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Work experience

Senior Systems Software Engineer

Sep 2021Present

UMB Bank - ChangeMan ZMF Product Support

  • Provided Technical Support for ChangeMan ZMF Product
  • Upgraded ChangeMan ZMF from v8.2.3 to v8.2.7

Florida Power & Light - ChangeMan ZMF Product Support

  • Provided Technical Support for ChangeMan ZMF Product
  • Upgraded ChangeMan ZMF from v7.1.3 to v8.3

American Express  - AXIOM Product Support

Operations Production Analyst-Mainframe Product Support

  • Providing system and administrative support for Systemware's software suite; JHS & Content Server
  • Automating report migration from one Production Content Server into another
  • Converted existing SAS programs to COBOL and rexx programs
  • Developed z/OSMF workflows to automate VSAM REORGS for the Customer Statement Region

BJ's Wholesale - ChangeMan ZMF & Endevor Product Support

  • Providing Technical Support for CA/Endevor Product, and BJ's Wholesale Club  SCM Process & Procedures
  • Supported Business Application Development team transition from ChangeMan ZMF to CA/Endevor

Target - Endevor Product Support

  • Providing system and administration support for CA Endevor

Windstream Communications - AF/Operator and ACR/Unitech Support

  • Providing system and administration support for AF/Operator automation 
  • Providing administration support for ACR/Unitech 

MetLife - ChangeMan ZMF Product Support

  • Provided Technical Support for ChangeMan ZMF Product, and MetLife SCM Process & Procedures

Technical Badges: (click here)

Main Skills used:  z/OSMF, Visual Studio Code, Zowe Explorer, Systemware Content Server 5.1 (XPTR, JHS), ChangeMan ZMF, CA/Endevor, Bluesight, Open Text SOCKS Client, Slack, Webex, z/OS Unix, Assembler, JCL, REXX, ISPF, XML, DB2, VSAM, RACF, IBM utilities, IDCAMS, ZMF, M+R, Office 365 Suite, G-Suite

Senior Systems Software Engineer

Mar 2018Sep 2021

GTS - Global Technology Services

  • Developed training material and provided numerous training sessions on use of Slack, IBM's chosen collaboration tool.

Mainframe Modernization & Relocation Strategy (MMARS)

Application Exit Strategy - Deimos (Swat Team 2) : 

  • Developed PostgreSQL Functions for use in AWS replacing mainframe DB2-based native SQL stored procedures
  • Developed rexx program to facilitate conversion of Native SQL stored procedures into PostgreSQL functions

Virtual Tape & Disk (VTD) : 

  • Developed rexx programs used to extract and convert existing reports from SAR into AWS 

Shared Tech Infrastructure Support

Software Configuration Management Team:

  • Upgraded ChangeMan ZMF environments from v8.1.0 to v8.2.3
  • Integrated ChangeMan ZMF with Service Now for Change Request validation using the IBM z/OS Client Web Enablement Toolkit. 
  • Provided Administrative Support of ChangeMan ZMF


Main Skills used: IBM Bluesight, Open Text SOCKS Client, AWS, Visual Studio Code, Linux ubuntu, Git, GitHub, Atom, Slack, Zoom, z/OS Unix, Assembler, z/OS Client Web Enablement Toolkit, JCL, REXX, ISPF, XML, DB2, VSAM, RACF, IBM utilities, IDCAMS, ZMF, M+R, Office 365 Suite, G-Suite

Master Platform Engineer

Nov 2013 Mar 2018
Capital One

As part of the zEnterprise organization, my main focus and responsibility includes support and maintenance of z/OS-based SCM processes and procedures; primarily involving Serena ChangeMan ZMF.

I lead the design, development and implementation of SCM procedures used to manage CICS Web Services Bundles within ChangeMan ZMF. This collaborative effort involved SCM, CICS, RACF, Storage Management, Applications and Engineering teams. The successful on-time delivery of this feature allowed our application teams to, in-turn, deliver on two major initiatives for our business partners.

I lead the design, development and implementation of a major component necessary for application teams looking to implement Continuous Integration and Continuous Deployment within their z/OS-based software delivery lifecycle. This rexx+XML Services-based program greatly simplified the development of CI/CD/CT procedures for application teams.

