textbooks, and related learning resources and course materials prior to the start of the term.
b. Post a welcome message and introduction in the course discussion area prior to or within the first 24 hours of the course, including information about office hours. Encourage students to post introductions and welcome statements to each other.
c. Conduct a minimum of one regularly scheduled office hour per week using the learning management system or other College-supported synchronous tools. The requirement to schedule office hours can also be met by letting students know that they can be prearranged by appointment.
Office hours are intended to provide students with the ability to communicate with instructors in a real-time, synchronous environment. If the office hours must be cancelled, students should be given advance notice and provided with information concerning alternative office hours.
d. Demonstrate clear understanding of the Course Participation Policy. Review the weekly attendance report, verify their accuracy, handle student requests for excused absences and, if approved, note “Exception” in the learning management system (LMS).
e. Contact students who appear in Early Alert reports to follow up on individual issues around participation or performance and recommend support services as appropriate.
4. Teach and facilitate the course:
a. Respond to all student communications within two calendar days. If a request or concern requires additional time to resolve, please acknowledge receipt of the message within two calendar days. b. Post relevant announcements periodically to address upcoming activities, encourage use of resources and support services, clarify expectations, respond to student concerns, etc.

c. Ideally, log into the course daily. At a minimum, log into the course and engage with students at least 3 different days per week for 15-week courses  and 4 different days per week for 8-week courses, including at least once  during each weekend. Engagement includes posting discussion topics and  responses, posting announcements, sending messages within the LMS,
grading assignments, and posting assignment feedback. Promote discussion board participation by posting substantial responses to selected student postings at least three different days per week. If these minimum engagement requirements cannot be met at any point during the course,  please notify the member of the faculty overseeing the course and the students in advance.

5. Assess student learning:
a. Assess student submissions and interactions promptly and substantively, and intervene as needed.
b. When rubrics are provided, adhere to all rubrics to assess student learning.
c. Provide each student with timely, substantial feedback on assignments that contribute to the final grade.
d. Provide feedback to the class after team summaries have been posted for each discussion assignment.
e. Provide formative feedback to each student midway through the course if not sooner. This evaluation should take the form of an email with
comments based upon the components of all relevant scoring rubrics and work completed to date.
f. Grade all formative assignments within seven calendar days of each assignment due date in 15-week courses and within four calendar days of each assignment due date in 8-week courses, and grade summative work by 5:00 pm Eastern Time on the fifth calendar day after the end of the term.
g. Submit grades in the LMS online grade book and keep the grade book current.
6. Course Wrap-Up and Completion:
a. Grade all final, summative projects and submit final course grades by 5:00 pm Eastern Time on the fifth day after the end of the term.
b. Encourage students to complete the Excelsior College online course evaluation, which is available in all courses 10 days before the end of the term.
c. Complete a faculty course evaluation within one week of the completion of the course term.
d. Stay engaged in the course with any students who have been granted course extensions (incompletes). Be sure to adhere to policy guidelines and timelines.

Southern Connecticut State University


Adjunct Instructor Nursing

  • Be familiar with both the student and faculty manuals.
  • Utilize course syllabus, outlines, and textbooks.
  • Provide students with a copy of the course syllabus, and outlines on the first day of class.
  • Arrive at class prepared with all materials before class.
  • Conduct class in a professional manner. Provide students with a role model, while presenting the subject matter with clear and straightforward language.
  • Use appropriate visual aids, instructional materials, and methods when appropriate.
  • Propose course changes when appropriate.
  • Maintain classroom appearance.
  • Conduct student evaluations promptly.
  • Conduct courses on Blackboard

University of Bridgeport


Adjunct Instructor- Nursing

Under the direction of the Associate Director of Nursing, the person is responsible for:

  • Taught 1-2 clinical sections for undergraduate pre-licensure nursing students each semester
  • Worked with course leader to supervise pre-licensure nursing students in their clinical setting
  • Evaluated students written work
  • Evaluated students clinical performance
  • Participated in on campus lab or simulation activities with their clinical group of students
  • Acted as liaison to clinical agencies
  • Teaching schedule included days, evenings and/or weekends

