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Work experience

Talabat / Delivery Hero

January 2022Present

Director of Engineering: Growth & Vendor Tribe Lead

Leading the Tribe responsible for technologies to help our partner acquire and retain customers, maintain their menu, and receive orders placed on the Talabat platform. 

My tribe focuses on the following:

  • In-platform advertisement.
  • Marketing technologies & incentives (segmentation, offers, vouchers, etc.).
  • Our ecosystem: Talabat Pro and other loyalty programs.
  • Vendor domain: Order transmission to vendors and vendor catalog.

This tribe has around 65+ engineers, 4 staff engineers, engineering managers, and senior engineering managers.

While closely with a senior director of product and leaders of design and data, who lead together another 30 people, bringing the tribe to around 100+ people.

> Double Ad Revenue YoY again by launching new ad products (8 digits increments in euro)

> Launched Talabat Pro.

> Launched an ad revenue recovery service: reduced ad revenue loss by 90% (mid six digits saving in euros per year)

> Tech Stack: K8S, Docker, C# & .Net Core, Golang, Postgres (RDS) , DynamoDB, AWS, ReactJS, Node, Flutter, Swift, Kotlin, Kafka

Talabat/ Delivery Hero

August 2021December 2021

Senior Engineering Manager and Growth Tribe Lead

Leading the Tribe responsible for technologies to help our partner acquire and retain customers on the Talabat platform. Focusing on:

  • Advertisement.
  • Offers and vouchers.
  • Marketing technologies (segmentation, etc.).

And continued to lead the Talabat Website until we could hire a new manager.

This tribe has around 30 engineers.

> Tech Stack: K8S, Docker, C# & .Net Core, Golang, Postgres (RDS) , DynamoDB, AWS, ReactJS, Node, Flutter, Swift, Kotlin, AngularJs, Kafka

Talabat / Delivery Hero

January 2021August 2021

Senior Engineering Manager: Domain lead for Ad Experience and Web Platform

Leading multiple teams across two tribes:

  • Talabat Website (5 engineers): Working as a cross-tribe team that collaborates with domain owners to bring value using the Talabat Website and leveraging the modern web infrastructure we have built.
  • Advertising Experience (2 teams, 10 engineers): Built advertising capabilities to help the vendors reach relevant customers with ads, banners, and offers while preserving a great user experience for our customers.

Also, I continued to mentor new managers in our M0 track (Individual contributor to Manager training).

In total, around 15 engineers

> Double Ad Revenue YoY by enabling more seamlessly integrated Ad spots without hurting the user's intent.

> Tech Stack: K8S, Docker, C# & .Net Core, Postgres (RDS), DynamoDB, AWS, ReactJS, NextJS, Node, Flutter, Swift, Kotlin, AngularJs, Kafka

Talabat / Delivery Hero

June 2020December 2020

Senior Engineering Manager: Web Platform, Smart-Lunch & confidential.

I was responsible for :

  • The web platformExtracted the website from the monolith and rewrote it in React + Nodejs (for server side rendering and BFF) 
  • Smart Lunch[discontinued]: premium and affordable lunch subscription.
  • Other initiatives that are not public yet.

I was also part of the tech hiring committee and helped, with other managers, improve the tech culture at Talabat.

I managed two teams (10 positions, only 9 filled at the time) and worked with 2 product managers.

> Introduced Flutter at Talabat by using the web team: for every team that migrated, they have communicated that they could develop around twice as fast. Using web engineers to introduce Flutter, helped showcase just how easy it is to learn.

> Allowed the website team to deliver value after being blocked for 6 months: The team was unable to add new feature in the monolith. We were able to launch groceries on the website and increase the website GMV by 20%.

> Created a program to mentor and train ICs to become Managers.

> Tech Stack: K8S, Docker, C# & .Net Core, Postgres (RDS),  AWS, ReactJS, NextJS, Node, Flutter, AngularJs, Kafka

Property Finder

April 2018May 2020

Engineering Manager: Mobile Apps, Off-plan market & B2C Web (Dubai, U.A.E.)