Main Skills used: z/OS Unix, Assembler, JCL, REXX, ISPF, XML, DB2, VSAM, RACF, IBM utilities, IDCAMS, ZMF, M+R, Office 365 Suite

Training on AWS via Qwiklabs, Codecademy,, COUiLearn and Machine Learning on

Senior Consutant

Oct 2012Nov 2013
Randstad Technologies

HSBC - Capital One

  • Upgraded ChangeMan ZMF environments from v5.6.1 to v7.1.2
  • Developed customized distribution process for AFP components
  • Developed ZMF to HPSM integration process via IP Socket Programming
  • Developed process to restrict use of DEBUGGING mode within production COBOL programs
  • Helped design SCM Team's Enterprise social network page
  • Developed enhanced XMLSERV interface to provide mass-update capabilities to ZMF configuration data

Main Skills used: Assembler, JCL, REXX, ISPF, XML, DB2, VSAM, RACF, IBM utilities, IDCAMS, ZMF, M+R, Powerpoint, Word, Excel, HTML

Technology Engineer

Oct 2011Oct 2012
Norfolk Southern Corporation (Midtown Atlanta, GA)
  • Upgraded ChangeMan ZMF environments from v5.6.2 to v7.1.2
  • Responsible for OPS/MVS Automation managing a multi-SYSPLEX environment
  • Provide support of HP Service Manager & AP Notification Manager

Main Skills used: Assembler, JCL, TSO, ISPF, REXX, XML, VSAM, DB2, RACF, CICS, IBM utilities, IDCAMS, ZMF, M+R, Powerpoint, Word, Excel

Serena Senior Principal Consultant

Apr 2011Sep 2011
Serena Software (Logix Tech Solutions)

Westfield Insurance - Ohio Farmers Insurance 

  • Upgraded Serena ChangeMan ZMF from v5.6.3 to v7.1.1
  • Developed training material & upgrade documentation
  • Provided ZMF Administration & User training

Main Skills used: Assembler, JCL, TSO, ISPF, REXX, XML, VSAM, IDCAMS, ZMF, M+R, Powerpoint, Word

Senior Mainframe Technical Consultant

Sep 2010Apr 2011
Staffing Technologies (Client: Norfolk Southern - Roanoke, VA)

SAP Interface Team

  • Developed COBOL CICS web interface programs for access to SAP data
  • Developed standard FTP and Secure FTP procedures for FTP Server file sharing across platforms

Main Skills used: COBOL, DB2, CICS, JCL, TSO, REXX, ISPF, VSAM, Xpediter, FTP

Senior ChangeMan ZMF Consultant

Feb 2010Jul 2010
iqtechpros - Saga Consulting Services (Client: Huntington National Bank - Columbus, OH)
  • Developed XML-based batch process to facilitate migration of 170 COBOL business applications from the ZMF "ALLSITE" configuration into a "DPPSITE" configuration.
  • Provided consultation on best-practices in regards to ZMF configuration and use.
  • Modified existing customizations in support of the new configuration and migration of ChangeMan ZMF from one facility to another.

Main Skills used: Rexx, Assembler, COBOL, DB2, CICS, ISPF Dialog Manager, TSO, JCL, XML, ZMF, VSAM, Xpediter, RACF, IBM Utilities, IDCAMS, DFDSS

iqtechpros (originally Saga Consulting for Mainline Information Systems)

Senior Business Application Consultant - Pharmacy Benefit Management - MEDS

Oct 2008Aug 2009
Technisource (Client: CVS/CareMark)
  • Supported Quality Initiatives within the Medicare Enterprise Data Store (MEDS) System.
  • Developed Application Designs for COBOL, DB2 / CICS program specifications.
  • Developed and modified COBOL, DB2 / CICS programs.
  • Provided consultation on ChangeMan ZMF related issues.

Main Skills used: COBOL, DB2, CICS, JCL, TSO, ISPF, VSAM, Xpediter

ITS Tools - SCM ChangeMan ZMF Consultant

Jan 2008Sep 2008
netPolarity (Client: Charles Schwab)
  • Function as the Technical Team Lead for the ITS Tools group during upgrade to ChangeMan ZMF 5.6.2.
  • Provided ZMF administrative and technical support.
  • Implemented several enhancements to ZMF including support for COBOL DB2 Stored Procedures.
  • Modified Assembler Language Exits, Rexx programs and other ISPF Dialog Manager components in support of ChangeMan ZMF.
  • Developed Synchronized Software Installation Procedure & Proposal designed to keep development and testing environments synchronized with their associated production environments systematically. 

Main Skills used: COBOL, Assembler, DB2, CICS, JCL, Rexx, TSO, ISPF Dialog Manager, ChangeMan ZMF

SCM Technical Team Lead

Sep 2004Dec 2007
Synova (Client: Visteon)
  • Functioned as technical lead regarding the conversion of software assets from one major automotive company to another. 
  • Responsible for all phases of the implementation and deployment of ChangeMan ZMF based initiatives for Visteon. This includes but not limited to gathering of business and technical requirements, implementation, customization, documentation, testing, training and technical support.
  • Functioned as the Technical Lead for the SCM team on upgrade to ChangeMan ZMF 5.3.6. 
  • Provided lead SCM administrative and technical support.

