Professor Janine O'flynn
Director, Crawford School of Public Policy, College of Asia the Pacific, Australian National University.
- canberra, Australia
- +61 2 6125 3897 (EA)
My research interests are in public management and, in particular, reform and relationships. This covers topics as diverse as the creation and evolution of public service markets, collaboration and joined-up government, to designing effective performance management systems. Increasingly I am exploring the intersection of public management practices and morality in areas of extreme complexity. My collaborative research projects have received several academic awards including: best articles in Public Administration Review and Review of Public Personnel Administration; best book award at the Academy of Management; and several best paper awards at Academy of Management.
From 2022-2024 I was Associate Editor at Public Management Review and previously I was an Editor of the Australian Journal of Public Administration (2015-2021). Currently, I am a member of several editorial boards for journals from across the world: Public Administration; Public Management Review; Policy Design and Practice; Global Public Policy and Governance; Halduskultuur: The Estonian Journal of Administrative Culture and Digital Governance, and Asia Pacific Journal of Public Administration. Previously I was on the editorial boards of: Public Administration Review; International Journal of Public Administration; Journal of Public Affairs Education; Journal of Management & Organization, Teaching Public Administration and Canadian Journal of Public Administration.
My teaching focuses on management issues in the public sector and the challenges faced by contemporary leaders in pursuit of public purpose. I have worked extensively with experienced professionals from across the world in both executive education and postgraduate programs and have been recognised for teaching excellence through various college, university and national level awards. As a keen observer of international practice in public management, I have had the opportunity to provide expert advice to a range of policymakers including in Australia, Chile, Bhutan, New Zealand, the United States of America, Vietnam, Canada, China and Singapore.
Between 2012-2018 I was an elected member of the executive board of the International Research Society for Public Management and I was elected to the board of the Public Management Research Association Board in 2021. I am an elected fellow of the (US) National Academy of Public Administration (since 2022), and was appointed a fellow of the Institute of Public Administration Australia (Victoria) (since 2013). I have been a member of the Advisory Board for the Australian Public Service Centre for Leadership and Learning (2018-2020) and a member of the Infrastructure Victoria Expert Panel on the Role of Infrastructure in Addressing Regional Disadvantage (2019-2020). Since 2021 I have been a member of the Centre for Public Impact Australia Research Committee. In 2022, I was appointed to the Advisory Board of the Victorian Public Sector Commission.
In 2019, I was commissioned to co-author a major research paper to inform the work of the Independent Review of the Australian Public Service in relation to how commissioning and contracting could be done by the federal government: 2030 and Beyond: Getting the Work of Government Done. In 2020 I joined a network of practitioners and academics attached to the Agile Government Center, sponsored by the United States National Academy of Public Administration and the IBM Center for the Business of Government.
Together my various activities across research, education and engagement seek to better understand how government works and to contribute to improving the outcomes of those activities.
My PhD focused on the introduction of competition to public services. My fieldwork was undertaken in the Victorian local government sector where radical reform was being undertaken, including the adoption of a compulsory competitive tendering approach. The thesis explored tendering processes, markets, and organisational aspects of reform. Submitted in 2003 and conferred in 2004. My PhD was supervised by Janet Walsh and John Alford; examined by George Boyne and Graeme Hodge.
1998-2003 Australian Postgraduate Award with stipend
1998-1999 Queens Trust Young Achiever Award to undertake study tour in the United Kingdom on the impact of local government reform.
My honours thesis focused on the employment effects of public sector reform, specifically the introduction of competition to the local government sector.
1997-1998 Kinsman Scholar awarded for summer research studentship awarded to high achieving honours students.
1997 Australian Chamber of Manufactures Prize for academic excellence awarded to the highest achieving student in the honours program: Department of Management and Industrial Relations.
1997 Australian Human Resources Institute of Australia Award for academic excellence awarded to highest achieving student in the honours program: Department of Management and Industrial Relations.
Honours subjects and results: Management and Industrial Relations Research Thesis (H1 – 87%); The Australian Welfare State in International Perspective (H1 – 88%); Advanced Human Resource Management (H1 – 86%); Advanced Organisational Behaviour (H1 – 82%); Advanced Industrial Relations (H1 – 81%); Organisational Change (H1 – 81%)
Appointed Director of the Crawford School of Public Policy, Australian National University.
As part of my sabbatical leave in 2020 I was appointed as Visiting Professor at the Department of Public Policy, City University, Hong Kong.
Visiting position cancelled due to COVID-19
From July 2018 I have been Professor of Public Management at the Australia and New Zealand School of Government. This is a secondment (2018-2023) from the University of Melbourne where I remain a Professor of Public Management in the Melbourne School of Government. At ANZSOG I have been Academic Director of the Executive Master of Public Administration (Acting - 2019), led a review of ANZSOG's education programs and commissioned experts to develop new modules. I am subject leader for Delivering Public Value in the Executive Master of Public Administration. From 2022 I have held the position of Deputy Dean (Engagement) at ANZSOG.