Stone Academy


Interim Practical Nursing Program Administrator

  • Conduct studies and analyze data concerning the nursing program from students, graduates, faculty and others as appropriate.
  • Provide written recommendations to the Provost to facilitate improvement and change.
  • Coordinate the development and maintenance of academic standards.
  • Develop and evaluate program goals and outcomes and other QCI initiatives.
  • Provide oversight of course outline development, instructional practices, examinations and grading procedures.
  • Evaluate supervisory personnel at least annually in accordance with HR policies and procedures.
  • Have knowledge of the recruiting, interviewing, hiring, training and orienting reporting staff.
  • Create and maintain an environment of mutual respect.
  • Promote professional growth through development programs
  • Encourage and support the development of a variety of teaching and learning techniques to be used by faculty and support staff.
  • Prepare the annual operating PN program budget by campus.
  • Develop and participate in PN and other Stone Academy committees as assigned.
  • Collaborate with Stone Academy personnel to enhance the Academy's environment and programs.
  • Collaborate with educational leaders from the community and other institutions to serve better the Academy and its students.
  • Develop, lead and participate in nursing program strategic planning.
  • Review and present accreditation materials during the approval process.
  • Supervise the acquisition, development and use of learning resource materials.
  • Attend Nursing Board meetings. Enforce all school policies and procedures
  • Attend all required scheduled training: in-service meetings and professional development.
  • Develop and attend committee meetings as appropriate.
  • Complete annual PN operating budget no later than November 30 each year for the coming calendar year.
  • Provide an annual report to the Provost regarding assessment goals, objectives, targets met for the current year and targets set for the future year.
  • Summarize and analyze collaborative efforts with community and other educational leaders in furtherance of Stone Academy's PN program development, training opportunities and placement efforts to the Provost within two weeks after they or their direct reports attend such sessions.

Stone Academy


Nursing Faculty

  • Be familiar with both the student and faculty manuals.
  • Utilize existing course outlines and textbooks.
  • Provide students with a copy of the course outline on the first day of class.
  • Arrive at class prepared with all materials before class.
  • Conduct class in a professional manner, maintain conduct, dress, and order in the classroom always. Provide students with a role model, while presenting the subject matter with clear and straightforward language.
  • Assist with orientation and graduation.
  • Maintain current and accurate attendance/grading records for each class.
  • Use appropriate visual aids, instructional materials, and methods when appropriate.
  • Propose course changes when appropriate.
  • Maintain classroom appearance.
  • Conduct student evaluations promptly.
  • Conduct lab simulations.
  • Conduct clinical courses as assigned.
  • Conduct courses on Blackboard and Canvas

Gateway Community College


Adjunct Nursing Faculty

  • Be familiar with both the student and faculty manuals.
  • Utilize course syllabus, outlines, and textbooks.
  • Provide students with a copy of the course syllabus, and outlines on the first day of class.
  • Arrive at class prepared with all materials before class.
  • Conduct class in a professional manner. Provide students with a role model, while presenting the subject matter with clear and straightforward language.
  • Use appropriate visual aids, instructional materials, and methods when appropriate.
  • Propose course changes when appropriate.
  • Maintain classroom appearance.
  • Conduct student evaluations promptly.
  • Conduct courses on Blackboard

MCA Academy


Health Consultant

  • Provide educational programs and technical assistance to help childcare programs to develop and implement sound health plans and practices.
  • I review and approve health plans and serves as the Health Consultant-of- Record for local child care programs.