Main Skills used: COBOL, DB2, IMS/DC, JCL, Rexx, Clist, TSO, ISPF Dialog Manager, ChangeMan ZMF, VSAM, Xpediter, RACF

SCM Consultant

Sep 2003Sep 2004
Kforce Technology Staffing (Client: Ford Motor Company)
  • I stayed in same position as described in the preceding job entry below; I simply switched to a Ford Blanket vendor for reasons internal to Ford management.

Main Skills used: Assembler, COBOL, DB2, IMS, Rexx, JCL, TSO, ISPF Dialog Manager, ChangeMan ZMF, VSAM, Xpediter, RACF

SCM Consultant

Sep 1998Sep 2003
Compuware (Client: Ford Motor Company)

ITS Standards & Software Configuration Management – ChangeMan ZMF

  • Participated on the corporate committee (DEOC) charged with evaluation and recommendation of a corporate SCM tool. 
  • Developed Project Charter, evaluation criteria and various presentations.
  • Documented Change Management processes implemented using ChangeMan to support CMM level 2 assessment directives. 
  • Installed and customized software (Serena ChangeMan) to provide best-in-class SCM change management processes to support business application development. 
  • Functioned as technical lead during conversion of 225+ business applications from four different homegrown change control systems into ChangeMan.
  • Participated in training of over 375 ITS personnel on use of ChangeMan and best SCM practices.

Main Skills used: Assembler, COBOL, DB2, IMS, Rexx, JCL, TSO, ISPF Dialog Manager, ChangeMan ZMF, VSAM, Xpediter, RACF

Change Management Consultant

Jun 1998Sep 1998
M.I.S. International (Client: Ford Motor Company)

Marketing & Sales Development Services Change Management & Tools:

  • Provided support of Computer Based Training (CBT) courses used by developers.
  • Performed research, developed documentation and presented arguments to support acquisition of a SCM tool to replace existing in-house developed change control systems.
  • Provided support to developers for unique ABEND resolution, testing and development tools, ISPF environment and miscellaneous software.
  • Developed a mainframe project / package oriented interface (HOPS) to increase productivity of the technical support group.
  • Restructured, rewrote various CLIST into REXX programs to reduce complexity and increase maintainability and performance.

Main Skills used: Rexx, Clist, COBOL, DB2, IMS, JCL, TSO, ISPF Dialog Manager, ChangeMan ZMF, AbendAid, FileAid, RACF

Change Control Administrator

1994Jun 1998
Syntel (Client: Ford Motor Company)
  • Maintained and enhanced software in support of five change control systems used by North American Marketing Sales and Customer Service division developers. 
  • Helped develop and implement Release Management processes into the NAMSS and PLCS Change Control systems. 
  • Participated on PLCS cost reduction task force providing consultation on various cost savings methods related to CPU and DASD utilization.
  • Provided consultation to programmers on efficient SQL coding techniques and use of DB2.

Main Skills used: Rexx, Clist, COBOL, DB2, IMS, JCL, TSO, ISPF Dialog Manager, ChangeMan ZMF, AbendAid, FileAid, Xpediter, RACF

Mazda Project Lead (FRIS) & Programmer (FRIS, RECAP)

Computer Task Group, Inc (Client; Ford Motor Company)

Mazda FRIS, Fleet Repurchase Information System

  • Led project to incorporate Mazda Motor Company’s Fleet Repurchase business into the Fleet Repurchase Information System (FRIS). 
  • Interfaced with Mazda team to gather customization requirements. 
  • Developed data base design modification requirements. 
  • Functioned as the application DBA. 
  • Developed specifications for implementation of external vendor’s Fleet Repurchase Business.
  • Designed and developed IMS/DC DB2 program shells to be used by programmers in the development of the Fleet Repurchase Information System. These shells have spread throughout and beyond MS&SS. 

Recreational Converter Assistance Program (RECAP).

  • Designed specifications for new online IMS/DC DB2 screens to provide customer with converter rates, location and payment history by vehicle. 
  • Developed new and enhanced existing reports. 
  • Utilized online shells developed during FRIS project.

Main Skills used: Rexx, Clist, COBOL, MicroFocus COBOL, DB2, SQL, QMF, IMS, JCL, TSO, ISPF Dialog Manager, AbendAid, FileAid, VSAM, Xpediter, RACF, XDB

Systems Analyst (Client: Chrysler Corporation -Centerline)

Computer & Engineering Services (CES)

Always Balanced Checkbook (ABC) System

  • Conducted code reviews. 
  • Maintained COBOL / DB2 programs.

