Singing (musical, pop), tap dancing (intermediate), beginner acoustic guitar, great at improv, quick to learn choreography/dance, timely memorization, downhill skiing, video gaming, comic books, member of Thespian Troupe #5774
To pursue musical theatre with passion.
professional Theatre
Matilda The Musical Nigel Sasquatch Productions August Stoten
community/educational theatre
Grease Doody ThunderRidge Theatre Kylene Hurley
Aladdin, Jr. Aladdin Front Range Theatre Kiera Sweeney
Madagascar Jr. Marty Headstrong Theatre Laurilea McDaniel
Taming of the Shrew Hortensio ThunderRidge Theatre Kylene Hurley
School of Rock Lawrence Front Range Theatre Kiera Sweeney
The Little Mermaid Flounder ThunderRidge Theatre Kylene Hurley
Fame The Musical Schlomo Front Range Theatre Ty Eatherton
WCKY Speedy ThunderRidge Theatre Kylene Hurley
Shrek The Musical Pinocchio Front Range Theatre Barb Dignan
Shrek The Musical Gingerbread Man ThunderRidge Theatre Kylene Hurley
Exhibit This Spanish Singer, swing ThunderRidge Theatre Kylene Hurley
Clue, The Play FBI agent, u/s Prof Plum ThunderRidge Theatre Kylene Hurley
9 to 5 Cop, ensemble ThunderRidge Theatre Kylene Hurley
special engagements
Future is Bright Cabaret Group Performer Parker Performing Arts
Front Range Theatre Cabaret Solo & Duet Denver Clock Tower
National Youth Arts Award Lawrence, School of Rock Outstanding Featured Actor
Junior Theatre Festival West Marty, Madagascar Jr. Festival All Star
National Youth Arts Nominee Marty, Madagascar Jr. Outstanding Lead Actor
Colorado Thespian Conference Improv Team Mainstage Callback, Superior Ratings
Colorado Thespian Conference Solo & Imrov Team Overall Superior Ratings