Invited visitor in October 2017 to CCPDS, Fudan University, Shanghai and co-chair of the 5th Public Governance Forum in Greater China on Evidence-based Policy Making in Greater China and Australia.
I was appointed Professor of Public Management, School of Social and Political Sciences (Faculty of Arts) in 2013 and have held a joint appointment in the Melbourne School of Government since 2014. At Melbourne I led the development of a cross-faculty Master of Public Administration program. I was the Director of the Master of Public Administration 2013-2018, Director of the Master of Public Policy and Management 2013-2016. From 2015-2018 I was the Director of Education in the Melbourne School of Government. From July 2018, my substantive position has been in the Melbourne School of Government.
During my time at the University of Melbourne I led the subjects Public Management and International Public Management (Master of Public Policy and Management); World of Public Administration (Master of Public Administration). I have delivered guest lectures in: Commissioning Public Services, World of Public Administration, and Administrative Challenges in Practice. I also oversaw the minor thesis for students in both the MPA and the MPPM.
Resigned to take up position as Director of the Crawford School of Public Policy, Australian National University.
In 2011 I was appointed to the ANZSOG faculty. ANZSOG is a consortium of university and government partners in Australia and New Zealand, providing education and research programs. My appointment at ANZSOG recognised several years of contribution including to the Executive Fellows Program and the Executive Masters of Public Administration, supervising student projects, and being a member of several reviews.
I was appointed Professor at the Crawford School of Public Policy in September 2012. Prior to this I was Associate Professor (2012), Senior Lecturer (2010-2011) and Lecturer/Research Fellow (2008-2009) in the Crawford School. During 2007-2008 I held a joint appointment at the Research School of Social Sciences (Political Science) and the Crawford School of Economics and Government. From end-2009 to mid-2012 I was Director of Education at the Crawford School.
During my time at the Crawford School I led the subjects Case Studies in Public Sector Management (Master of Public Administration; Master of Public Policy); Government, Markets and Global Change (compulsory for all students); and People and Performance in Public Organisations (MPP). I also delivered guest lectures in: Managing Government Finances; Economics for Government; Research Design; Research Methods; and Social Policy and Service Delivery.
As part of sabbatical leave I was a Visiting Fellow at the Research School of Social Sciences.
I was appointed as Lecturer in 2004 and promoted to Senior Lecturer in 2007.
During my time in the School of Business and Government I led the subjects Public Sector Management (undergraduate), Public Administration (Masters of Public Administration), and Public Administration at the Interface (MPA). I also delivered guest lectures in: Leadership, Innovation and Change (undergraduate); and Leadership and Change Management (MPA).
I was appointed as Lecturer in the Department of Management where I led the subjects Management (undergraduate) and Human Resource Management (Master of Management).
I was appointed Research Fellow (part-time) and worked with a team on the Programme for the Practice of Diversity of Management, funded by the Department of Immigration and Multicultural and Indigenous Affairs. The project involved working with a group of Australian firms to undertake research on diversity management and produce a ranges of resources for use in practice. This included an evidence-based business cases, a range of business models, and several toolkits for managers.
During my PhD candidature I undertook sessional tutoring which included designing tutorials, grading of assessment tasks, and student consultation. I was a tutor in: Industrial Relations Policy; Comparative Industrial Relations; and Organisational Analysis.
Nominated and elected Fellow of the US National Academy of Public Administration. Thirty-five new fellows were elected to the Class of 2022 in recognition of their expertise in public administration.
Awarded to the best article published in Review of Public Personnel Administration in 2019. For the article Managing Expectations to Create High Performance Government.
Awarded to the best article published in Public Administration Review in 2016. For the article Effective Practitioner-Scholar Relationships: Lessons from a Co-Production Partnership.
An all-academy award for the paper that best meets the objectives of internationalising the AOM. Nominee award presented at the AOM annual conference in Philadelphia for the paper Enhancing Performance in the Australian Public Service: A Case of Co-Production.
Awarded to the best public/non-profit book published in the three years prior. Presented at the 2014 AOM annual conference in Philadelphia for Rethinking Public Service Delivery: Managing with External Providers.
Awarded for outstanding scholarship in the fields of public and nonprofit management to the best paper from across the AOM that examines the behaviour public or nonprofit organisations. Presented at the AOM annual conference in Orlando for Managing Expectations to Create High Performance Organisations.
Awarded to the best paper in the public and nonprofit division. Presented at the AOM annual conference in Orlando for Managing Expectations to Create High Performance Organisations.
Nominated and appointed a Fellow of the Institute of Public Administration Australia (Victoria) in recognition of contribution to the field of public administration.
Nominated by the Australian National University for national award presented to Australia's most outstanding university teachers. All nominees are nominated by their institutions.