NSL Center for Primary Care LLC



  • Evaluate patients and documents information in the patient’s chart.
  • Perform physical examination and order and interpret diagnostic tests.
  • Perform advanced nursing interventions as needed.
  • Formulate an assessment of the patient's condition and provides a treatment plan, including writing a prescription(s) and providing ongoing follow-up of condition. Provide alternative methods of therapy to patients as appropriate.
  • Educate staff, patients and families on healthcare issues and treatments.
  • Manage acute and long-term medical needs of patients in collaboration with other primary care providers and oversee the care needs of patients in the clinical setting.
  • Provide emotional and spiritual support to patients.
  • Provide management of medical emergencies as needs dictate.
  • Ensure appropriate and timely documentation of medical care in the patient’s medical record in compliance with company documentation policies. Identify and correct problems in medical records.
  • Perform additional work functions and duties as assigned.



Advanced Practice Nurse

  • Evaluate patients and documents information in the patient’s chart.
  • Perform physical examination and order and interpret diagnostic tests.
  • Perform advanced nursing interventions as needed.
  • Formulate an assessment of the patient's condition and provides a treatment plan, including writing a prescription(s) and providing ongoing follow-up of condition. Provide alternative methods of therapy to patients as appropriate.
  • Educate staff, patients, and families on healthcare issues and treatments.
  • Manage acute and long-term medical needs of patients in collaboration with other primary care providers and oversee the care needs of patients in the clinical setting.
  • Provide emotional and spiritual support to patients.
  • Provide management of medical emergencies as needs dictate.
  • Ensure appropriate and timely documentation of medical care in the patient’s medical record in compliance with company documentation policies. Identify and correct problems in medical records.
  • Perform additional work functions and duties as assigned.

Paradigm Healthcare


Registered Nurse

  • Responsible for the care of long-term care patients with acute and chronic illnesses with accountability for direct and indirect care.
  • Assumed a leadership role.
  • Served as a resource to staff nurses.
  • Responsible for education of nursing students.
  • Provided patient and family education.

AAA Nursing


Pediatric RN

  • Responsible for managing a caseload of pediatric patients with special needs with accountability for direct and indirect care.
  • Assumed a staff nurse role.
  • Served as a resource to staff nurses.
  • Responsible for education of nursing students.
  • Provided patient and family education.

Total Care Home Care and Nursing Services


Med/Surgical Case Manager

  • Wound Consultant.
  • Provide skilled nursing care to patients on an intermittent basis in their home.
  • Performs duties related supply management.
  • Education of staff nurses.

Stone Academy


Nursing Faculty

  • Teach theory courses, a nursing lab, and clinical and be familiar with both the student and faculty manuals.
  • Utilize existing course outlines and textbooks.
  • Provide students with a copy of the course outline on the first day of class.
  • Arrive at class prepared with all materials before class.
  • Conduct class in a professional manner, maintain conduct, dress, and order in the classroom at all times. Provide students with a role model, while presenting the subject matter with clear and simple language.
  • Assist with orientation and graduation.
  • Maintain current and accurate attendance/grading records for each class.
  • Use appropriate visual aids, instructional materials, and methods when appropriate.
  • Propose course changes when appropriate.
  • Maintain classroom appearance.
  • Curriculum Committee Member.

123 Breathe


Primary Lead CPR Instructor

  • Performing administrative tasks such as maintaining records of the students, documentation, maintaining certificates, etc.
  • Coordinated class schedules
  • Supervised secondary instructors
  • Arranging lectures and customized courses so that students can choose the best suitable option.
  • Preparing instructional areas, i.e., classrooms, dummies, off-site and on-site locations, other equipment and material required for the program.
  • Instructing the students in a motivational way and making lectures interesting for them.

Genesis Healthcare System


Registered Nurse

  • Responsible for managing a caseload of patients with acute pulmonary problems with accountability for direct and indirect care.
  • Assumed a staff nurse role.
  • Served as a resource to staff nurses.
  • Responsible for education of nursing students.
  • Provided patient and family education.

The Nurse Network


Licensed Practical Nurse

  • Shared responsibility and accountability for managing and providing direct and indirect care to a caseload of patients with various disorders.
  • Assumed charge nurse role.
  • Served as a resource to staff nurses.
  • Responsible for education of nursing students.
  • Provided patient and family education.

