School of Human Resource Education and Workforce Development
Delta Pi Epsilon Outstanding Dissertation Award
Delta Pi Epsilon Outstanding Dissertation Award
Concentration: Human Resources \ Labor Relations
Graduated Cum Laude
Department of Educational Leadership and Workforce Development
Presented and published based on this engagement
Provided leadership for transition of organization to ACTE New and Related Service Division for sustainability
Serving as Ambassador at-large
Raised funds to support 2023 conference
Department of Educational Leadership, Policy, and Human Development
Educational Leadership, Policy, and Human Development, Ph.D. Concentration
Community College Leadership Ed.D.
Masters in Training and Development and 5 Graduate Certificates in Technology, Instructional Design, and Teaching
Department of Retailing
Department of Retailing
Department of Human Resource Education
Office of Community College Leadership and Research
National Research Center for Career and Technical Education
Department of Information Systems and Operations Management
Department of Business Education
Taught courses, conducted research, and served as assistant on editing journal
Taught web design, C++, Basic, and Visual Basic - Advisor for FBLA
University of Pittsburgh, Instructor, Dual Enrollment, Computer Science
PI on sub award to ODU to evaluate NC Certified Career Pathways
PI on new award to continue Postsecondary CTE Fellows at Old Dominion University
PI on grant to explore the employment and labor market outcomes for those that participated in NC career pathways.
PI on project that supports research project for collaborative fellows
Co-pi on project with colleagues from University of Michigan and University of Tennessee
PI on grant with roles including project management, as well as, leading the professional development of the Postsecondary CTE institutes and training. This project will support postdoctoral, dissertation, and doctoral research fellows. The project builds on the previous 2.3 million dollar grant.
PI on project that supports research project for collaborative fellows
PI on grant that funded ECMC Fellows to attend the Career and Technical Education Leadership Collaborative
Co-PI on this project supporting the research design and development
PI on grant that funded ECMC Fellows to attend the Career and Technical Education Leadership Collaborative
PI on project that provided support to move CTE courses online
PI on grant including project management, as well as, leading the professional development of the Postsecondary CTE institutes and training. This project will support between postdoctoral, dissertation, and doctoral fellows.
Co- PI on grant that created the Belk Center for Community College Leadership and Research and served as Director of Academic Programs
PI to develop continuous improve in communication and marketing
My role co-pi on this planning grant. I lead the planning for the graduate education aspect of the grant. The project of this grant was an application for a 10.8 Million dollar grant.
My role as Co-PI on this project was integrating curriculum based on the Aspen prize into the classroom, disseminate findings, participate in site visits, and evaluate impact on cohort program.
Role in project was module management, development, and implementation of the online training program.
Research associate with of developing and leading training on instructional techniques and evaluation.
Provided gift-in-kind software access.
PI on research grant to serve need of college prior to Olympics.
PI on research grant to serve need of college prior to Olympics.
Co-PI and lead project design and data collection
PI on small research project.
Research associate that developed paper for national CTE convening that was part of 5 paper series.
Co-PI and lead project design and data collection
Co-PI role and lead the research project, collected data, wrote the report, and co-presented the findings.
PI on competitive research funding that explored self-directed learning.
Ideas to Action, Human-Centered Design, Innovation, Storytelling, Creativity
College of Hospitality, Sport, and Retail Management
Society of Human Resource Management Learning System
NCES Large-Scale Education Data Sets
Instructional Office Technologies and Data Processing grades 7-12
Community College / Higher Education
Research Methods
Business Education/CTE/HRD
Over 10,500 Google Scholar Citations
Under Review and In Process
Bartlett, J. E., II, Bartlett, M. E., & Dolfi, J. (in process). Strengthening postsecondary CTE researchers through research methods webinars. Journal of Career and Technical Education.
D'Antonio, N., Bartlett, J. E., II, & Bartlett, M. E. (in process). From potential to professional: Uncovering why business leaders turn to community colleges for talent development. Community College Review.
Atwell, A. & Bartlett, J. E., (under review ). The rise of labor market data centers: Exploring how community colleges are leveraging labor market data in workforce education.
Bartlett, J. E. & Bartlett, M. (in progress, drafting manuscript already presented). CTE teacher shortages: Exploring perceptions field from narratives.
Bartlett, J. E. Bartlett, M., & Bohlig, M. (in progress, drafting manuscript already presented). The multifaceted role of CTE instructors: Exploring novice and expert instructors. Presented at CSCC 2023.
Gray, J & Bartlett, J. E. (in progress, drafting manuscript). Postsecondary welding instructors perceptions of teaching welding safety.
Bloemeke, S. & Bartlett, J. E. (in progress, drafting manuscript). From training to transfer: Deciphering the role of expectancy-value motivation and schema generalization in workplace learning.
Antonides, K. & Bartlett, J. E. (in progress, dissertation defended). Factors influencing dual enrollment students’ participation and non-matriculation in community college career and technical education pathways.
Publications Accepted
Bartlett, J. E., II, & Bartlett, M. E. (accepted). The role of curriculum in full-time job postings for postsecondary career and technical education faculty: A document analysis. The Journal of Research in Technical Careers.
Bartlett, J. E., II, & Bartlett, M. E. (accepted with revisions). Partnerships establishing and sustaining high-quality youth pre-apprenticeship: Exploring key roles and skills. Career and Technical Education Research.
Journal Articles
Bartlett, J. E., II, & Bartlett, M. E., Hensley, B, & Alston, S. (2024, in press for October). Strategies for talent development, Techniques, 99(7) xx - xx.
D'Antonio, N., Bartlett, J. E., II, & Bartlett, M. E. (2024). From potential to professional: Uncovering why business leaders turn to community colleges for talent development. Journal of Applied Research in Community Colleges, 31(2), 3-17.
Bartlett, M. E., Bartlett, J. E., II, & Williams, M. (2024). Insights for online program administrators from PhD learners' summer institute residency experiences. Online Journal of Distance Learning Administration.
Bartlett, J. E., II, & Bartlett, M. E. (2023, September). Research to advance the field. Techniques, 98(6), 34-38
Bartlett, M. E. & Bartlett, II, J. E. (2023, December). Using Q methodology for distance program marketing and recruitment. Online Journal of Distance Learning Administration, 26(4).
Timuș, N., Bartlett, M., Bartlett, J., Ehrlich, S. and Babutsidze, Z. (2023, July 29) Fostering inclusive higher education through universal design for learning and inclusive pedagogy – EU and US faculty perceptions, Higher Education Research & Development. DOI: 10.1080/07294360.2023.2234314
Bartlett, M. E., & Bartlett, J. E., II (2022, March 08). [Book Review] Creating entrepreneurial community colleges: A design thinking approach, by C. B. Kisker. Teachers College Record. Found at
Maldonado, L. G., Dolfi, J. J., Bartlett, J. E., & Bartlett, M. E. (2021). Forward Momentum: Providing Supportive Space for EdD Students' Dissertation Progression through Weekly Online Writing Sessions. Impacting Education: Journal on Transforming Professional Practice, 6(3), 13-20.
Bartlett, J. E., Bartlett, M. E., Dolfi, J. J., Jaeger, A. J., & Chapman, D. D. (2018). Redesigning the Education Doctorate for Community College Leaders: Generation, Transformation, and Use of Professional Knowledge and Practice. Impacting Education: Journal on Transforming Professional Practice, 3(2).
Bartlett, M. E., Han, W., & Bartlett, J.E. (2018). Perceptions of Mainland Chinese Students Toward Obtaining Higher Education in the United States. Journal of International Students, May-August 2018~ Volume 8 Number 2, 8(2), 623-637.