I was responsible for all our B2C teams:

  • Starting with the Off-plan market.
  • Then slowly took over the main property finder website
  • And finally, the B2C mobile app and B2B apps for real estate agents.

Technologies:  LAMP Stack, Symfony 4,  ElasticSearch,  Redis,  Akamai,  Nginx, Ansible, Docker, RabbitMQ, NodeJS, ReactJS, PreactJS, Redux, Golang.

Methodologies: OKR, Scrum

Property Finder

July 2017March 2018

Software Engineer - B2B team (Dubai, U.A.E.)

I was part of the B2B team working on contract management, property upload, user management, etc

Technologies:  LAMP Stack, Zend Framework,  Elasticsearch,  Memcached, Apache2, Docker, RabbitMQ, Ansible

Parallel Software

August 2016July 2017

Senior Software Developer (Pretoria, South Africa)

  • I was rewriting the system (a more than ten years old system) step by step.
  • Bringing new technologies into play (Elastic-search, etc.)
  • I maintained the integration with job portals (PNET, Jobmail, etc.)
  • Maintaining the old system.
  • Migrating our monolith to microservices.
  • Putting monitoring in place.

Technologies: LAMP stack, Symfony 2, Silex, ElasticSearch, Memcached, HAProxy, NodeJS, Docker

Dot Slash

February 2016July 2016

Software Developer (Pretoria, South Africa)

Working on the (Junkmail Digital Media was our customer) project
- Maintaining and adding new functionnalities to website
- Developping the REST API
- Performing Code Review and Quality control of other dev's code before deploying it.
- Maintaining and monitoring Cron Jobs

Technologies LAMP stack, Symfony2, ElasticSearch, Memcached, RabbitMQ, Nginx, NodeJS

Junk Mail Digital Media

May 2015February 2016

Software developer (Pretoria, South Africa)

I joined the team in a time of crisis, the project was around for 2 years and  was still too unstable to be launched.

I had to take care of building a data migration tool (around 2 billion records in MySQL).

Then I joined the core developer team, and I brought my knowledge of Symfony to speed up the project and help to launch the new version of the  (one of the top 3 classified websites in South Africa) on November 2015.

Main tasks:

  • Developing the new version of the
  • Developing the API for mobile apps
  • Reviewing other developers code before deployment
  • Developing and monitoring big crons jobs.

Technologies LAMP stack, Symfony 2, ElasticSearch, Memcached, RabbitMQ, Nginx


Jan 2015april 2015

PHP Developer (remote)

Daniweb-expert is a startup that needed an experienced developer to guide the company in launch process of their main project (a job portal).

Main tasks:

  • Developing the a job, in Swahili) website and advising on the job matching algorithm
  • Preparing a proper work environment for the new developer team.

Technologies: LAMP stack

Musal Communication

Sep 2013Dec 2014

Web developer (Lubumbashi, DR Congo)

I worked mainly on two important projects for the country (DRC), the Katanga business Meeting (biggest economic forum in DRC), Eshop RDC (first eCommerce in DRC):

Main tasks:

  • Katanga Business Meeting systems intended to automate most of the interaction between exhibitor and visitor. I built an Appointment manager online, ticket generator(print ticket online and validate ticket at the gate), exhibitor catalogue, CMS, Newsletter system and more.
  • E-Shop RDC: we used PrestaShop to manage the shop. around hundred thousand product from many big retailers in DRC. (the project has stopped in mid-2015)

Technologies: LAMP stack, Silex, PrestaShop (e-commerce solution)


Ecole Supérieur d'Informatique Salama

Sep 2010Aug 2013

Graduat en sciences informatiques, option genie logiciel

Translates to : Graduate in computer science, major in software engineering


  • Akamai Bot Manager Foundations
    • by Akamai Technologies
    • Issued Sep 2019
  • Big Data for Smart Cities
    • By EDX (and the university of Trento and the University of Aalto)
    • Issued July 24, 2016


  • English (Fluent)
  • French (Native)
  • Swahili (South-East DRC dialect, Fluent)