A and J Personnel


Licensed Practical Nurse

  • Shared responsibility and accountability for managing and providing direct and indirect care to a caseload of patients with various disorders.
  • Assumed charge nurse role.
  • Served as a resource to staff nurses.
  • Responsible for education of nursing students.

Haven Healthcare


Licensed Practical Nurse

  • Shared responsibility and accountability for managing and providing direct and indirect care to a caseload of patients with various disorders.
  • Assumed a charge nurse role.
  • Served as a resource to staff nurses.
  • Responsible for education of nursing students.
  • Provided patient and family education.

Hunters Ambulance


Emergency Medical Technician

  • Assess each call situation to determine best course of action and appropriate protocol.
  • Utilize medical equipment to assess patients and carry out essential life support functions.
  • Develop and utilize triage skills to provide optimal efficiency during calls.
  • Assist paramedic or nurse with the preparation of advanced life support equipment.
  • Provide patient care according to clinical protocols and safety requirements.
  • Lift and move patients as required to provide optimum care.
  • Communicate with receiving facility to receive medical direction and to provide critical information.
  • Communicate with patients and loved ones to provide information and assurance that care is being given, and to show compassion.
  • Act as a team leader and take responsibility for scene management as needed.
  • Drive the ambulance or provide map reading support to minimize call response time.
  • Keep current on certifications.
  • Communicate with dispatcher to receive and understand call data and customer feedback.
  • Monitor and maintain the general condition of the unit, keep it clean and stocked for optimal call response to maintain the image of AMR.
  • Participate in community programs to maintain AMR image and establish strong community relations.
  • Document activities ultimately to ensure appropriate information is available regarding each call.

Yale New Haven Hospital - Saint Raphael Campus


Licensed Practical Nurse

  • Shared responsibility and accountability for managing and providing direct and indirect care to a caseload of patients with bariatric, neurological, ENT, urological and other medical and surgical disorders.
  • Assumed a staff nurse role.
  • Served as a resource to staff nurses.
  • Responsible for education of nursing students.
  • Provided patient and family education.


Yale University School of Management


Executive Education Certificate

Capella University


Doctor of Nursing Practice

  • Capstone: Implementation of an Opiate Use Disorder (OUD) Screening Tool to Reduce Opioid Abuse in a Pain Management Clinic
  • Awards: President List (Fall, Winter, Spring, Summer 2018-2022). 
  • Activities and societies: Omega Gamma Chapter of the STTI Honor Society of Nursing. The National Society of Leadership and Success

Sacred Heart University


Master of Science in Nursing Certificate, Family Nurse Practitioner

  • Awards: Dean’s Leadership Award.
  • Capstone: " Articulating FNP Theory to the Real World of Clinical Practice".
  • Activities and societies: Mu Delta Chapter of the STTI Honor Society of Nursing.

Excelsior College


Master of Science in Nursing, Nursing Education

  • Capstone Project: "Articulating Theory with Clinical and Developing Evidence-Based Evaluation Tools".
  • Activities and societies: Tau Kappa Chapter of the STTI Honor Society of Nursing.

Excelsior College


Bachelor of Science in Liberal Arts, Health Professions

  • Awards: Cum Laude Recognition.

Excelsior College


Associate of Science in Nursing, Registered Nursing

  • Awards: Honors Recognition.

Excelsior College


Associate of Science in Liberal Arts, Health Professions

  • Awards: Honors Recognition.

Gateway Community College


General Studies

  • Awards: Dean List.

New England Technical Institute


Diploma, Practical Nursing

  • Awards: Nurse in Excellence Award.
  • High Honors Award Recognition.