Awarded for significant and sustained contributions to the quality of student learning. The specific citation was: For empowering and assisting professional students to connect theory and practice meaningfully and assisting them to develop complex managerial decision-making and policy advice skills. All nominees are nominated by their university for these national awards. Prize of A$10000 is presented to the awardee.
The university's highest award for teaching which is awarded in recognition of excellence in teaching, outstanding presentation skills, and broad and deep contribution to enhancing the quality of learning and teaching at the Australian National University. Prize of A$4000 is presented to the awardee.
The College's highest recognition of teaching excellence. Prize of A$1000 is presented to the awardee.
Markets for Misery: Profiting from Vulnerability and Misfortune, Polity, Cambridge. Expected completion 2024
Research Handbook on Public Management and COVID-19, Edward Elgar.
Evaluating Outcomes in Health and Social Care Policy Press, Bristol
Rethinking Public Service Delivery: Managing with External Providers Palgrave, Basingstoke.
225+ citations; best seller from the Public Management and Leadership Series
Collaborative Governance: A New Era of Public Policy in Australia? ANU Press, Canberra.
The Scholarship of Teaching and Learning in Public Administration: An Agenda for Future Research. Journal of Public Affairs Education, 30(1), 11-27.
The Future of Public Administration Research: An Editor's Perspective. Public Administration. 100(1), 59-71.
Back to the Future: Reflections and Predictions. Australian Journal of Public Administration. 80(4), 647-651.
Rising to Ostrom’s Challenge: An Invitation to Walk on the Bright Side of Public Governance and Public Service, Policy Design and Practice., 4(4), 441-451.
Where to for Public Value? Taking stock and moving on. International Journal of Public Administration. 44(10), 867-877.
Confronting the Big Challenges of our Time: Making a Difference During and After COVID-19. Public Management Review, 23(7), 961-980.
Rethinking Relationships: Clarity, Contingency and Capabilities. Policy Design and Practice, 2(2), 115-136.
Managing Expectations to Create High Performance Government. Review of Public Personnel Administration, 39(2), 185-208.
Performing What? Exploring and Expanding the Notion of Synecdoche in Performance Management Practice. Public Administration Quarterly. 42(3), 395-424.
Measuring Policy Success: Evaluating Public Sector Reform in Bhutan. International Journal of Public Administration, 40(2), 115-125.
From Headline to Hard Grind: The Importance of Understanding Public Administration in Achieving Health Outcomes. International Journal of Health Policy and Management, 5(7), 439-442.
From Engaging to Enabling: Could an Asset-Based Approach Transform Indigenous Affairs?. Environment and Planning C: Government and Policy, 34(8), 1632-1651.
Effective Practitioner-Scholar Relationships: Lessons from a Coproduction Partnership. Public Administration Review, 76(1), 35-47.
The Promises and Pitfalls of Prime Provider Models in Service Delivery: The Next Phase of Reform in Australia? Australian Journal of Public Administration, 74(2), 239-248.
Can enhanced performance management support public sector change?Journal of Organizational Change Management, 28(2), 271-289.
Public Sector Reform. Australian Journal of Public Administration, 74(1), 13-22 [2018 Impact Factor 1.311; 5-year: 1.333].
Looking to the Past and the Future of the Australian Journal of Public Administration. Australian Journal of Public Administration, 74(1), 1-4 .
Accountability: To Whom, in Relation to What, and Why? Australian Journal of Public Administration, 73(4), 401-407.
You Win Some, You Lose Some: Experiments with Joined-Up Government. International Journal of Public Administration, 34(4), 244-254.
Perspectives on the Capacity of the Australian Public Service and Effective Policy Development and Implementation. Australian Journal of Public Administration, 70(3), 309-317.
Can Strategic Human Resource Management Enable Gross National Happiness? International Journal of Commerce and Management, 20(3), 232-245.
A Blinding Lack of Progress: Management Rhetoric and Affirmative Action. Gender, Work and Organization, 17(6), 658-678.
The Cult of Collaboration. Australian Journal of Public Administration, 68(1), 112-116.
Making Sense of Public Value: Concepts, Critiques and Emergent Meanings. International Journal of Public Administration, 32(3-4), 171-191.
580+ citations. Second most read and cited article in the journal archives.
Experimenting with Organisational Design in Bhutan: Tools for Reform and the Achievement of Multi-Level Goals. Public Administration and Development, 29(2), 133-144.
The Separation/Specification Dilemma in Contracting: The Local Government Experience in Victoria. Public Administration, 86(1), 205-224.
The Skippy Saga, Australian Capital Territory Political Chronicles. Australian Journal of Politics and History, 54(2), 336-341.
The Skippy Saga: Dedux, Australian Capital Territory Political Chronicles, Australian Journal of Politics and History, 54(4), 657-662.
From New Public Management to Public Value: Paradigmatic Change and Managerial Implications. Australian Journal of Public Administration, 66(3), 353-366.
1280+ citations; most accessed article and cited in the journal archives.
