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Carlos Granados

Top Notch Senior Developer


Carlos has been developing software for more than 30 years,  having led teams of up to 20 developers and working with many different technologies. He spent the first part of his career developing video-games (which is one of the hardest development jobs!). In the most recent years he has been working as a full stack engineer, with a great emphasis on PHP and Symfony. He also has a lot of experience in C/C++ and the development of PHP extensions.

Work experience


Lead Backend Engineer

WizAI GmbH

Led the backend team of 4 engineers, working on a PHP code base with Symfony, interfacing to an Angular frontend. Implemented a testing infrastructure and a CI pipeline. Upgraded the code base from Symfony 3 and PHP 7.2 to Symfony 7 and PHP 8.3. Technologies used: PHP, Symfony, NodeJS, Angular, MySQL, Docker, Behat, GitLab, Cypress.

March 2021Present

CTO and Founder


Developed FastDebug, a drop-in replacement for Xdebug (PHP's main debugging tool) which is fully compatible yet it is much, much faster. FastDebug is currently in private beta and will be commercially launched some time next year. More information here:
Technologies used: C++, PHP, Laravel, Docker

Nov 2015July 2023

Software Team Manager / SRE Team Leader

i6 Systems Ltd

Joined the company as the third developer on board and helped it grow to a multi million business providing services to more than 100 airports around the world. Initially joined the company as Senior full stack developer and soon was promoted to Software Team Manager, where he led the whole development team (while continuing to act as a senior developer) until the end of 2018 when it became evident that he could not continue performing both roles as the team was growing very fast, the team was about 20 people strong when he changed roles. he then moved on to lead the SRE team where they make sure that the site is running smoothly and without any glitches. His current team is 6 people strong. He has also helped implement a fully automated QA/CI/CD process. Technologies used: PHP, Symfony, NodeJS, Ractive, React, MongoDb, Android, Java, Kotlin, Google Cloud, Docker, Behat, CircleCI, Cypress, Selenium IDE, Kubernetes.

Nov 2011Nov 2015

CTO and founder

Clippingbook Inc

Co-founded and led the development of, the visual search engine. Technologies used: PHP, Symfony, MySQL, Amazon AWS, Redis, Varnish, REST, HTML5, AngularJS, Behat, Protractor. Led a development team of four persons (two backend, two frontend). Developed the initial concept for the service and coordinated all development with marketing and management teams.

Jun 2013Present

CTO and founder


Co-founded and led the development of,  a platform which connects authors and translators, allowing them to publish their translated books globally. Technologies used: PHP, Symfony, MySQL, Amazon AWS

Apr 2013May 2014

Backend and Mobile developer

Atmósferica S.L.

Developed the backend service and the mobile apps (iOS, Android) for the spanish weather information site Technologies used: PHP, Symfony, MySQL, Amazon AWS, REST, iOS, Android, Java

May 2011Oct 2011


Totombola S.L.

Developed all the software (backend, frontend) for this site dedicated to online raffles. Technologies used: PHP, MySQL, HTML5. Also helped the CEO develop a sound strategy for the launch of this online service.

Dec 2005Apr 2011

CEO and founder

Buenas Ideas en Acción S.L.

The main activity of this company was the development and launch in Spain and France of the online store, dedicated to the sale of original, cool, novel and fun presents. Played the following roles during the development, launch and growth of this store:

• Choosing and implementing the underlying software infrastructure (using PHP, MySQL and OS-Commerce)
• Choosing and implementing the underlying hosting infrastructure
• Implementing all CRM and Customer Service procedures
• Implementing all logistic procedures
• Product selection. Relationships with providers in Spain, France, UK, Germany and USA
• Product acquisition. Imports and customs.
• Development of brand image
• Implementation of a marketing strategy, both offline and online
• Search Engine Optimization (SEO)
• Search Engine Marketing (SEM)
• Affiliate Marketing
• Newsletters and email marketing
• Social Networks (Facebook and Twitter)
• Relationships with the press.

This has provided an outstanding experience and knowledge in all aspects of e-commerce.

