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Work Experience


Taking care of my dogs

My House
  • Feeding them daily
  • Taking them on frequent walks
  • Taking them outside when needing
  • Filling up their water bowl
  • Cutting their nails


Fall 2020Current

Junior High Student

Fall 2017Spring 2020

Elementary Student

Shady Oaks Elementary

Straight A Student


Professional Communication Certifications

I have the ability to professionally communicate in the work world after taking these courses.

Managing Tasks

I am excellent at managing multiple tasks back to back, I can create a set schedule and turn everything in on time even when things get out of order.

Other SKills

  • I'm in my schools student council and participate in events
  • I'm working towards becoming an official Texas thespian by attending our frequent meetings and auditioning for plays
  • I have A honor roll or AB honor roll every six weeks
  • I'm part of National Junior Honor Society