John Howard: The Great Privatiser? Australian Journal of Political Science, 42(2), 365-381.
From Public to Private: The Australian Experience of Privatisation. Asia Pacific Journal of Public Administration, 29(2), 151-169.
Release of the Coronial Inquiry into the 2003 Bushfires: Finally: Australian Capital Territory Political Chronicles. Australian Journal of Politics and History, 53(2), 330-336.
Deconstructing Jon: Australian Capital Territory Political Chronicles. Australian Journal of Politics and History, 53(4), 662-667.
Accolades and Brickbats: Stanhope's Anti-Terrorism Crusade, Australian Capital Territory Political Chronicles. Australian Journal of Politics and History, 52(2), 332-336.
The Struggle for Territory Independence: The Civil Unions Bill, Australian Capital Territory Political Chronicles. Australian Journal of Politics and History, 52(4), 684-689.
The Bushfire Inquest, Australian Capital Territory Political Chronicles. Australian Journal of Politics and History, 51(4), 622-627.
Australian Capital Territory Election Processes, Australian Capital Territory Political Chronicles. Australian Journal of Politics and History, 51(2), 322-326.
Human Rights in the Australian Capital Territory, Australian Capital Territory Political Chronicles. Australian Journal of Politics and History, 50(4), 636-639.
The Employer Perspective of Indigenous (Un)employment. Economic Papers, 22(4), 45-60.
Managing Through Contracts: The Employment Effects of Compulsory Competitive Tendering in Australian Local Government. Industrial Relations Journal, 31(5), 454-470 [2018 Impact Factor 1.311; 5-year: 1.333].
Examining Interpretive Theses: A Personal Reflection. In C. Enfield and H. Sullivan (eds.) How to Conduct Interpretive Research: Insights for PhD students and Early Career Researchers in the Social Sciences. Edward Elgar.
The Future of Public Management as we Emerge from the Acute Phase of COVID-19: Key Themes and Future Trajectories. In H. Dickinson, S. Yates, J. O'Flynn and C. Smith Research Handbook on Public Management and COVID-19, Edward Elgar.
Introduction to the Research Handbook on Public Management and COVID-19. In H. Dickinson, S. Yates, J. O'Flynn and C. Smith Research Handbook on Public Management and COVID-19, Edward Elgar.
A Global Perspective on Public Administration? The Dynamics Shaping the Field and What it Means for Teaching and Learning. In K. Bottom, P. Dunning, I. Elliot & J. Diamond (eds). Handbook of Teaching Public Administration. Edward Elgar.
Public Service Markets, in K. Schedler (ed.) Encyclopedia of Public Management, Edward Elgar, Cheltenham
High-performance government. In Oxford Research Encyclopedia of Politics. Oxford University Press. doi:
The Changing Nature of Work: Time to Return to Performance Fundamentals? in D. Blackman (ed) Handbook on Performance Management in the Public Sector, Edward Elgar.
A Test of Wills? Exploring Synecdoche and Gaming in the National Literacy and Numeracy Performance Monitoring Regime, in D. Blackman (ed) Handbook on Performance Management in the Public Sector, Edward Elgar.
Trajectories of Reform: Where (and Whom) Are the Public Servants? in in H. Sullivan, H. Dickinson and H. Henderson (eds.) The Palgrave Handbook of the Public Servant, Palgrave.
Trajectories of Reform: An Introduction, in in H. Sullivan, H. Dickinson and H. Henderson (eds.) The Palgrave Handbook of the Public Servant, Palgrave.
Public Sector Reform and the Public Servant, in in H. Sullivan, H. Dickinson and H. Henderson (eds.) The Palgrave Handbook of the Public Servant, Palgrave.
Hybrids: Smart, Dumb, Solution or Problem?, in J. Koppenjan, P. M. Karré and K. Termeer (eds.) Smart Hybridity: Potential and Challenges of New Governance Arrangements Eleven International Publishing.
Economic Rents, Rent-Seeking Behaviour, and the Case of Privatized Incarceration, in D. Boonin (ed) The Palgrave Handbook on Philosophy and Public Policy, Palgrave.
Boundary Challenges and the Work of Boundary Spanners, in H. Dickinson, C. Needham, C. Mangan, and H. Sullivan (eds.) (Re) Imagining the Future Public Service Workforce, Springer.
Lessons from the Experience of Australian Public Sector Reform, in I. Aninat, and S. Razmilic (eds), Un Estado para la Ciudadanía. Estudios para su modernización [A State for Citizenship: Studies in Modernization], Centro de Estudios Públicos [Center for Public Studies), Santiago, Chile. (Spanish only; English version available on request).
Performance Management as a Strategic Tool for Change, in B. Ran and S. Teo Human Capital Management Research: Influencing Practice and Process Information Age Publishing, Charlotte, NC, pp. 169-182.