Jun 2002Nov 2005

Technical Adviser to the Commercial Director and founder

Gaelco Móviles S.L

In this company dedicated to the development and distribution of mobile games, acted as a liaison between the commercial team and the technical team, making sure that all development followed the rules set up by the commercial department and leading the QA team that ensured that the games worked throughout the whole range of available handsets. Technologies used: Symbian, J2ME, InFusio, iMode. Also did a lot of commercial work and maintained the relationships with many different network operators like Movistar, Vodafone, Orange, TIM or T-Mobile.

Oct 1989May 2002

CTO and founder

Zigurat Software S.L.

In this company dedicated to the development of videogames for personal computers, consoles and arcade machines, led teams of up to 10 videogame developers, working in the development of more than 20 software titles. Technologies used: assembler, C, C++



Working with PHP since 2005, having developed several web applications with a high level of complexity.


Recognized as one of the leading experts in Spain. Ranked as one of the top 20 all time Symfony2 answeres at Stackoverflow. Invited several times to give talks about this framework (see portfolio)

Bug investigation and fixing

30 years of experience catching some of the nastiest bugs you can think of!

BDD and automated testing

Developed two full E2E testing platforms following BDD concepts, using Behat for the backend and Protractor and Cypress for the frontend


5-year experince in all aspects of e-Commerce: site development, logistics, marketing, etc...


Developed several internal API services for webs like, or our current offering at i6 Systems. Also developed code to interact with external API services like Facebook, Bing search, Twitter or Google Maps

Game development

Spent more than 20 years building videogames


Implemented the database structure for several applications, including all the replication and server infrastructure. Optimized all SQL queries for a service handling millions of data points and hundreds of thousands of visits

Continuous integration and deployment

Developed full CI pipelines using Snap CI and CircleCI and CD pipelines using Google Cloud and Kubernetes


Been using it as the database source for his current job since 2016. Regularly perform complex queries to debug issues in the platform. Written several tools to manage the database


Been using it for all development and deployments in his current job. Built several custom images and used them for CI and CD


Used it to develop more than 20 games. Now renewed his knowledge with the development of the FastDebug tool


Used it for small projects, including the website


Used it to develop the frontend side of several web applications since 2005


Led the development of all the frontend of using this Javascript framework

Google Cloud

All the software of his current platform is deployed to Google Cloud. They use a lot of their services: Container Engine, StackDriver, Cloud Logging, Cloud Builder, Cloud Functions, BigQuery... He regularly interacts with all these services

Amazon AWS

Designed and implemented all the backend infrastructure used by, using Amazon services like EC2, RDS and Elastick Beanstalk

Linux server admin

Administered several Linux machines using a full LAMP stack


Implemented a backend pipeline to handle several tasks related to the frontend like CSS optimization, JS minimization anc BDD testing. Worked on the implementation of a full REST API using NodeJS and Express


Led a team of 4 developers using Scrum metodologies implemented with the help of Pivotal Tracker. Participated in developing the Scrum strategy for 20 strong team working closely with the Scrum Master and using Jira and Confluence as their main tools

Mobile development (IOS, Android)

Developed several apps using ObjectiveC, XCode, Java and Android Studio. Used to be very knowledgeable but have not done a lot of mobile development lately, so lacking some knowledge about the latest tools


Implemeted a caching strategy for the most used queries in using Redis


Helped with the transition of the i6 Systems platform from Ractive to React


Used it to develop some interactive services


Used it for moblie development (Android, J2ME)


Sep 1983Jun 1988

BS in Physics

UAM Madrid

Specialization in Advanced Solid State Physics


Jun 2012Present

SensioLabs Certified Symfony Developer (Expert)


One of the first 100 persons to get this certification.


Portfolio: OPEN SOURCE

- Developed a library to use PHP Attributes instead of Annotations for Static Analysis
- Lots of improvements for RectorPHP, including some changes that improved Rector's performance by 20-30% 


Portfolio: PHP TALKS


The visual search engine. Build beautiful online books from your online searches. Led all development of this site (this site is not available currently)


Marketplace for translators and authors. Developed all website (frontend and backend)


Spanish weather information site. Developed all backend and mobile apps


Spanish: native

English: fluent


He is an avid reader and a cinema lover. 
He enjoys travelling around the world and has been to many different countries.  He owns an American motorhome that he uses to travel around Europe.
He loves sailing and anything related to the sea. He also loves snowboarding
He is a very good cook, his specialty is any Spanish rice dish like paella or arroz negro.