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  • Elixir ~ 3 years
  • HTML, CSS, Tailwind CSS ~ 3 years
  • Phoenix/Phoenix LiveView ~ 3 years
  • JavaScript/React.js ~ 3 years
  • Postgres ~ 3 years
  • Flutter ~ 2 years

Work experience

Contract Software Engineer

Dec 2023Present
Local Fare Jax
  • Solely responsible for designing and implementing a multitenant architecture across the entire software suite, ensuring tenant-specific data handling in Phoenix LiveView workflows and subdomain-based isolation for MVC workflows.

Software Developer

Dec 2021May 2023
Or Equals


Local Fare Jax - Grocery delivery subscription service
Tech Stack: Elixir, Phoenix, Phoenix LiveView, Ecto, Postgres, JavaScript, Tailwind CSS, Alpine.js 

  • Worked on a team of three developers to build an all-inclusive set of business software, including a membership portal, e-commerce platform, and an admin portal.
  • Independently architected and developed a robust inventory management system for use in multiple application workflows.
  • Designed and implemented a driver tipping feature set, leading to an additional $7,000 in monthly revenue without increasing overhead costs.
  • Implemented charge/refund processes through AuthNet via automated OTP workers. 
  • Led a zero-downtime data migration for 11,000 members from Farmigo to Local Fare Jax's software, using existing tables to build new data structures compatible with our proprietary system.
  • Developed an email templating engine, enabling admins to dynamically inject application logic and data using generic placeholder tags.
  • Independently designed and developed proprietary driver routing software using LiveView with OpenStreetMap, Leaflet, and custom JavaScript. Ensured excellent test coverage of JavaScript interop using a combination of ExUnit and Wallaby.
  • Directed executive decisions regarding UX and UI for multiple feature sets, ensuring a user-centered design.
  • Provided mentorship to an apprentice developer, aiding in their Elixir, Phoenix LiveView, and SQL education, while imparting domain-specific knowledge.
  • Engaged directly with stakeholders to provide progress updates, brainstorm potential features, and diagnose bug reports.

TemboCPAs Bridge - Multitenant integration tool for Zoho CRM and QuickBooks invoices

Tech Stack: Elixir, Phoenix, Phoenix LiveView, Ecto, Postgres, Tailwind CSS

  • Developed, tested, and QA'd multiple features for API bridge between Zoho Invoice API and Intuit API. 
  • Added detailed invoice line item support to API bridge.
  • Added extensively to application test coverage, mocking with ExVCR.


Local Fare Jax Routing Suite - An all-inclusive set of software for optimizing, modifying, and monitoring delivery routes. Includes a mobile app for drivers to navigate to their delivery stops and provide status updates.

Technologies: Phoenix LiveView 0.16, OTP, Postgres, TailWindCSS, JavaScript, Java, OpenStreetMap, OpenRouteService, LeafletJS, SortableJS, Flutter, FlutterFlow, Dart, Wallaby, ExUnit, ExMachina

LiveView Wordle Featured on ElixirCastsA clone of The New York Times' Wordle game, built with Phoenix LiveView and vanilla JavaScript. One of only a few examples of browser gaming built with LiveView. 

Technologies: Phoenix LiveView 0.17, OTP, Postgres, DaisyUI, TailWindCSS, JavaScript, Wallaby, ExUnit, ExMachina, Ngrok


Political Science

University of North Florida

Associate of Arts, General Studies

Florida State College at Jacksonville