Making Sense of Public Value: Concepts, Critiques and Emergent Meanings, in B. Guy Peters and Jon Pierre (eds.) Public Administration Sage, volume 3, chapter 45, pp. 305-324. Reprinted from: International Journal of Public Administration 32(3-4).
Australia: Building Policy Capacity for Managing Wicked Policy Problems, in A. Massey and K. Johnstone (eds.) The International Handbook of Public Management and Governance, Edward Elgar, United Kingdom, pp. 341-368.
Performance Management: Creating High Performance, Not High Anxiety, in J. Wanna, H.A. Lee and S. Yates (eds.) Managing Under Austerity, Delivering Under Pressure: Performance and Productivity in Public Service ANU Press, Canberra, pp. 79-102.
Crossing Boundaries in Public Management and Policy: An Introduction, in J. O'Flynn, D. Blackman and J. Halligan (eds.) Crossing Boundaries in Public Management and Policy: The International Experience Routledge, London, pp. 3-10.
O’Flynn, J. (2014) Crossing Boundaries: The Fundamental Questions in Public Management and Policy, in J. O'Flynn, D. Blackman and J. Halligan (eds.) Crossing Boundaries in Public Management and Policy: The International Experience Routledge, London, pp. 11-44.
Crossing Boundaries in Public Management and Policy: Conclusion and Future Issues, in Crossing Boundaries in Public Management and Policy: The International Experience, Routledge London, pp. 297-305.
Experiments with Joined-Up, Horizontal and Whole-of-Government in Anglophone Countries, in A. Massey (ed.) International Handbook on Civil Services Systems Edward Elgar, Cheltenham, pp. 74-101.
Elusive Appeal or Aspirational Ideal? The Rhetoric and Reality of the ‘Collaborative Turn’ in Public Policy, in O’Flynn, J. and Wanna, J. (eds.) Collaborative Governance: A New Era of Public Policy in Australia ANU Press, Canberra., pp. 181-196.
Enhancing Performance in the Australian Public Sector: A Case of Co-production. Presented at the annual conference of the Academy of Management and published in Academy of Management Proceedings doi: 10.5465/AMBPP.2014.181
Nominee for the Carolyn Dexter Award
Managing Expectations to Create High Performance Government. Presented at the annual conference of the Academy of Management and published in Academy of Management Proceedings doi:10.5465/AMBPP.2013.11
Awarded the Carlo Masini Award and the Charles H Levine Award
Charting the Course to Tomorrow’s Trusted Digital Services, IBM Center for the Business of Government, Washington DC.
Collaborating After Crisis: How Public Administration Scholars and Practitioners Can Work Together. Governing During Crises Policy Brief No.8, Melbourne School of Government, The University of Melbourne, Australia.
2030 and Beyond: Getting the Work of Government Done prepared for the Independent Review of the Australian Public Service, Canberra, Australia.
Lessons from the Australian Experience of Public Sector Reform prepared for Centro de Estudios Públicos (Center of Public Studies), Chile. Completed. Published in Spanish in 2018.
Valuing the Community Sector: A Report Prepared for the Community Sector Reform Council, Melbourne.
Strengthening the Performance Framework: Towards a High Performing Australian Public Service Australian Public Service Commission, Canberra.
Developing High Performance: Performance Management in the Australian Public Service, Australian Public Service Commission and also as Crawford School Research Paper 12-09.
One of several country studies commissioned by the think tank Centro de Estudios Públicos to provide a historical overview and analysis of public sector reform in Australia to inform their advice to the Chilean government on reforming the public sector.
Joint project with Helen Dickinson and Helen Sullivan to identify the various forms of value produced by the community sector in Victoria. Commissioned by the Community Sector Reform Council, jointly chaired by the Secretary of the Department of Premier and Cabinet and the President of the Victorian Council of Social Services. Report under embargo.
Multi-year joint project with Deborah Blackman to identify competencies of effective reformers.
Multi-year joint project with Deborah Blackman to develop initial tool to diagnose organisation readiness to undertake complex . Read a report here.
Joint project with Fiona Buick, Deborah Blackman and Michael O'Donnell. A multi-year collaboration with the Australian Public Service Commission to design performance principles for the Australian Public Service. Read a report here.
Multi-year ARC Linkage project with Ann Neville, Ian Marsh and Daniel Perkins (Brotherhood of St Laurence) - LP0990530, $66,690. Industry Partners: Brotherhood of St Laurence; Jobs Australia; Ace National Network
Multi-year ARC Linkage project with Deborah Blackman, John Halligan and Ian Marsh - LP0776807, $236,000. Industry Partners: Australian Public Service Commission; Australian Government Information Office; Department of Agriculture, Fisheries and Forestry; Department of Families, Housing, Community Services and Indigenous Affairs; Department of Health and Ageing.
For the full list of articles please see my profile page at The Conversation.
For the full list of articles please see my profile page at The Conversation.
Big Challenges for Public Management in Australia. Management Matters, newsletter from the Public Management Research Association. 20(2), 2-4. Invited Essay.