Frye, B. & Bartlett, J. E. (2017). Performing The PSM Analysis: An Applied Example. Journal of Applied Research in the Community College, 24(1), 43-58.
Bartlett, M. E., Bartlett, J. E. (2016). Case Study on the Impact of Technology on Incivility in Higher Education. Journal of Educators Online.
Warren, C., Bartlett, J. E. (2015). Community Colleges and Behavioral Intervention Teams: A Study of North Carolina Community Colleges. The Journal of Campus Behavioral Intervention, 3, 42-47.
Broadhurst, C. J., & Bartlett, J. E. (2014). A history of the community college internship program at North Carolina State University. Community College Journal of Research and Practice, 38(6), 564-574.
Bartlett II, J. E., Boylan, R. V., & Hale, J. E. (2014). Executive coaching: An integrative literature review. Journal of Human Resource and Sustainability Studies, 2(04), 188.
Whicker, S. A., Narayan, A. P., McGann, K. A., & Bartlett, J. E. (2013). Do You See What I See? The use of guided reflection to enhance resident self-assessment. Academic Pediatrics, 13(4), e4-e5.
Bartlett, J. & Bartlett, M. (2011). Workplace bullying: an integrative literature review. Advances in Human Resource Development, 13(1), 69-84. Google Scholar Cite by 106.
Bartlett, J. E. II. (2008) Instructional technologies in human resource development: impact, models, and changes. International Journal of Instructional Technology and Distance Learning, 5(3), available online at
Bartlett, J. E. II & Bartlett, M. E., Reio, T. (2008). Analysis of non-response bias in business education research. Delta Pi Epsilon Journal, L(1), 45-58.
Bartlett, J.E., II. (2006). Advances in coaching practices: A humanistic approach to coach and client roles. Journal of Business Research, 60(1), 91-93. Google Scholar Cite by 20.
Cardon, P. W., & Bartlett, II, J. E. (2006). Evaluation of cross-cultural training: Application of a human resource development model. Workforce Education Forum, 33(2), 19-32.
Bartlett, J.E., II, & Bartlett, M.E. (2006). Teaching American Students: A Guide for International Faculty and Teaching Assistants in Colleges and Universities. Education Review, 9, available at
Bartlett, J.E., II. (2005). A National analysis of computer and information sciences faculty workloads: Examining teaching, research, service, and administration. Journal of College Teaching and Learning, 2(7), 51-59.
Bartlett, J. E., II, Mupinga, D., & Higgins, C. (2004). Grant writing for middle school educators using the internet and computer technology. The Clearing House, 74(2), 127-130.
Bartlett, J. E., II, (2003). Conducting research in organizational systems. Information, Technology, Learning, and Performance Journal, 21(1) 1.
Bartlett, J.E., II. (2003). Preparing, licensing, and certifying postsecondary career and technical educators. Journal of Vocational Education Research, 27(1), 105-125. Google Scholar cited by 28.
Alexander, M. W., Bartlett, J. E., II, & Wiggins, J. (2002). Lifelong learning practices of administrative professionals: The influence of personal factors. Journal of Education and Training.
Bartlett, J. E., II. (2002). Community college roles in teacher preparation. Updates On Research and Leadership(2), 13-15.
Bartlett, J. E., II, Kotrlik, J. W., Higgins, C. & Williams, H. (2002). Analysis of factors associated with research productivity of business educators. NABTE Review, 29, 26-32.
Alexander, M., Truell, A. & Bartlett, J. E., II. (2002). Students' perceptions of online testing. Delta Pi Epsilon Journal, 44(1), 59-68.
Bartlett, J. E., II. (2002). Analysis of motivational orientation and learning strategies of high school business students. Business Education Forum [NABTE Review], 56(4), 18-23. Google Scholar cited by 12.
Kotrlik, J. W., Bartlett, J. E., II, Higgins, C. & Williams, H. (2002). Factors associated with research productivity of agricultural education faculty. Journal of Agricultural Education, 43(3), 1-10. Google Scholar cited by 74.
Truell, A., Bartlett, J. E., II, & Alexander, M. W. (2002). Response rate, speed, and completeness: A comparison of Internet based and mail surveys. Behavior Research Methods, Instruments, and Computers, 34(1), 46-50. Google Scholar cited by 184.
Bartlett, J. E., II. (2001). Analysis of motivation and perceptions toward learning of high school business education students. WBE Journal, 50(1), 23-27.
Alexander, M. W., Bartlett, J. E., II, Truell, A., & Ouwenga, K. (2001). Testing in a computer technology course: An investigation of equivalency in performance between online and paper and pencil methods. Journal of Career and Technical Education,18(1), 69-80.
Alexander, M, Ober, S., Truell, A., & Bartlett, J. E., II. (2001). Assessing computer keyboarding techniques: Observation versus self-evaluation. KBEA Journal, 22, 10-16.
Bartlett, J. E., II, & Kotrlik, J. W. (2001). Analysis of the use of learning resources and self-directed learning by secondary Pennsylvania business educators [2001 Delta Pi Epsilon Doctoral Research Award]. Delta Pi Epsilon Journal, 43(3), 123-36.
Bartlett, J. E. and Mansfield, J. (2001). Eye of the future: Research directions for business educators. Management of the Business Classroom: 2001 National Business Education Association Yearbook, 39, 197-206.
Bartlett, J. E., II, Kotrlik, J. W., & Higgins, C. (2001). Organizational research: Determining appropriate sample size for survey research. Information Technology, Learning, and Performance Journal, 19(1), 43-50. Google Scholar Cite 2301.
Truell, A., & Bartlett, J. E., II (2001). Integrating the internet in entrepreneurship: Developing critical thinking skills. Business Education Forum, 55(3), 40-43.
Bartlett, J. E., II, Mupinga, D., & Higgins, C. (2001). Grant writing for middle school educators using the internet and computer technology. The Clearing House, 74(2), 127-130.
Bartlett, J. E., II, & Kotrlik, J. W. (2000). Analysis of self-directed learning in secondary business educators. NABTE Review, 27, 28-33.
Bartlett, J. E., II, Melody, W. A., & Reynolds, K. A. (2000). InQsit: A tool for online testing. Journal of Online Learning, 11(4), 22-24.
Bartlett, J. E., II, Mupinga, D., & Higgins, C. (2000). Introduction to grant writing using technology. Voices in the Field: Journal of the National High School Association, 2(2), 43-46.
Davis, R. & Bartlett, J. E., II. (2000). Analysis of critical issues in marking education as perceived by marketing educators. Ohio Business Technology Educator, 59, 36-50.
McDonald, M., & Bartlett, J. E., II (2000). Comparison of web-based and traditional delivery methods in a business communications unit. Delta Pi Epsilon Journal,42(2), 90-100.
Bartlett, J. E., II, & Kotrlik, J. W. (1999). The development of a self-directed learning instrument for use in work environments. Journal of Vocational Education Research, 24(4), 185-208. Google Scholar cited by 40.
Moore, W. M., & Bartlett, J. E., II (1999). Using portfolios in business education. Delaware Journal of Business Education, 15, 20-25.
Bartlett, J. E., II (1998). Using intranets in business education. Integrating the Internet into the Business Curriculum: 1998 National Business Education Association Yearbook, 36, 139-147.
Bartlett, J. E., II, & Moore, W. A. (1998). Using the internet as a resource tool for secondary teachers and students. Voices in the Field: Journal of the National High School Association, 1 (1), 18-22.
Book Chapters
Bartlett, J. & D'Antonio, N. (2024). Digital badging for postsecondary CTE faculty development The. In Chapman, D. & Bartlett, M. Faculty Development on a Shoestring Budget. IAP, 2023.