Gateway Community College


Certificate, Emergency Medical Technician

Volunteer Experience

Sigma Theta Tau International Honor Society of Nursing (Tau Kappa)


Membership Committe

  • Cause: Nursing

Sigma Theta Tau International Honor Society of Nursing (Mu Delta)


Awards Member

  • Cause: Nursing

American Society of Pain Management Nursing


Communications Committee

  • Cause: Healthcare

Assessment Technologies Institute


ATI Champion

  • Cause: Nursing Education

American Society of Pain Management Nursing


DEI Committee

  • Cause: DEI

Walden University


Courtesy Clinical Assistant Nursing Professor

  • Cause: Education.

Walden University


Courtesy Clinical Assistant Nursing Professor

  • Cause: Education.

Quinnipiac University


Courtesy Clinical Assistant Nursing Professor

  • Cause: Education.

State of CT Emergency Credentialing Program



  • Cause: Health/humanitarian 

Licenses & Certifications



  • LPN (CT)
  • RN (CT)
  • APRN (CT)
  • RN (NY)
  • RN (TN)

The National Society of Leadership and Success


Executive Leadership Certificate

The National Society of Leadership and Success


Advanced Leadership Certificate

The National Society of Leadership and Success


Foundations of Leadership Certificate 2

The National Society of Leadership and Success


Foundations of Leadership Certificate 1



CDL Examiner

American Nurses Credentialing Center


Gerontological Nursing (RN-BC)

National Alliance of Wound Care & Ostomy® (NAWCO®)


Wound Care Certified

American Academy of Nurse Practitioners Certification Board (AANPCB)



Yale New Haven Hospital


BLS Instructor

Infinitus LLC


Sharp Debridement

Advanced Practice Education Services, LLC


Joint and Trigger Point Injections




American Nurses Credentialing Center


Pain Management

American Society of Pain Management Nurses


Advanced Practice Competency in Pain Management Nursing

Qualified nurses may be recognized as having achieved Advanced Practice Competency in Pain Management Nursing by fulfilling the activity requirements of the Advanced Practice portfolio (AP). Advanced Practice Registered Nurses (NP, CNS, CRNA and CNM) that carry a current Pain Management nursing certification can apply for AP recognition via portfolio. Successful applicants earn the credential AP-PMN and can use the distinction to highlight their competency of this focused practice designation.

Publications and Presentations

Implementation of an Opiate Use Disorder (OUD) Screening Tool to Reduce Opioid Abuse in a Pain Management Clinic


The Virginia Henderson Global Nursing e-Repository

CT APRN Society (Invited)


Invited Abstract Presentation: Implementation of an Opiate Use Disorder (OUD) Screening Tool to Reduce Opioid Abuse in a Pain Management Clinic

AHRQ Online Journal and Forum on Patient Safety and Health Care Quality


Neglect of the Morbid Obese Population in Long Term Care

Contemporary Forums (Emerging Technologies in Nursing Education)


Invited Abstract Presentation: Articulating Theory to Clinical

Membership Organizations

  • CT APRN Society
  • National League for Nursing
  • American Nurses Association
  • Connecticut Nurses Association
  • Sigma Theta Tau International Honor Society of Nursing
  • International Association for the Study of Pain
  • American Association of Nurse Practitioners
  • National Black Nurse Practitioner Association
  • American Society for Pain Management Nursing
  • American Professional Wound Care Association
  • Organization for Associate Degree Nursing


Pain Management
Wound Care
Clinical Research
Nursing Education
Wound Care Certified by National Alliance of Wound Care Board
Basic Life Support Instructor by American Heart Association

Teaching Statement

My philosophy of nursing education is that all nursing students deserve a quality education and are unique and need an inspiring learning atmosphere where they can grow in their knowledge, values, and skills. I desire to design this kind of environment where students can maximize their full capability. I will provide a protected environment where nursing students can communicate their thoughts and take chances.

I believe that there are vital parts that are helpful to nursing education. 

  • The educator's responsibility is to act as a leader. 
  • Learners need access to practical nursing activities. 
  • Learners need options and allow their inquisitiveness to lead their scholarship. 
  • Learners crave the prospect of applying skills in clinical practice. 
  • Innovation must be integrated into the lesson plans.