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I currently lead the development and assist in the  commercialisation of ammonium nitrate based products for the South Africa  explosives market. This includes the safety evaluation of emulsion products according to the United Nations tests and criteria. Products are developed according to the market requirements on a laboratory scale and then scaled up for plant production and customer trials. 

I partake in risk assessments, incident investigations, HAZOPs and PDAs as a subject matter expert on emulsion explosives. Our team investigates customer complaints and determine the failure mode and corrective actions.



Bachelor of Science in Dental Hygiene

University of Michigan School of Dentistry

About Me

I am a 37 year old male who grew up on a farm in the Northern Cape. I am a practical person and enjoy working on projects around the house such as building engines, welding and growing vegetables. I relish spending time in the outdoors with my wife and kids and enjoy being active. When I have the time, I enjoy riding off road motor cycles and partaking in open water swimming events.