Frye, B., Smith, K. & Bartlett, J. (2013). The propensity to avoid developmental math in community college: A focus on minority students. In Palmer, Robert T., and J. Luke Wood, eds. Community colleges and STEM: Examining underrepresented racial and ethnic minorities. Routledge, 2013.
Bartlett, J. E., II (2011). [Contributor]. In J. W. Collins & N. P. O'Brien (Eds.), Oryx dictionary of education. Westport, CT: Greenwood Press. (Contributed terms on various pages).
Bartlett, J. E. II, & Bartlett, M. E. (2009) Innovative Strategies for Preparing and Developing Career and Technical Education Leaders. In V. Wang, Handbook of Research on E-Learning Applications for Career and Technical Education: Technologies for Vocational Training. (pp. 248-261). Hershey, PA: IGI Global. Google Scholar Cite by
Mupinga, D. Bartlett, J. E. II, & Bartlett, M. E. (2009). Facilitating Scholarly Discussion Boards for Graduate Human Resource Education. In V. Wang, Handbook of Research on E-Learning Applications for Career and Technical Education: Technologies for Vocational Training, (pp. 225-235). Hershey, PA: IGI Global.
Bartlett, J. E. II, & Bartlett, M. E. (2009). Integrating Human Resource Management into Career and Technical Education. In V. Wang, Handbook of Research on E-Learning Applications for Career and Technical Education: Technologies for Vocational Training, (pp. 204-213). Hershey, PA: IGI Global.
Reports, Conference Proceedings, Papers, and Monographs
D’Antonio, N. & Bartlett, J. E., II. (2024). Innovating Workforce Education: Community Colleges at the Forefront of Registered Apprenticeship. Association of Community College Trustees.
Bartlett, J. E., II& Bartlett, M. (2024). Enhancing Community College Leadership Development through AI: Enriching the Andragogical Approach. In J. Cohen & G. Solano (Eds.), Proceedings of Society for Information Technology & Teacher Education International Conference (pp. 1213-1219). Las Vegas, Nevada, United States: Association for the Advancement of Computing in Education (AACE). Retrieved April 12, 2024 from
Warren, C. L., Bartlett, J. E., II, & Bartlett, M. E. (2022, April 13). Creating a virtual space for mentoring at a distance: Community college leadership doctoral students' workforce education through virtual mentoring. SITE 2022. Society for Information Technology & Teacher Education. San Diego, CA.
D’Amico, M. M., Sublett, C. M., & Bartlett, II, J.E. (2019). Preparing the workforce in today’s community colleges: Issues and implications for higher education leaders (pp. 23). American Council on Education. bitstream/handle/10919/97795/PreparingWorkforceColleges.pdf?sequence=1
Bartlett, J. (2019). Integrating the CPED Model in an Executive Format Community College Leadership Doctorate. UK Council for Graduate Education. Extended Abstract. Conference canceled due to COVID.
Frye, B. & Bartlett, J. (2017, November). Using SAS to Employ Propensity Score Matching in an Institutional Research Office to Create Matched Groups for Outcomes Analyses", Proceedings of the SAS SESUG, SAS, Cary, NC.
Bartlett, J. E. II & Bartlett, M. E. (2017). Integrating improvement science in an educational doctorate: reclaiming the dissertation for practitioners. UK Council for Graduate Educations.
Han, W., Bartlett, J. E., Bartlett, M. E. (2015, September). Perceptions of Mainland Chinese Students Toward Obtaining Higher Education in the United States. Proceedings of the 31st Q Conference (ed., pp. 65-66). Ancona: International Society for the Scientific Study of Subjectivity.
Bartlett, J. E., Bartlett, M. E., Kandalec, K. (2015, September). Q-methodology to Evaluate Instruction and Improve Doctoral Course Outcomes. Proceedings of the 31st Q Conference (ed., pp. 42-43). Ancona: International Society for the Scientific Study of Subjectivity.
Kandalec, K., Bartlett, J. E. (2015, September). Shifting Perceptions of Post- secondary Career and Technical Education Among Parents of Secondary School Aged Children. Proceedings of the 31st Q Conference (ed., pp. 103-104). Ancona: International Society for the Scientific Study of Subjectivity.
Kandalec, K., Bartlett, J. E. (2015, September). Shifting Perceptions of Post- secondary Career and Technical Education Among Parents of Secondary School Aged Children. Proceedings of the 31st Q Conference (ed., pp. 76-77). Ancona: International Society for the Scientific Study of Subjectivity.
Yates, R. Bartlett, M. & Bartlett, J. (2015, February). Evaluation of an Interactive Continue Medical Education Webinar: Examining Effectiveness and Knowledge Retention. Proceedings of the Academy of Human Resource Development, St. Louis, MO.
Boylan, R. & Bartlett, J. (2015, February). An Analysis of Decision Criteria for Instruments Used in the Selection and Development of Human Resources. Proceedings of the Academy of Human Resource Development, St. Louis, MO.
Bartlett, J. & Masier, D. (2014, February). Exploring the Learning Organization with Self-Directed Learning. Academy of Human Resource Development, Houston, TX.
Thompson, L. & Bartlett, J. (2014, February). Barriers to Distance Education: An Integrative Literature Review. Academy of Human Resource Development, Houston, TX.
Bartlett, J. (2014, February) Executive Doctoral Education: Innovating Outreach and Engagement of Professionals With Technology. (Chair). Symposium conducted at the World Conference on E-Learning, New Orleans, LA.
Whicker, S., Narayan, A. & Bartlett, J. (2013). Exploring Pediatric Residents Ability to Self-Assess Communication Skills: Impacts for the HRD Professional. Proceedings of the Academy of Human Resource Development, USA.
Baird, B. & Bartlett, J. (2013). Validity and Reliability of the Basic Psychological Needs Scale-Work (BPNS-W) in Nursing. Proceedings of the Academy of Human Resource Development, USA.
Baird, B. & Bartlett, J. (2013). Validity and Reliability of the Dimensions of the Learning Organization Questionnaire-Abbreviated (DLOQ-A) in Nursing. Proceedings of the Academy of Human Resource Development, USA.
Ellison, M. & Bartlett, J. (2012, February). An Exploratory Study of the Restorative Benefits of Hiking in Wilderness Solitude and the Relationship to Job Satisfaction. Proceedings of the Academy of Human Resource Development, Denver, CO.
Lathers, D. & Bartlett, J. (2011). Designing an Instrument to Identify Instructor Characteristics and Trainee Reactions in U.S. Marine Corps Vocational. Proceedings of the Association for Career and Technical Education Research. St. Louis, MO.
Bartlett, II, J. E. (2011). Critique of Youth Motivational Factors Related to Performance in a State Horticulture Career Development Event. Proceedings of the Association for Career and Technical Education Research. St. Louis, MO.
Bartlett, II, J. E. (2011). Critique of Teacher and Students Feedback on Reading Strategy Preference, Student Resistance and Response to Resistant Readers in Career and Technical Education. Proceedings of the Association for Career and Technical Education Research. St. Louis, MO.
Bartlett, II, J.E., Boylan, R. & Hale, J. (2011). Executive Coaching: An Integrative Review. 1-23. Proceedings of the Academy of Human Resource Development, Schaumburg, IL. St. Louis, MO.
Bartlett, J. & Bartlett, M. (2010). Workplace bullying: an integrative literature review. Academy of Human Resource Development Proceedings.
Price, S. Bartlett, J. (2010). Problem solving confidence: exploring the relationships with cognitive style, meta-cognitive monitoring, and epistemic cognition. Academy of Human Resource Development Proceedings.
Bartlett, J. E. II. & Bartlett, M. E., (2009). Bullying, threats, incivility and training and development: Exploring relationships. Published Abstract in Proceedings of the Academy of Human Resource Development 2009, Washington, DC.
