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Work experience


Account Management - Global Compliance

Ernst & Young, Frankfurt a.M., Germany
  • Actualized and analyzed a wide variety of documents in order to render comparative dialectics, providing professional commentary, when requested from consultants and internal management.
  • Integrated and assessed information filtering from outside sources to internal databases, including mandates’ information and correspondent files.
  • Gathered and allocated data in order to generate monthly reports and invoices for external partners, utilizing the full extent of various communication resources and MS Office software programs.

Project Management - E-commerce Europe

DHL Global Headquarters, Bonn, Germany
  • Reviewed and optimized project processes for “DHL Easy Return” products in cross-border e-commerce; exposed and resolved problem cases, as well as enriched and strengthened weak sources of information.
  • Controlled and coordinated traffic between departments of production, IT, and the European Sales & Customer Service Units, optimizing communication pathways, and improving overall product value.
  • Employed statistical and quantitative methods in order to analyze and evaluate current operating performance to maximize overall product quality.
  • Quickly became proficient in policies and functions regarding particular aspects of SAP, the governing database of customers and sales units; consequently developed documented procedures that enhanced the transparency of complicated tasks involving SAP and other relevant internal management tools.
  • Generated critical evaluation architecture from customer-oriented platforms to be used in conducting sanity tests through HP Quality Center, resulting numerous platform-specific improvements and efficiencies.

Marketing - DHL Global Mail Europe

DHL Global Headquarters, Bonn, Germany
  • Performed market research using both primary and secondary sources in order to obtain trends and statuses of B2B e-commerce in China based on statistical, industry, and corporate information.
  • Conducted market research project “B2C E-commerce Europe” on market entry strategies in sixteen countries across Europe.
  • Integrated current and arising changes in the Salesforce, as well as in external agencies, into existing dialogue-marketing projects (e.g. e-newsletters) for European customers from ten different countries in seven varying languages.
  • Fore-fronted the active and comprehensive collection of information from disparate e-commerce exhibition sources,  provided the coordinated results to marketing campaigns.
  • Organized presentations and prepared materials for teleconferences amongst European Sales Units.

Packaging Development

Henkel Asia Pacific & China Headquarters, Shanghai, P.R. China
  • Actively sought out numerous packaging suppliers in the Asia-Pacific area, Europe, and the USA; ascertained the dimensions and dynamics of what each supplier could perform at as far as cost and production are concerned; concisely reported findings to successfully influence project development.



M.Sc. in Management

Frankfurt School of Finance & Management, Frankfurt a.M., Germany
  • Full Scholarship from Frankfurt School
  • GPA: 1.8 (85/100, top 20%)
  • Relevant Courses: Statistics (1.0), Marketing (1.0), Industry Practice (1.1), Strategic Management, etc.

B.A. in German Literature

Tongji University, Shanghai, P.R. China
  • Graduation with distinction, GPA: 4.55/5 ( top 5%)
  • Tongji University-Aiming for the Top Scholarship (2007, 2009, and 2010)

Exchange Program, German Literature

University of Bonn, Bonn, Germany

Extracurricular Activities & Achievements


Expo 2012 Volunteer, German-English-Chinese interpreter, Shanghai, China


President of Tongji Philharmonic Association

  • Expanded membership from 50 to over 500 within one year (became the biggest student organization in Tongji University) and earned Star Student Association title for two consecutive years.
  • Established and maintained partnerships with Shanghai Concert Hall, Shanghai Oriental Art Center, Shanghai Symphony Orchestra, YAMAHA Ltd, etc. and developed the association to be the most influential independent student organization in Shanghai.

Outstanding Cadre of Student Association, Tongji University

Language & Computer Skills

Language Skills:                         English      Fluent (spoken and written)

                                                          German    Fluent (spoken and written)

                                                          Chinese    Native

Computer Skills:                         Proficient in: MS-Office (Excel, PowerPoint, Word)

                                                          VBA, SAP, SQL, Salesforce, HP Quality Center, Google AdWords

Other:                                              Six Sigma Yellow Belt

Interests & Hobbies

Classical music, Fashion, Cuisine

Adventure Travel (Backpacker through 11 countries and over 40 cities in Southeast Asia and Europe in a year)