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I am a hard worker who completes her tasks and any other work in between. I can work with others and help them out with their job and try to make the best of my shifts. I am always on time and never call out of my shifts and will work till my job is done. 

Work experience

Sept 2019N/A

Cafe Rio Caller

I am the first person a customer sees when they order. I walk them through their order and clarify any information with the customer before starting the order

I have learned how to work 3 other positions including salad line cook, cashier, and togo

I have been working there for over a year now and have learned so much with this new responsibility 

Other Services

Along with my one job, I have also completed over 70 hours of community service. I have been able to work and talk to people and create an environment I would and others would want to be in. 


  1. Feed my starving children
  2. Pet Depot
  3. 12k Christmas Run
  4. Babysitting
  5. Wow Dog Rescue


July 2017May 2021

High School Senior

Perry High School

Have maintained perfect attendance throughout all 4 years of high school

I have a 3.8 gpa this year as well


I work very well with others and will help them out with certain tasks along with asking others for help when there is nothing else to work on at that moment

There is no job to big or little that I can not complete