Bartlett, M. E., Bartlett, J. E. II. & Guerdat, K. (2009). Relativist ethical perspective and workplace incivility: An exploration of relationships. Published Abstract in Proceedings of the Academy of Human Resource Development 2009, Washington, DC.
Bartlett, M. E., Bartlett, J. E. II. & Angelino, L. (2009). Transformation from doctoral student to assistant professor: Padawan to jedi. Published Abstract in Proceedings of the Academy of Human Resource Development 2009, Washington, DC.
Ellison, M. & Bartlett, J. E. II. (2009). Job satisfaction, exercise, and outdoor programs: Implications to HRD. Proceedings of the Academy of Human Resource Development 2009, Washington, DC.
Bartlett, J. E, II. (2009). An Engaged Doctoral Program: Creating a Non-traditional Program for Working Professionals. Proceedings of the 20th International Conference of the Society for Information Technology and Teacher Education, 256-261.
Norris, D. & Bartlett, J. E, II. (2009). Adoption of Technology: An Examination of Future Behavioral Intentions Towards Distance Education. Proceedings of the 20th International Conference of the Society for Information Technology and Teacher Education, 475-482.
Bartlett, J. E, II. & Bartlett, M. E. (2009). Virtual Job-Shadowing: Exploring Student Outcomes in a Charter High School. Proceedings of the 20th International Conference of the Society for Information Technology and Teacher Education, 791- 794.
Bartlett, J. E, II. & Lari, P. (2009). Symposium: Engagement of Graduate Level Online Education Students: Perspectives of Faculty, Students and Administrators. Proceedings of the 20th International Conference of the Society for Information Technology and Teacher Education, 1162 – 1165.
Bartlett, M. E. & Bartlett, J. E, II. (2009). Using Asynchronous Methods for Professional Development. Proceedings of the 20th International Conference of the Society for Information Technology and Teacher Education, 1165 – 1168.
Jones, S. & Bartlett, J. E., II. (2009). Factors Impacting Technology Integration in the Teaching and Learning Process: Application for Career and Technical Education. Proceedings of the 20th International Conference of the Society for Information Technology and Teacher Education, 3068 – 3073.
Bartlett, J. & Young, P. (2009). Creating Virtual Methods for Career Exploration . Published Abstract of the 20th International Conference of the Society for Information Technology and Teacher Education, 10.
Bartlett, J. E. II, & Bartlett, M. E. (2008). HRD in China: An a perspective of the Chinese HRD Professionals. Proceedings of the Academy of Human Resource Development 2008, Panama City, FL.
Bartlett, J. E., II, Bartlett, M.E., & Reio, T. (2008). Workplace incivility: Worker and Organizational Antecedents & Outcomes. Proceedings of the Academy of Human Resource Development 2008, Panama City, FL.
Bartlett, J. E., II, Bartlett, M.E. & Hang, F. (2008). An Integrated Review of the Impact of Culture on Transfer of Training. American Education Research Association.
Bartlett, J. E. II, & Cardon, P. (2007). Western views of Chinese restaurant service quality: implications for training and development. Proceedings of the Academy of Human Resource Development 2007, Indianapolis, IN.
Bartlett, J. E. & Bartlett, M. E. (2007). Higher Education in China: A Western Perspective of Eastern Higher Education. Proceedings of the College Teaching & Learning Conference. Las Vegas, NV.
Bartlett, J. E. II, & Bartlett, M. E. (2007). A Glimpse into Training and Development in the People’s Republic of China: An International Perspective. Proceedings of the International Business and Economic Research Conference. Las Vegas, NV.
Bartlett, J. E. II. (2007). Analysis of Internet Based Comments: Why People Like and Dislike Human Resource Professionals. Applied Business Research Conference. Honolulu, Hawaii.
Bartlett, J. E. II. & Hang, F.(2007). Analysis of Service Quality in Restaurants in China: An Eastern Perspective. Applied Business Research Conference. Honolulu, Hawaii.
Bartlett, M. E. & Bartlett, J. E. II. (2007). Using the theory of planned behavior to predict research productivity. College Teaching and Learning Conference. Honolulu, Hawaii.
Bartlett, J. E. II, & Cardon, P. (2006). Western views of Chinese restaurant service quality: implications for training and development. Proceedings of the Academy of Human Resource Development, Minneapolis, MN.
Bartlett, J. E. II, Bartlett, M. E., & Mupinga, D. (2006, December). Cross-cultural training for international career and technical education faculty: Coming to America. Proceedings of the International Vocational Education and Training Association, Atlanta, GA.
Bartlett, J. E. II & Bartlett, M.E. (November, 2006). A positivistic approach to case study analysis: developing and comparing theory. Delta Pi Epsilon National Conference 2006, Minneapolis, MN.
Bartlett, J. E. II, (November, 2006). Degrees-of-Freedom analysis of case data for disaster recovery: Improvisation and roles in a business due to hurricane Katrina. Delta Pi Epsilon National Conference 2006, Minneapolis, MN.
Bartlett, J. & Bartlett, M. (February, 2006). Formal vocational education for work-related reasons: a national comparison of work-related rationales and results for web-based and traditional participants. Proceedings of the Academy of Human Resource Development, Columbus, OH.
Bartlett, J., Bartlett, M. & Norris, D. (November, 2005). Analyzing non-response bias in business education research: considerations for externally valid results. Delta Pi Epsilon Book of Readings. Cincinnati, OH.
Norris, D. & Bartlett, J. E., II. (November, 2005). The Development of Instrumentation to Analyze Information Communication Technology Literacy in Relation to Personality Type. OSRA Proceedings, Dallas, TX.
Bartlett, J. E., II. (March, 2005). Career and Technical Education Research: National Surveys, Tools, and Statistical Standards. OSRA Proceedings, Dallas, TX.
Bartlett, J. E., II. (March, 2005). Analysis of Grant Activity of Computer and Information Science Faculty: Exploring Productivity. OSRA Proceedings, Dallas, TX.
Thacker, S., Mupinga, D., & Bartlett, J. E., II. (January, 2005). Examining the Implementation of a Human Resource Development Training Initiative: The Development of Manufacturing Skills. Proceedings of the International Applied Business Research Conference, Lake Buena Vista, Florida.
Norris, D. & Bartlett, J. E., II. (January, 2005). Information, Communication, Technology Literacy in for the Business Student: Developing a Valid and Reliable Measure. Proceedings of the International Teaching and Learning Conference, Lake Buena Vista, Florida.
Bartlett, J. E., II., Kotrlik, J. & Higgins, C. (2004). Organizational research: determining appropriate sample size in survey research. Powerweb Annual Editions Business Statistics. McGraw-Hill/Dushkin, New Jersey.
Bartlett, J. E., II. (2004). An Analysis of Computer and Information Sciences Faculty Workloads in Higher Education. OSRA Proceedings, Pittsburgh, PA.
Bartlett, J. E., II. (2004). Analysis of Website and E-Mail Use in Instruction for Business Faculty. Proceedings of the International Teaching and Learning Conference, Las Vegas, NV.
Bartlett, J. E., II. (2004). Analysis of Grant Activity of Business Faculty: Exploring the Relationships to Funding. Proceedings of the International Economic and Business Research Conference, Lake Buena Vista, Florida.
Bragg, D. & Bartlett, J. E., II. (2003). [Co-Contributing Editors, career and technical education section]. In J. W. Collins & N. P. O'Brien (Eds.), Oryx dictionary of education. Westport, CT: Greenwood Press.
Bartlett, J. E., II (2003). [Contributor]. In J. W. Collins & N. P. O'Brien (Eds.), Oryx dictionary of education. Westport, CT: Greenwood Press. Bragg, D. & Bartlett, J. E., II. (in press) co-contributing editors.