Main Skills used: COBOL, DB2, IMS, JCL, TSO, AbendAid, RACF


Computer Task Group, Inc. (Client: Ford Motor Company)
  • Numerous achievements within various Ford business application development groups including:
    • Fleet Systems
    • Merchandising Information System
    • Marketing Programs Systems
    • Dealer Payment Systems
  • Gathered & compiled customer requirements
  • Designed, coded & implemented IMS/DC DB2 application to support dealer access to merchandising information
  • Reduced business costs associated with dealer charge backs by designing, developing and implementing major enhancements to the Vehicle Claim & Marketing Incentive History processes.
  • Reduced run-time costs by restructuring JCL and rewriting XTABS programs in COBOL.
  • Participated on the MASOSCO Productivity Tools User Group.
  • Conducted interviews for potential CTG new hires.
  • Developed training materials for CLIST programming.
  • Taught class on CLIST programming to numerous CTG & Client staff.
  • Attended 1990 CTG Technology Symposium in Tampa Florida
  • Engaged in CTG training including:
    • Presentation Skills
    • Interview Skills
    • Database Design
    • Structured Programming

Main Skills used: COBOL, DB2, SQL, QMF, IMS, JCL, TSO, ISPF Dialog Manager, AbendAid, FileAid, Rexx, Clist, XTABS, VSAM, Xpediter, RACF, APS

Database Support / Programmer

Computer Task Group (Client: Electronic Data Systems - EDS)

Centralized Data Base Support

  • Designed, developed and implemented process to reproduce libraries of VSAM data base definitions that were lost during a consolidation of multiple data base groups into a central support group. Programming language used PL/1.
  • Implemented various VSAM job performance improvements.

Main Skills used: PL/1, JCL, TSO, IBM Utilities, VSAM

Various Positions:

Henry Ford Hospital
Production Control Group Analyst (PCG)
  • Developed COBOL programs for Accounts Receivable. 
  • Designed and developed fix for on-line CICS file allocation / de-allocation assembler routine. 
  • Debugged production program / job failures. 
  • Developed various CLIST and ISPF utilities to automate redundant tasks. 

Lead Computer Operator

  • Coordinated work schedules and training of computer operators. 
  • Managed CICS on-line availability, SNA / VTAM network resources; lines, nodes, controllers, etc.
  • Developed training materials and procedural documentation. 
  • Executed IPLs (Initial Program Loads) during software and hardware maintenance. 
  • Enhanced existing operations forms and schedules. 
  • Engaged in self-training of PL/1 and Assembler. 

 Computer Operator

  • Coordinated nightly batch processing per defined schedule. Controlled device allocations in a multiple-CPU environment.
  • Managed output print queues.
  • HFH training in VTAM Network operations, OS/370 principles, JCL.

Main Skills used: TSO, COBOL, JCL, Assembler, VSAM, Clist, CICS, VTAM, MVS, JES2, OS/370, SNA Network, HoneyWell


Professional Education
  • AWS Certified Solutions Architect - March 2017
  • AWS Websites & Web Applications
  • AWS Digital Media in the cloud
  • Presentation Skills Workshop
  • Interview Skills Workshop
  • Serena ChangeMan ZMF Installation & Administration
  • DB2 Database Design
  • DB2 SQL & QMF
  • Structured Programming
  • VTAM & SNA Networking
  • OS/370 Operations Principles


AWS Certified Solutions Architect - Associate
ChangeMan ZMF

I have extensive experience & expertise with ChangeMan ZMF including:   Installation,   Customization,   Configuration,   Training & Support


General Knowledge, Beginner Admin.  (Advanced ISPF Technical Knowledge)

z/OS Utilities & Tools

IDCAMS, FileAid, File Manager, Syncsort, AbendAid, Xpedier, RexxTools, JES2, JES3 SDSF, EJES

Operations & Production Support

Operations:   IBM MVS Operations IBM's SNA Operations VTAM Network Management Honeywell Operations

Production Support: CA1 CA7 CA11

Distributed Application Technologies

  HTML,  DHTML,  CSS,  PHP,  XML, Javascript, Visual Studio Code, Oracle VM Virtual Box Manager, Python

ISPF Dialog Manager Application Development
PC: Other

  XDB, FlowChart, MicroFocus COBOL Workbench  

PC: Microsoft Software Suite

I have extensive knowledge & expertise with Microsoft Software Suite including:   Word, Excel, PowerPoint, Access, FrontPage, Project

z/OS-Based Business Application Development & Support
Proficient in the use of both TSO ( also see Clist, Rexx & ISPF Dialog Manager skills)
IMS / DC Programming
CICS Programming & Operations Support
Database: DB2 Programming
I have extensive knowledge & experience with DB2 Programming including:   Database design, creation,  maintenance & support BMC utilities SPUFI QMF / QME
Language: SQL
Language: JCL
Language: CLIST
Language: PL/I
Language: Rexx
Language: Assembler

Experienced in modification and development of Assembler language exits.

Language: Enterprise COBOL

Proficient in the design, development and support of COBOL-based business application software.