Public Management after COVID-19, Management Matters, newsletter from the Public Management Research Association, 19(1), 4.
New Zealand: Whānau Ora Agile Government Case, Agile Government Center, National Academy of Public Administration, United States of America.
Australia Post Case Study, Agile Government Center, National Academy of Public Administration, United States of America.
Towards Positive Public Administration: A Manifesto. Working Paper.
Why Public Sector Leaders Need to Loosen the Reins on Their Staff. The Hub. Institute of Public Administration Australia (Victoria). May. Invited.
Productivity Paradox, Public Administration Today, pp.8-9. Invited.
The Prime Provider Model: An Opportunity for Better Public Service Delivery? Social Policy Working Paper 18, Brotherhood of St Laurence, Melbourne.
All Praise Public Value? The Ideas, the Debate, and Some Applications. Guest Editor Introduction to special virtual issue on Public Value. Australian Journal of Public Administration.
Some Practical Thoughts on Working Across Boundaries Occasional paper #14, State Services Authority Victoria and Australia and New Zealand School of Government, Melbourne. Invited.
A Public Value Framework for Contractual Governance PUBLIC, Issue 07, ESADE Institute of Public Management, Barcelona. Invited.
Corporate Attitudes to Indigenous Employment, HRMonthly, Australian Human Resources Institute, Melbourne, Australia, June.
The Diversity Dividend, HRMonthly, Australian Human Resource Institute, Melbourne, Australia, June.
Managing Through Contracts: The Employment Effects of Compulsory Competitive Tendering in Australian Local Government, Working Papers in Human Resource Management, Employee Relations and Organisation Studies Series, No.3, Department of Management, The University of Melbourne, Australia.
Ms Gabrielle Lawrence, Australian National University
Ms Eleanor Malbon, Australian National University
Ms Thi Thu-Trang Tran Wisdom in Public Administration in Australia and China
2020 Dr Primatia Wulandari The Embeddedness of Policy Learning in Reform-Oriented Policy Change: The Case of Indonesian Public Administration Reform . The University of Melbourne.
2020 Dr (Elizabeth) Chloe Duncan Implementing Breastfeeding Policy in Victoria: A Study of the Role of Discourse in Policy Implementation in Institutional Voids. The University of Melbourne.
2016 Dr Stephen Perryman Enacting ICT Strategy in Victorian Public Hospitals. The University of Melbourne.
2014 Dr Lhawang Ugyel The Dynamics of Public Sector Reform : Implementation of the Position Classification System in Bhutan. The Australian National University.
2014 Dr John Butcher Compacts Between Government and the Not-For-Profit Sector: A Comparative Case Study of National and Sub-National Cross-Sector Policy Frameworks. The Australian National University.
2013 Dr Herath (Soma) Jayatunge The Effects of Bureaucratic Power on the Policy Process: The Case of Sri Lanka's Poverty Reduction Policy. The Australian National University.
2012 Dr Fiona Buick Organisational Culture as the Panacea for Joined-Up Working : the Rhetoric and Reality Gap. The University of Canberra.
2011 Dr Brent Jackson A Work Values Perspective of the Generation Y - Australian Public Service Employment Relationship. The Australian National University.
2009 Dr Lisa Arnold The Devolution Revolution: The Effect of Human Resource Management Reform in the Australian Public Service. The Australian National University
Daniel C. Stone address at the American Society for Public Administration conference. Washington DC, March 28-April 2, 2025. (Invited).
Vision and values. Presentation for the Australian Public Service Commission Graduate Development Program, Canberra, February 22.
Co-chair of the 2023 ANU Crawford Leadership Forum, Canberra, October 30-31.
The Role of Evaluation in the APS Reform Agenda, Australian Evaluation Society, Canberra, June 2.
Budget Beyond the Numbers, in conversation with Hon. Dr Jim Chalmers MP, the Treasurer. Crawford School of Public Policy, Australian National University, May 31. Podcast available here.
Confronting the Big Challenges of our Times: Reshaping the Government and Public Service Systems that Drive Community Groups Bananas. Invited Keynote Address, Communities in Control Conference, Melbourne, May 23. (Unable to attend due to COVID)
Outsourcing of Digital Government. Invited panelist for the Disruptive Ideas Seminar, Melbourne School of Government, University of Melbourne, November 8.
Public Value: Opportunities and Challenges. Invited Scholars Keynote Address, Public Service Accounting and Accountability Group, Annual Conference, Utrecht University School of Governance and Dutch GOAL Network, October 26.
Chaired seminar for the National Regulators Community of Practice Bias by Design: When the Design, Implementation and Enforcement of Rules Creates Disadvantage with guests Professor Don Moynihan and Ms Sarah McDowell.
Expert interviewee for Government vs The Virus series developed by Professor Colin Talbot to explore how governments, and other actors, were responding to COVID-19. April 2020.