Bartlett, J. E., II. (2003). Survey Development for Business Educators. Delta Pi Epsilon Book of Readings, Indianapolis, IN.
Bartlett, J.E., II. (2003, December). Disseminating research and practice: How to get published. Paper presented at the Association for Career and Technical Education, Orlando, FL.
Aragon, S. R., & Bartlett, J. E., II. (2003, February). An online professional development program of occupational and academic community college faculty. Paper presentation at the National Career and Technical Teacher Education Institute, Scottsdale, AZ.
Bartlett, J. E., II. (2003). Analysis of human resource education faculty workloads. Academy of Human Resource Development Proceedings, Minneapolis, MN.
Bartlett, J. E., II & Aragon, S. R. (2003). Using action research to determine technology effectiveness in secondary and postsecondary settings. In C. Crawford, N. Davis, J. Price, R. Weber, & D. A. Willis (Eds.), Proceedings from the Society for Information Technology & Teacher Education International Conference (pp. 661-666). Norfolk, VA: AACE.
Bartlett, J. E., II, Kotrlik, J. & Aragon, S. (2003). Disseminating research and practice: How to get published. AVERA Grand Carousel Mini-Tips Proceedings 2003 ACTE Convention, Orlando, FL, 5.
Higgins, C. Kotrlik, J., Bartlett, J. E., II, & Redmann, D. (2003). Analysis of factors associated with research anxiety of human resource education faculty. AERA, AVERA Proceedings, Chicago, IL.
Bartlett, J. E., II, Yoon, S., and Marvel, M. (2003). Analysis of factors associated with grant productivity in academia: An examination of human resource education faculty and researchers. Academy of Human Resource Development Proceedings, Minneapolis, MN, 885-891.
Bartlett, J.E., II, Kotrlik, J., Higgins, C. & Williams, H. (2002). An analysis of factors associated with research productivity of business education faculty. American Education Research Association Business Education and Information Systems Proceedings, New Orleans, LA.
Williams, H., Bartlett, J. E., II, Kotrlik, J., & Higgins, C. (2002). Analysis of research productivity of human resource development faculty. Academy of Human Resource Development Proceedings, Honolulu, HI, 1104-1111.
Alexander, M., Bartlett, II, J. E, & Truell, A. (February, 2001). Use of e-mail communication technologies by administrative professionals. OSRA Proceedings, Cleveland, OH.
Bartlett, J. E., II, Kotrlik, J. & Higgins, C. (2001). Selecting the appropriate sample sizes for research in business education, Delta Pi Epsilon Book of Readings, Nashville, TN.
Bartlett, J. E., II (April, 2001). A description of self‑directed learning levels of secondary business educators using the OCLI. Proceedings of the American Education Research Association Business Education and Information Systems Research SIG, Seattle, WA, 53-65.
Bartlett, II, J. E , & Truell, A. (February, 2001). Computer usage, learning interest, and comfort level of business students. OSRA Proceedings, Cleveland, OH.
Bartlett, J. E., II & Truell, A. (December, 2001). Survey research via web based technologies: Benefits and challenges. AVERA Grand Carousel Mini-Tips Proceedings 2001 ACTE Convention, New Orleans, LA.
Bartlett, J. E., II, Alexander, M., & Ouwenga, K. (February, 2001). A comparison of online and traditional testing methods in an undergraduate business information technology course. OSRA Proceedings, Cleveland, OH, 1-9.
Kotrlik, J., Bartlett, J. E., II, Higgins, C. & Williams, H. (December, 2001). Factors associated with research productivity of agricultural education faculty. Proceedings of the National Agricultural Education Research Conference, New Orleans, LA, 195-206.
Truell, A., Bartlett, J. E., II, Underwood, R. and Alexander, M. (2001). Integrating technology into the business communications classroom. Delta Pi Epsilon Book of Readings, Nashville, TN.
Bartlett, J. E., II, & Kotrlik, J. (December, 2000). Instrument development: The survey design process. Grand Carousel Mini-Tips Proceedings 2000 ACTE Convention, San Diego, CA.
Bartlett, J. E., II (December, 2000). A comparison of diskette and paper and pencil mail-out survey methods for measuring self-directed learning with the BISL. American Vocational Education Research Proceedings, San Diego, CA.
Bartlett, J. E., II (November, 2000). A comparison of diskette and traditional paper and pencil mail-out survey methods for measuring self-directed learning with the OCLI. Delta Pi Epsilon Book of Readings, Columbus, OH, 25-29
Bartlett, J. E., II (November, 2000). An exploration of self-directed learning: A description of undergraduate introduction to business students. Delta Pi Epsilon Book of Readings, Columbus, OH.
Bartlett, J. E., II, Alexander, W. M. & Reynolds, K. A. (November, 2000). Preliminary attitudes towards online testing in business education courses. Delta Pi Epsilon Book of Readings, Columbus, OH.
Davis, R. E., & Bartlett, J. E., II (November, 2000). Students as action researchers: Conducting a marketing education issues study. Delta Pi Epsilon Book of Readings, Columbus, OH, 91-95.
Bartlett, J. E., II, & Lytle, C. (February, 2000). Office training: The learning strategies and motivations of private post secondary office occupation students. OSRA Conference Proceedings, Toronto, Canada, 3-11.
Bartlett, J. E., II, Higgins, C., & Kovacs, C. (April, 2000). Self-directed learning resources of usage among office employees. Proceedings of the American Educational Research Association Business Education and Information Systems Research SIG, New Orleans, LA, 45-54.
Bartlett, J. E., II, & Kotrlik, J. W. (November, 1999). Comparison of the diskette survey responses and paper and pencil survey responses on self‑directed learning instruments with business educators. Delta Pi Epsilon Book of Readings, St. Louis, MO, 31-35.
Bartlett, J. E., II, Higgins, C., & Kovacs, C. (November, 1999). Exploring the relationship of organizational culture and self‑learning among office employees. Delta Pi Epsilon Book of Readings, St. Louis, MO, 71-76.
Bartlett, J. E., II, Burnett, M. F., & Mupinga. D. (November, 1998). Identifying personality type of high school business education students: comparing business education to non-business education students. Delta Pi Epsilon Book of Readings, Louisville, KY.
Bartlett, J. E., II & Moore., W. A. (February, 1998). Use of technology in business and industry: Are we teaching it? Office Systems Research Association Proceedings, New Orleans, LA.
Technical and Research Reports
Team Report from Apsen Visit. (2016). Feedback Report Prepared for Brunswick Community College. Feedback Report Prepared for Coastal Carolina Community College. Aspen Institute.
Team Report from Apsen Visit. (2016). Feedback Report Prepared for Brunswick Community College. Feedback Report Prepared for Brunswick Technical Community College. Aspen Institute.
Team Report from Apsen Visit. (2016). Feedback Report Prepared for Guilford Technical Community College. Feedback Report Prepared for Guilford Technical Community College. Aspen Institute.
Bartlett, J., Bartlett, M. & Maiser, D. (2016). Evaluation of North Carolina Proof of Concept Implementation. North Carolina Department of Public Instruction.
ACCSC Site Team. (2015). Spartan College ACCSC Site Visit Accreditation Report. (Bartlett, J. part of Site Team).
ACCSC Site Team. (2014). Eastern International College ACCSC Site Visit Accreditation Report. (Bartlett, J. part of Site Team).
ACCSC Site Team. (2014). Westech College – Victorville, CA ACCSC Site Visit Accreditation Report. (Bartlett, J. part of Site Team).
ACCSC Site Team. (2014). UEI College – Bakersfield, CA ACCSC Site Visit Accreditation Report. (Bartlett, J. part of Site Team).
