P.A.H.A. Gunawardhana
Head of Department of Gastrointestinal Surgery
- Colombo , Sri Lanka
- +94 776601068 / + 94 112 677017
- hasanjaya@yahoo.com
P.A.H.A.Gunawardhana ,K.I.Deen
ANZ journal of surgery/Vol 71,issue 8
First published : 20.12.2001
P.A.H.A.Gunawardhana ,K.I.Deen
GUT 48: A55-A55
March 2001
patients with different upper gastrointestinal diseases
E.Waidyarathne, H.Gunawardhana
DOI : 10.4038/cmj .v55i2.1992
Ceylon Medical Journal Vol 55(2)2010 pp68-69
in free living and institutionalised older people
P.A.H.A.Gunawardhana , S.R.E. Wijesuriya,K.I.Deen
GUT 48, suppl _ 1.A51