(In)Civility. Academy of Management annual conference. Invited to convene the Public Nonprofit Division plenary, Boston, August 9-14.
Where to for Public Value Research? Taking Stock and Moving On. Understanding Public Value workshop, School of Political Science and International Studies, University of Queensland, July 11-12. Invited presenter and workshop funded by the Australian Political Studies Association.
Getting the Work of Government Done: Thinking Differently About Commissioning and Contracting. Invited keynote, Australia and New Zealand School of Government and Chartered Accountants of Australia and New Zealand, Melbourne, June 11.
Miracles or Mayhem? Post-Election Policy Forum. Invited panel member, Sir Roland Wilson Foundation, Australian National University, Canberra, June 18. Listen to the Policy Forum podcast recorded after the panel.
The 21st Century Public Manager: Challenges, Skills, Training. Invited presentation and panel discussion, Public Management Research Association annual conference, Lee Kuan Yew School of Public Policy, Singapore, June 1.
A (Modern) History of Public Administration in Australia. Invited presentation, School of Political Science and Economics, Waseda University, Japan, March 2.
How Thinking about Misery and Misfortune Can Help Us to Bring Ethics Back into Public Administration and Management. Invited keynote, Australian Association for Professional & Applied Ethics Annual Conference, University of Technology Sydney. June 23.
Governing Multisectoral Action. Invited expert at workshop arranged by Johns Hopkins and UNICEF at Bellagio Rockefeller Centre. Invited participant; declined due to prior commitment.
Invited member of the Editors Panel, a conference event with editors of public administration journals, at the annual IRSPM conference. Hong Kong.
Lanzhou University, Gansu Province, October 10-11. Invited speaker; declined due to prior commitment.
Integrated Governance: International Experiences and Challenges for Portugal. Portuguese Public Administrative Directorate-General for the Qualification of Public Workers and the Portuguese Forum for Integrated Governance, Lisbon, October 15-16. Invited keynote; declined due to prior commitment.
International Seminar on National Public Investment Systems. General Directorate for Public Investment, Ministry of Economy and Finance Peru, Seminar sponsored by the World Bank, Lima, July 5-6. Invited participant; declined due to prior commitment.
Strategic Public Management in Complex Times: Reforms, Relationships and Results. Invited public lecture, Civil Service College, Singapore, July 22.
Rethinking Public Service Delivery. Invited Departmental Seminar, Department of Premier and Cabinet, Victoria. March 27.
Innovation, Productivity and Delivery. Invited presentation, Cisco Public Sector Summit, Yarra Valley, February 17-19 .
Rethinking Public Service Delivery: The Leadership Challenge. National Public Sector Women in Leadership Summit, Canberra, December 3.
Rethinking Public Service Delivery. Invited Departmental Seminar, Commonwealth Department of Finance, Canberra, November 21.
Rethinking Public Service Delivery: Managing with External Providers. Invited Keynote, Jobs Australia Annual Conference, Sydney, September 25
Performance Anxiety: Measuring Workforce Performance and Innovation from the Front Line. Invited presentation, ANZSOG Annual Conference, Brisbane, August 7. Co-presented with Deborah Blackman and Damian West.
It All Depends. Invited keynote for the Jeff Whalan Learning Group Alumni, Canberra, July 2.
Rethinking Public Service Delivery. Invited keynote, Hanover Welfare Services, Annual General Meeting, Melbourne, November 27.
Why Reformers Succeed and Fail. Invited presentation, L21 Public Sector Leadership Series, Sydney, October 16.
Developing High Performance: Performance Management in the Australian Public Service. Invited keynote, 14th World Human Resources Conference, Melbourne, September 25.
Developing a New Performance Management Framework for the Australian Public Service. Invited presentation, Government Performance Coalition, Washington D.C., 24 April 24.
Does Working Together Always Work? Reflections on Joining up in the Real World. Invited presentation, State Services Authority of Victoria and the Australia and New Zealand School of Government, Melbourne, July 1.
The Degradation of the Professional Capacity of the Australian Public Service. Invited presentation. Academy of the Social Sciences in Australia, Canberra, November 8.
Committee member for the Leonard D. White Award for best doctoral dissertation in the field of Public Administration, for the Amercian Political Science Association.
Institute for Public Administration Australia (IPAA) Australian Capital Territory representation on IPAA National Council.
Invited expert member of the Australian Public Service Capability Reinvestment Fund evaluation committee. The committee provides advice to the Minister on project funding for 2024-2025 projects.
Chair of the committee to award the Best Book Award for the Public Nonprofit Division of the Academy of Management.
Chair of the Camilla Stivers prize committee which selects the best article published in Perspectives on Public Management and Governance in 2023 and 2024.
Member of the selection committee to appoint the next editors of Journal of Public Administration Research and Theory.
Appointed Associate Editor for Public Management Review with an initial term of 2-years.