ACCSC Site Team. (2014). Connecticut Institute of Hair Design ACCSC Site Visit Accreditation Report. (Bartlett, J. part of Site Team).
ACCSC Site Team. (2014). UTI – Glendale Height, IL ACCSC Site Visit Accreditation Report. (Bartlett, J. part of Site Team).
ACCSC Site Team. (2014). UTI – Houston, TX ACCSC Site Visit Accreditation Report. (Bartlett, J. part of Site Team).
ACCSC Site Team. (2014). UTI – Orlando, FL ACCSC Site Visit Accreditation Report. (Bartlett, J. part of Site Team).
ACCSC Site Team. (2014). Johnson College – Scranton, PA ACCSC Site Visit Accreditation Report. (Bartlett, J. part of Site Team).
ACCSC Site Team. (2014). Carolina School of Broadcasting – Charlotte, NC ACCSC Site Visit Accreditation Report. (Bartlett, J. part of Site Team).
ACCSC Site Team. (2013). Vatterott College – Berkley, MD ACCSC Site Visit Accreditation Report. (Bartlett, J. part of Site Team).
ACCSC Site Team. (2013). Lincoln Technical Institute – Shelton, CT ACCSC Site Visit Accreditation Report. (Bartlett, J. part of Site Team).
ACCSC Site Team. (2013). Johnson College – Scranton, PA ACCSC Site Visit Accreditation Report. (Bartlett, J. part of Site Team).
ACCSC Site Team. (2013). Ex’pression College for Digital Arts – Emeryville, CA ACCSC Site Visit Accreditation Report. (Bartlett, J. part of Site Team).
ACCSC Site Team. (2013). Everest College – San Jose, CA ACCSC Site Visit Accreditation Report. (Bartlett, J. part of Site Team)
ACCSC Site Team. (2013). Concorde Career College – North Hollywood, CA ACCSC Site Visit Accreditation Report. (Bartlett, J. part of Site Team).
ACCSC Site Team. (2013). Everest College – Melrose Park, IL ACCSC Site Visit Accreditation Report. (Bartlett, J. part of Site Team).
ACCSC Site Team. (2012). Midwest Technical Institute – Moline, IL ACCSC Site Visit Accreditation Report. (Bartlett, J. part of Site Team).
ACCSC Site Team. (2012). NCP College of Nursing – San Francisco, CA ACCSC Site Visit Accreditation Report. (Bartlett, J. part of Site Team).
ACCSC Site Team. (2012). Centura College – North Charleston, SC ACCSC Site Visit Accreditation Report. (Bartlett, J. part of Site Team).
ACCSC Site Team. (2012). Everest College – Bedford Park, IL ACCSC Site Visit Accreditation Report. (Bartlett, J. part of Site Team).
ACCSC Site Team. (2012). Kaplan College – Modesto, CA ACCSC Site Visit Accreditation Report. (Bartlett, J. part of Site Team).
ACCSC Site Team. (2012). Art Institute of California – San Bernardino, CA ACCSC Site Visit Accreditation Report. (Bartlett, J. part of Site Team).
ACCSC Site Team. (2012). Delta Technical College – Ridgeland, MS ACCSC Site Visit Accreditation Report. (Bartlett, J. part of Site Team).
ACCSC Site Team. (2012). Delta Technical College – Hornlake, MS ACCSC Site Visit Accreditation Report. (Bartlett, J. part of Site Team).
ACCSC Site Team. (2012). Aviation Institute of Maintence – Casselberry, FL ACCSC Site Visit Accreditation Report. (Bartlett, J. part of Site Team)
ACCSC Site Team. (2012). Pennsylvania School of Business – Allentown, PA ACCSC Site Visit Accreditation Report. (Bartlett, J. part of Site Team).
ACCSC Site Team. (2012). Aviation Institute of Maintenance – Orlando, FL ACCSC Site Visit Accreditation Report. (Bartlett, J. part of Site Team).
ACCSC Site Team. (2012). Pelican Flight Training – Pembroke Pines, FL ACCSC Site Visit Accreditation Report. (Bartlett, J. part of Site Team).
ACCSC Site Team. (2012). Cain’s Barber College – Chicago, ACCSC Site Visit Accreditation Report. (Bartlett, J. part of Site Team).
ACCSC Site Team. (2011). Career Training Academy – Monroeville, PA ACCSC Site Visit Accreditation Report. (Bartlett, J. part of Site Team).
ACCSC Site Team. (2011). Career Training Academy – New Kensington, PA ACCSC Site Visit Accreditation Report. (Bartlett, J. part of Site Team).
ACCSC Site Team. (2011). TESST College of Technology – Beltsville, MD ACCSC Site Visit Accreditation Report. (Bartlett, J. part of Site Team).
ACCSC Site Team. (2011). Ladera Career Path College – Los Angeles, CA ACCSC Site Visit Accreditation Report. (Bartlett, J. part of Site Team).
ACCSC Site Team. (2011). Remington College – Heathrow, FL ACCSC Site Visit Accreditation Report. (Bartlett, J. part of Site Team).
ACCSC Site Team. (2010). Newbridge College – Santa Ana, CA ACCSC Site Visit Accreditation Report. (Bartlett, J. part of Site Team).
ACCSC Site Team. (2010). Centura College – Alexandria, VA ACCSC Site Visit Accreditation Report. (Bartlett, J. part of Site Team).
ACCSC Site Team. (2010). Universal Technical Institute – Irving, TX ACCSC Site Visit Accreditation Report. (Bartlett, J. part of Site Team).
ACCSC Site Team. (2010). Centura College – Virginia Beach, VA ACCSC Site Visit Accreditation Report. (Bartlett, J. part of Site Team).
ACCSC Site Team. (2010). Everglades University – Boca Raton, FL ACCSC Site Visit Accreditation Report. (Bartlett, J. part of Site Team).
ACCSC Site Team. (2010). Everglades University – Sarasota, FL ACCSC Site Visit Accreditation Report. (Bartlett, J. part of Site Team).
ACCSC Site Team. (2010). Vatterott College – Omaha, NE ACCSC Site Visit Accreditation Report. (Bartlett, J. part of Site Team).
Bartlett, J. E., II. (2004). Analysis of the integration of skill standards into community college curriculum. In Aragon, S. Woo, H. & Marvel, M. & Bartlett, J. Columbus, OH: National Dissemination Center for Career and Technical Education. * Developed Instrumentation, Collected Data, and Prepared Initial Reports.
Bartlett, J. E., II. (2002). Preparing, licensing, and certificating postsecondary career and technical educators.Columbus, OH: National Dissemination Center for Career and Technical Education. (ED 461770).
Bartlett, J.E., II, & Leach, J. (2002). Analysis of the integration and impact of skill standards on postsecondary curriculum. Minneapolis, MN: National Research Center for Career and Technical Education.
Bragg, D., Bartlett, J. E., II, & Marvel, M. (2002). The goals, use, and potential impact of occupational skill standards in Illinois. Champaign, IL: Office of Community College Research and Leadership.
Bartlett, J.E., II. (2002). 2001 Exemplary Postsecondary: Integrated Manufacturing Management. Exemplary and Promising Programs. National Dissemination Center for Career and Technical Education, Columbus, OH.
Bartlett, J.E., II. (2002). 2001 Promising Postsecondary: Surgical Technology. Exemplary and Promising Programs. National Dissemination Center for Career and Technical Education, Columbus, OH.
