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Hillary Glencross

Assistant professor

Work Experience

Assistant Professor

Salem State University

Employed through the Sport and Movement Science Department at Salem State University to educate and supervise students in the physical education teacher education program.

Visiting Professor

Salem State University

Employed through the McKeown School of Education at Salem State University to supervise physical education teacher education, student teachers in course: EDC 891P - Student Teaching Practicum in Secondary Physical Education. 

Physical Education and Wellness Teacher

Watertown Public Schools

Started as the secondary adapted physical educator for the district, responsible for planning lessons to achieve individualized student goals. Taught adapted physical education for three years, before transitioning to the freshman physical education teacher, responsible for delivery of freshman curriculum: Project Adventure, various sport skills and fitness topics. Designed and teach Personal Fitness & Wellness course.

Volleyball Coach

Watertown Public Schools

Coached middle school, freshman, junior varsity, and varsity girls' volleyball. Organize practices, oversaw the coaching staff, and coached games. 

Class of 2022 Advisor

Watertown High School

Worked with student government to plan different school events and fundraisers. 

Wellness Committee Member

Watertown Public Schools

Served as a physical education representative for the Watertown Public School Wellness Committee. The committee works with other wellness professionals, parents, and students to ensure a positive wellness impact within the district. 

Ski Trip Chaperone

Watertown Recreation Department

Responsible for students attending the six-week ski trip program to Wachusett Mountain, organized by the Watertown Recreation Department. Responsibilities included: bus monitor to and from mountain and supervision of students on mountain and in the lodge.

Special Olympics Basketball Coach

Heated Lions, Rivers Academy

Responsible for organizing weekly (Heated Lions) basketball practices for Special Olympic athletes and volunteers. Coached practices and games, as well as made game plans to ensure participation by all Heated Lions athletes.

Site Council Teacher Representative

Watertown High School

Served as a teacher representative for four years, and was appointed council secretary for two year of the service. Worked to design school improvement plans for Watertown High School. 


Doctor of Education

Northeastern University

GPA 3.949

Master of Arts - Special (Adapted) Physical Education

Western Michigan University

GPA 3.70

Bachelor of Science - Sport & Movement Science

Salem State University

Cum Laude - GPA 3.518


Professional Preparation Council Member

Shape America

Board Member

Massachusetts Association for Health, Physical Education, Recreation, and Dance

2020-2021 VP Elect Adapted Physical Education

2021-2022 VP Adapted Physical Education

2022-2023 Past VP Adapted Physical Education

2023-2024 Council for Future Professionals

Teacher of the Year Awards Committee

Massachusetts Association for Health, Physical Education, Recreation, and Dance

Reviewed and made recommendations for the elementary and secondary physical education teacher of the year awards. 

Teacher of the Year Awards Committee

Massachusetts Association for Health, Physical Education, Recreation, and Dance

Reviewed and made recommendations for the elementary and secondary physical education teacher of the year awards. 

Professional Affiliations


Massachusetts Association for Health, Physical Education, Recreation, and Dance

Member # 2498

Shape America Member

Shape America

RAD Basic Instructor

Rape Aggression Defense (R.A.D.)

Heartsaver First Aid & CPR Instructor

American Heart Association

Level 1 Archery Instructor

USA Archery

Youth Mental Health First Aid Certified

National Council for Behavioral Health

Basic Steps Level 1 Zumba Instructor

Zumba Fitness

Awards & Recognitions

Outstanding Major of the Year

National Association for Sport and Physical Education

Outstanding Future Professional Award

Eastern District Association for Health, Physical Education, Recreation, and Dance

Outstanding Future Professional Award

Massachusetts Association for Health, Physical Education, Recreation, and Dance


Glencross, H. (2021). The Use of Student Motivational Factors to Influence Student Engagement in a Remote Secondary Physical Education Class. Doctoral Dissertation, Northeastern University. 

Professional presentations

Gillenwater-Catrol, T. & Glencross, H. (April 2025). Coffee Talk: Research Collaborations. Shape America National Convention, Baltimore, MA. 

Olson, L. E., Bishop, J. G., Gillenwater-Catrol, T., Glencross, H., Imagbe, S., Jones, E. M., Lawson, L., Liang, T., Miller, S., Mulhearn, S. C., Nieman, C. V., Ramsey, V., & Ramos, N. (April 2025). HEPPS: Collegial Discussions about Programming and Teaching in HETE/PETE Programs. Shape America National Convention, Baltimore, MA. 

Olson, L. E., Bishop, J. G., Gillenwater-Catrol, T., Glencross, H., Imagbe, S., Lawson, L., Liang, T., Miller, S., Mulhearn, S. C., Ramsey, V., & Ramos, N. (April 2025). HEPPS: Collegial Discussions Regarding the HETE and PETE Standards Refresh/Revision. Shape America National Convention, Baltimore, MA. 

Gallo, A. M., Glencross, H., Davis, K., Dyckman, E., Hills, K., Katsetos, K., Lane, B., Lurgio, M., & Pecchia, C. (November 2024). Surviving or Thriving in Your First Year of Teaching. Council of Future Professional Massachusetts Association for Health, Physical Education, Recreation and Dance Conference, Worcester, MA.

Condie, C., El-Sherif, J., Glencross, H., Miller, B., Parker, M., & Stahura, D. (May 2024). Human-Engaged Pedagogy FPLC. Salem State University CTI Teaching and Learning Symposium, Salem, MA. 

Glencross, H. (March 2024) 5-12 Physical Education Curriculum Initiatives. Professional Development Workshop Webster Public Schools, Webster, MA. 

Glencross, H. (January 2024) 5-12 Physical Education Curriculum Initiatives. Professional Development Workshop Webster Public Schools, Webster, MA. 

Gallo, A. M., Glencross, H., Conrad, J., Hills, K., Lane, B., Madden, K., McGillicuddy, M.J., Osorio, B., Pires, C., & Richter. (November 2023). Are You Ready? Council of Future Professional Massachusetts Association for Health, Physical Education, Recreation and Dance Conference, Worcester, MA.  

Glencross, H. (October 2023) K-8 Physical Education Curriculum Initiatives. Professional Development Workshop Lowell Public Schools, Lowell, MA. 

El-Sherif, J. L. & Glencross, H. (May 2013). Comparing Student Perceptions of Physical Education and Wellness Programs. Undergrad Research Symposium, Salem State University.