Mentor in the Athena SWAN Supporting Talent & Enabling Talent (STEP) Program at the University of Melbourne. This pilot program is especially focused on mentoring women for promotion from Level C (Senior Lecturer) to Level D (Associate Professor).
Invited lecture in the subject Leadership in Public Services. Subject leader: Professor Catherine Durose, December 2021.
Elected to the Public Management Research Association Board in May 2021.
Podcast guest on From All Sides, interviewed by Tom Craven, Director Cube Group. Released April 7, 2021.
Invited lecture in the subject Public Sector Management, Crawford School of Public Policy. Subject Leader: Dr Azad Singh Bali, March 2021.
Invited lecture in the subject Contemporary Challenges in Public Service Leadership, Cardiff Business School. Subject Leader: Dr Catherine Farrell, February 2021.
Member of the program committee for the Public Management Research Association Annual Conference.
Invited to Chair the Keith Provan Award Committee for the Public NonProfit Division at the Academy of Management from 2021. The award is given annually in Keith Provan's honour for distinguished contribution to the field of Public Administration.
Invited guest speaker at the Ragnar Nurske Department of Innovation and Governance, Tallinn University of Technology, Estonia focused on 2020 article Confronting the big challenges of our time: making a difference during and after COVID-19. December 2020.
Invited member of International Editor Panel, December 4th convened by the Institute for Global Public Policy (Fudan University), LSE-Fudan Research Centre for Global Public Policy, School of International Relations and Public Affairs (Fudan University. Journal editors included: Australian Journal of Public Administration, Global Public Policy and Governance, International Public Management Journal, Public Management Review, Public Policy and Administration
Invited guest lecture on public sector reform in the subject Public Administration and Democracy, School of Public and International Affairs, Department of Public Administration and Policy, University of Georgia. Subject leader: Professor Eric Zeemering. September 2020.
Virtual Meet the Editors session for early career researchers. This would normally be held at the International Research Society for Public Management annual conference in Finland. June.
Member of the program committee for the Annual Conference in Hawaii.
Hosted the opening plenary at the IRSPM conference and invited to participate in Meet the Editors panel for early career researchers. April, Wellington, New Zealand.
External member of the Review of ANU Academic Programmes on Public Administration: Graduate Diploma of Public Policy, Master of Public Administration, and Executive Master of Public Administration. Undertaken by the College of Asia & the Pacific for the ANU Academic Quality Assurance Committee.
Member of the judging committee for the Beryl Radin Award for best paper published in 2018 in the Journal of Public Administration Research and Theory.
Podcast guest on Don't Underestimate the Power of Representation, by Wiley Publishing for International Women's Day.
Member of the Public Management Research Association internationalisation committee.
Invited to participate in the Meet the Editors panel for early career researchers. April, Edinburgh, Scotland.
Member of the program committee for the Annual Conference in Singapore.
Invited to participate in Meet the Editors Panel for early career researchers at the annual IRSPM conference. April Budapest, Hungary.
Chair of the review panel for the five year review of Graduate Programs in Public Administration at Flinders University, Australia.
Elected At-Large member of the Executive Board of the International Research Society for Public Management.
Co-editor of the Australian Journal of Public Administration. Appointed in 2015 by the Institute of Public Administration Australia following a competitive selection process and renewed for additional term.
Selected only
Invited member of the National Centre for Place-Based Collaboration (NEXUS Centre) Foundation Partner Governance Group. The Governance Group provide oversight and support the work of the Foundation Partner., bringing together leaders from a range of stakeholder groups including place-based backbone organisations, government, philanthropy, business, intermediaries, research, and community organisations, along with advisors from the Commonwealth Government and members of the Foundation Partner consortium
Appointed member of the Institute of Public Administration Australia (ACT) Council.
Appointed to the Advisory Board for the Victorian Public Sector Commission. [Subject to Ministerial approval].
Invited to join the CPI Australia Research Committee which provides advice to the board on the research program of CPI, determines funding and approval for new projects, and monitors and evaluates projects. Appointed Chair of the Research Committee from June, 2023.
International subject expert invited to provide input into the Chartered Association of Business Schools’ Academic Journal Guide, UK.
Engaged by the Policy Profession, UK Civil Service to provide a review and evaluation of the Executive Master of Public Policy at the London School of Economics and Political Science. In collaboration with Catherine Althaus and Lisa Carson.
Invited to provide expert advice on the topic of stewardship to the Royal Commission into Aged Care Quality and Safety, Australian Government.
Invited to participate in expert workshop with the Royal Commission into Victoria's Mental Health System, Victorian Government.
Appointed member of the Infrastructure Victoria Expert Panel on the Role of Infrastructure in Addressing Regional Disadvantage.Appointed by the CEO of Infrastructure Victoria, Michael Masson.
Invited member of the Advisory Board of the Australian Public Service Centre for Leadership and Learning. Appointed by the Australian Public Service Commissioner, Peter Woolcott.