Policy Briefs
Bartlett, J. E., Howze, P. (2019). Talent Development Pipeline for Youth: Creating A Career-Ready Workforce in NC. Raleigh, NC: MyFutureNC. (Policy Brief)
Bartlett, J. E., Howze, P. (2019). Fact Sheet: Talent Development Pipeline for Youth: Creating A Career-Ready Workforce in North Carolina. Raleigh, NC: MyFutureNC. (Fact Sheet)
Instruments and Data Collection Protocols
Bartlett-Kotrlik Inventory of Self-Learning” with Joe W. Kotrlik, Instrument to measure self-directed learning, Copyright 1999.
“Bartlett-Kotrlik Inventory of Self-Learning –Korean Version” Instrument to measure self-directed learning, Copyright 2002.
"Q-Methodology in PowerPoint Template" Copyright 2010
Case Studies and National Tests
Bartlett, J.E., II. & Bartlett, M. (2008). Integrating a Human Resource Information System: A Module with a Case, Instructors Manual. Society of Human Resource Management.
Walker, J., Chapmann, D. & Bartlett, J. (2008). MacroEnterprises, Inc.—A Strategic HR Case Study in Three Parts, Instructor’s Manual. Society of Human Resource Management.
Walker, J., Chapmann, D. & Bartlett, J. (2008). MacroEnterprises, Inc.—A Strategic HR Case Study in Three Parts, Student Workbook. Society of Human Resource Management.
Bartlett, J.E., II. (2005). Finance. National PBL Test.
Bartlett, J.E., II. (2005). Marketing. National PBL Test.
Bartlett, J.E., II. (2005). Entrepreneurship Case Study: Operating a Small HR Training Business. National PBL.
Bartlett, J.E., II. (2004). Quantitative Methods. National PBL Test.
Bartlett, J.E., II. (2003). Network Design. National PBL Test.
2023 – 2024 – Development of a grant proposal writing course.
2023 – 2023 - Redesign and update of course developing curriculum for CTE and training.
2021 – 2022 – Development of a postsecondary CTE teacher training program.
2018 – 2020 – Redesign of EDD program to offer courses in 1-week intensive format in summer, online, and hyflex
2017 – 2018 – In the redesign effort I created a 1 credit sequence to support the development of the dissertation for the Ed.D. program. This sequence starts students exploring problems of practice early and working through the dissertation process.
Within the Ed.D. program I worked to incorporate JobsEq, a Software as a Service (SaaS) that gives access to real-time labor market data. I worked with the Chmura Economics & Analytics a company that uses economic analysis that converts data to actionable intelligence. I am further working with them to create a case study on how this software is used in community college leadership.
Additionally, during this time I was involved in a project that created a course for the training and development program that implemented videos and competency based modules. In this role I worked on the creation of one video and the dissemination of the project.
2016 – 2017 - The initial redesign of the research methods courses for the doctoral cohorts has started. I have met with program faculty members, stakeholders from outside organizations such as Achieving the Dream and the North Carolina Community College system to develop outlines for a 3 course sequence. One of the major concepts that will be integrated is the use of real community college data. This redesign has been initiated and the current research methods course has used data from the community college for classroom examples and projects.
2016 - The whole Charlotte cohort has undergone a major redesign to better incorporate the CPED principles. CPED guiding principles state that professional preparation for the education doctorate: "1. Is framed around questions of equity, ethics, and social justice to bring about solutions to complex problems of practice; 2. Prepares leaders who can construct and apply knowledge to make a positive difference in the lives of individuals, families, organizations, and communities; 3. Provides opportunities for candidates to develop and demonstrate collaboration and communication skills to work with diverse communities and to build partnerships; 4. Provides field-based opportunities to analyze problems of practice and use multiple frames to develop meaningful solutions; 5. Is grounded in and develops a professional knowledge base that integrates both practical and research knowledge, that links theory with the systemic and systematic inquiry; and 6. Emphasizes the generation, transformation, and use of professional knowledge and practice." Additionally, the program has been mapped to the Aspen modules and AACC standards. New teaching materials have included case studies and team teaching has been integrated throughout the program. Additionally, the concepts of a culture of evidence and student success will be integrated throughout the program.
2016- Reflective Practice was redesigned to include a blended component and include online learning modules mixed with classroom instruction. This course also has integrated the Aspen concepts on defining student success. The new teaching materials include the incorporation of a module the includes design thinking. Integrating the design based thinking module identifies the challenges facing community college executive leaders. An additional activity that enhanced student learning was integrating the film No Greater Odds and include guest speakers including the executive producer of the film.
2016- Team taught EAC 787 Organizational Issues in Adult and Higher Education. Team teaching this course provided an opportunity to integrate a faculty member that was new to the program area into the cohort. Additionally, in this course a module on collective impact was integrated from the Aspen modules.
2015-2016- served on college committee to develop a new course for the PhD program. The course "Scholar Leader Systemic Change is a new college wide course required for all PhD students on systemic change that is being developed. Unique features of this course will include internships for students in policy settings.
2015- Delivered special topics course in workforce education and development. This course will become a permanent part of the education doctorate cohort. This course integrated the concepts of labor market outcomes and the Aspen module that align with labor market needs. In addition to the modules specific cases were created that demonstrated labor market outcomes.
2015- Redesign the doctoral cohort program is being started to ensure faculty members align with curriculum, program delivery, and needs of stakeholders. In the process of this redesign, I have become involved with the CPED organization and attended the Carnegie Summit on Improvement Science. At this point, the overall curriculum plan was revisited.
2014- Curriculum for the doctoral cohort has been redesigned to reduce time to completion and enhance professional development. From attending conferences such as CPED and the International Conference on Doctoral Education, I have integrated concepts to enhance the professional doctoral program. The new curriculum integrates research methods throughout the program in the form of 1 credit courses, dissertation groups, and cases based instruction.
2014- Additionally, during this period I have worked to create assessment materials to comply with the accreditation needs of the institution. One example is a rubric to assess doctoral education outcomes.
2014- In terms of specific courses, I have created a course to that introduces statistics while focusing on data based decision making. This course was designed for the Ed.D. program to develop leaders that use data for decisions. This course integrates data in the educational context and projects to learn in real-world hands-on context.
2013- In a number of courses integrated social media into the doctoral cohort in Charlotte. The students use closed Facebook groups and Twitter to discuss materials. In addition to the students, outside individuals can follow the Twitter feed. The feed was also integrated into Moodle providing updates using the Twitter API with a minimum amount of coding. The integration places live feeds into the Moodle classroom that update in real time. One other innovative technology that was integrated into the Charlotte cohort was the use of Google Hangouts. This was another technology that allows for live synchronous interactions.
2012- Revised proposal course that was used in the cohort. The proposal course included both writing the proposal and presenting the proposal. A result of this course templates were developed that can be used to direct dissertations. This course was developed in a manner that can serve a variety of methodological approaches.
2011- Worked across departmental programs to modify the Charlotte cohort curriculum. The major change came in the research methods sequence and the internship course. Additionally, I have created an advisory board of community college presidents, vice-presidents, and community college system office leaders. I am currently conducting a study using Q-sort methodology to examine the skills needed by community college executive leaders based on the American Association of Community College standards. The initial results show the executives see greater importance for leadership, organizational behavior, and management and place less of a focus on the teaching and learning process.
2011- Conducted research to examine the doctoral cohort historically at NC State. One aspect of the cohort that was valued over the years was a student internship. I integrated a multidisciplinary course that enables students to complete an internship that aligned with their career goals in community college, higher education, workforce development, or adult education fields. Students interned in business and industry, community colleges, four year colleges, as well as non-profit organizations. As a result of this course, students have been able to develop relationships with our stakeholders.
2010- Developed a special topics course for the doctoral level on survey design, development, and analysis. As a result of this course, I am participating on two dissertation committees, one outside of the college in psychology. This course in the future will require students to have a statistics and research methods background. This course does not serve Masters level students.
