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Work experience

Nov 2018Present
Acklen Avenue

Technical Lead

As a Technical Lead, I work alongside leadership and developers in defining the initial architecture for new software development projects. I work alongside developers coaching and mentoring them in a variety of subjects like Agile and Design Patterns amongst others, aiming at leveling up the hard and soft skills required to do their jobs. 

May 2015Nov 2018
Instituto de Previsión Militar

Division Chief of Enterprise Systems

I am in charge of coordinating the work being done by the departments of IT, Business Process and Quality with the head of each department, making sure that the work being done is in alignment with the business goals of the Institute.

Instituto de Previsión Militar

Programmer / DBA

I was in charge of developing various software applications so cover the needs of the different departments and sections of the Institute. At the same time I was in charge of managing the clients database ensuring they where always up and accesible to the end users.

Fundación para el Desarrollo de Hondruas (FUNED)


I worked as the lead .Net developer for FUNED and created various applications to cover the shortcomings of the ERP used in the Foundation.


I am a coder at heart ever since I got my hands on my first programming language (QBasic) at the tender age of 10, fast forward 23 years and I am now at the head of an IT Division but I have never lost my passion for software development. I am always taking courses and reading about software development trying to keep up with the latest trends and technologies. 

I am also an amateur graphic designer and I love games, that is what got me interested in coding and software development. I would love some day to work on my own video game that would make me a ton of money and let me make games as a living. 



Master in Information Technologies Management

Currently working towards my masters degree.

Universidad Tecnológica Centroamericana (UNITEC)

Computer Systems Engineering

It's basically a B.Sc. in Computer Sciences, heavily oriented to software design and development.

International School, Tegucigalpa

High School / Bachelor in Science and Letters


SQL and Databases

I have a vast experience working with the SQL Language and with various database management systems like SQL Server, Oracle, DB2 and Sybase. 


I started out programming when I was 10 years old and never stopped, I can easily pick up a programming language in a few days and leverage my 20+ years of experience to solve problems and deliver solutions that are cost-effective and fast. 

I have written software on the following programming languages and frameworks throughout my carrer:

- Javascript               - React

- C++                           - C#

- VB 6.0                      - VB .Net

- Java                         - PHP

- VBA                          - RPG IV

Graphic Design

I love to draw and I have passing skills with Photoshop, Adobe Lightroom on the 2D side and I have experience though not so vast with 3Ds Max, Maya, MudBox and Z Brush