2010- Created a new course that focused on the workforce development. In the state of North Carolina the community college system has been focusing on workforce development. This course provided students with a doctoral level introduction to Workforce and Human Resource Education.
2010- Worked cross departments to co-develop ED 711 and complete the course action forms. This course will be part of the new college quantitative methods sequence. In this course we set the topics to serve the college and selected specific software.
2009- At the program level, during the past year I have worked to redesign the Charlotte cohort from a weekday program to an executive weekend format. This has created the need for changes to the design, development, delivery, and evaluation. For example, this format has required an integration of technology to create asynchronous and synchronous instruction using program such as Moodle, Vista, and Elluminate.
2009- EAC 711 Reflective Practice and Research Inquiry was redesigned to provide students understanding of critically reflective practice, doctoral scholarly inquiry and current issues and debates in adult education scholarship. This course now introduces both quantitative and qualitative methods and incorporates a scholarly project appropriate for a first year doctoral student. Another major re-design with the shift from the traditional class time to the executive weekend format.
2008- Developed hybrid course to teach EAC 803. The course included face-to-face lecture and synchronous communications. Student became users of the technology to deliver a simulated dissertation proposal defense.
2008- Developed a course to teach online Administrative Concepts in Adult and Higher Education at the graduate level. This course enabled students examine day to day management issues in higher education. This instruction was interdisciplinary in nature and suited for students in any graduate program. The students learned a variety of human resource management and development issues in the higher education context.
2008- Developed second course in a quantitative research methods sequence for graduate students. This course serves students seeking to complete a quantitative dissertation. This applied research course has students complete a quantitative project that is appropriate to submit for publication or presentation. Two students from the first round of this course will have presentations at AERA.
2007- Developed curriculum to be used for the Society of Human Resource Management in online teaching. The materials covered the topic of integrating a global enterprise resource planning system. In addition to this cases were also developed to use to teach other human resource development topics. The project was funded by the Society of Human Resource Management.
2006- Developed a course to teach online survey design and development at the graduate level. This course enabled student to collect data using a variety of technology resources for research. This instruction was interdisciplinary in nature and suited for students in any graduate program. The course included the use of Websurveyor software that was obtained from a grant and SPSS.
2005- Developed online instruction for human resource management professionals. Specifically, I developed case studies for a cohort of community college professionals. Additionally, I developed online instruction for human resource professionals in business and non-profit organizations.
2004- Developed and taught the first section of TSTM 544 Training Systems. Course was developed for blended instruction. Students created an online train-the-trainer program.
2003- Initiated the development a Master’s program in Technology Support and Training Management. In addition, I developed a comprehensive reading packet and course materials for project management.
2002- Developed on-campus graduate seminar in survey research design and implementation. The course covered instrument development, sampling, data collection methods for surveys, and data analysis for survey research. The course used a variety of foundational readings and included a section on using SPSS for data analysis.
2001- Developed online curriculum and instructional materials for Foundations and Principals of Education for Work. This course used synchronous and asynchronous web based delivery including web pages, PowerPoint, recorded audio and video modules, learning activities, and interactive media delivery.
2000- Developed curriculum and instructional materials for special topics electronic presentation course. This introductory course developed skills in creating electronic graphics, sounds, and scripts to deliver multimedia enhanced presentations for students in higher education setting.
1999- Assessed and revised curriculum and developed instructional materials for Fundamentals of Business Communication. This course required undergraduate students to integrate technology and created a detailed strength, weakness, opportunities, and threats (SWOT) analysis.
1999- Revised instructional materials for Microcomputer Applications for Business and Introduction to Microcomputers. Both of these courses were web enhanced and integrated online testing.
1999- Developed instructional materials for a graduate course in communications. Administrative Communications was updated to integrate technology. Students completed individual projects for submission for publication or funding.
1997- Developed instructional materials to integrate technology in Teaching Information Processing. These materials integrated new software programs and teaching methods for students.
1996- Developed curriculum and instructional materials to for a capstone business education course to integrate technology and business principles. This course was project based and included the development of electronic portfolios for student assessment.
1996- Developed curriculum and instructional materials for the college in high school program taught through the University of Pittsburgh for two computer programming courses. These courses were approved and offered through Norwin High School and the University of Pittsburgh. Students could receive college credits for the courses.
1996- Developed curriculum and instructional materials for a two day seminar to teach accountants word processing skills. This course development included a manual that could be used as support material after completing the course.
Consulting/Bartlett Consulting (selected examples) 1/1997 – present
Areas of Consulting
Selected University, College, and Department Service
University Service
College Service
Department Service
Editorial Boards
Professional Organizations
Other Service Activities
National and International Professional
National Academic
Research Methods Training from 2018 to 2023
AB Testing
Difference and Differences
Regression Discontinuity
Advancing Postsecondary CTE Data Quality Initiative National Summit, 2022
IDEO University, Design Thinking Certification, 2020
Five Behaviors of a Cohesive Team, Accredited Trainer, Wiley, 2019
Introduction to Design Thinking for Schools, Carnegie Foundation & Stanford D.School, 2017
Carnegie Project on the Education Doctorate Convening, 2012 - 2016
Carnegie Summit on Improvement Science, 2015
Developed Quantitative Techniques Session for AHRD, 2014
Conducted Q Methodology Training at DPE National Conference, 2012
Advanced Quantitative Techniques Training, AERA, 2010
Advanced Quantitative Techniques Training, AERA, 2008
Propensity Score Matching Training, AERA, 2008
Postdoctoral Certification in Research Methods, 2006
Society of Human Resource Management Learning System, Cornell University, 2005
National Center for Educational Statistics (NCES), Research Fellow, 2002
Research development session, AAAE National Conference, 2001
Research development session, Delta Pi Epsilon Conference, 2001
NISOD Excellence Award, ODU Community College Leadership, 2023
Nominated and Inducted into the ACTE, Hall of Fame, 2023
Outstanding Symposium and Runner-up, Association for Career and Technical Education Conference, 2023
Outstanding Roundtable, Association for Career and Technical Education Conference, 2023
UCWHRE, Nexus Award, 2023 for ACTER 2022 Presentation, Industry Talent Professionals' Insights of Community College Partnerships with Nicholas D'Antonio & Michelle E. Bartlett, Ph.D.
ACTE Region II Lifetime Achievement Award to be selected in 2023
Outstanding Presentation- Poster Category, Association for Career and Technical Education Research, 2023
Lifetime Achievement Award - NC Association for Career and Technical Education, 2022
NISOD Excellence Award, NC State Doctoral Program, 2020
Outstanding Symposium at Association for Career and Technical Education Research Conference, 2020
Meritorious Service Award, Association for Career and Technical Education Research, 2018
Outstanding Presentation- Poster Category, Association for Career and Technical Education Research, 2017
Distinguished Service Award, Association for Career and Technical Education Research, 2016
North Carolina State University, University Mentor Award, 2016
Member of NC State Academy of Outstanding Mentors, 2016
Outstanding Symposium at Association for Career and Technical Education Research Conference, 2014
Outstanding Symposium at Association for Career and Technical Education Research Conference, 2013
Outstanding Symposium at Association for Career and Technical Education Research Conference, 2012
Carnegie Project for the Education Doctorate, Writing Fellow, 2012
Nominated for Thank a Teacher, North Carolina State University, 2011-2016
Named to the list of teachers ranked as excellent by students, University of Illinois, 2002
Outstanding Beginning Scholar Award for Outstanding Research Contributions, American Vocational Education Research Association, 2001
Outstanding Dissertation Award, Delta Pi Epsilon, 2001
George A. Ball Distinguished Research Fellowship, 2000
Outstanding Support, Business Software Alliance, 1997