President & CEO
- South Bend, Indiana
- 574/807-5527
- jim.williams356@msn.com
Senior-level Executive with an M.B.A. and over 20 years of diversified experience in non-profit leadership and management. Passionate about the mission of Habitat for Humanity. National profile within the Habitat network. Member of Habitat International's U.S. Council. Twelve years of experience as a successful affiliate leader. Driven to help as many families as possible using the most effective affordable home ownership models. Proven fundraiser. Known for a leadership style that demonstrates integrity, compassion and a respect for others.
$6M budget, 30 FT Employees, $2M Retail Sales
2022 Private concert with Garth Brooks raised $1.2M
2019 Secured the affiliate's first $1M gift from an individual
2019 Elected Chair of Habitat International's U.S. Council Policy Committee
2018 Became member of Habitat International's U.S. Council Finance & Resource Development Committee
2018 Elected to Habitat International's U.S. Council - member of Finance & Resource Development and Advocacy Committees. Former Chair of Policy Committee.
2018 Hosted Jimmy & Rosalynn Carter Work Project. Raised $6.7M
2017 Recognized by Habitat International as one of 23 "Affiliates of Distinction" out of 1,200 U.S affiliates
2015 Received Community Foundation of St. Joseph County's "Leighton Award for Nonprofit Excellence" and a $150,000 matching grant
2014 Chosen to attend Harvard University's Executive Education Program - "Strategic Perspectives in Nonprofit Management"
2013 Received Habitat Indiana's "Large Affiliate of the Year Award"
2011-2017 Served on the Board of Habitat Indiana State Support Organization (SSO)
Grew affiliate endowment from zero to $1M in four years
Primary cultivator of major gifts with the largest being $1.5M from an individual
Built 110 new homes in eleven years and developed an 80-lot subdivision and neighborhood park
Extensive international experience with Habitat
2011 & 2012 Leogane, Haiti
2017 Winnipeg & Edmonton, Canada
2017 Dominican Republic
2018 Nepal
Taught "Fundraising & Board Development" and "Grant Writing"
600 Average Weekly Attendance, $1.5M Budget, 11 FT Employees
Multi-cultural congregation, including families from Russia, Latin America and Africa. Translated services into Spanish and Russian
Over 100 speaking engagement per year
Reduced church's indebtedness from $1.3M to $590,000 in seven years
Established food pantry and second-hand clothing store that grew to serve 50 families per month
Partnered with Habitat for Humanity and eleven other churches to build two Habitat houses with volunteers from the congregation
Organized two teams to travel to New Orleans to help with re-building efforts after Hurricane Katrina
Led 22-person medical team to Ecuador in 2003. Gave free medical care to over 1,300 patients
Served as Associate Pastor from 1999-2001
$25M Annual Sales
Led and managed the Human Resource Functions:
Benefits & Planning Employee & Labor Relations
Risk Management Administration & Record keeping
Selection & Placement HR Information Systems Management
Training & Development
Compensation & Payroll
$4M Revenue, 350 Employees
Led and managed the Human Resource Department:
Recruitment Training & Development
Employee Relations HR Information Systems Management
Regulatory Compliance
Benefits Administration
Six day, residential Executive Education Program tailored to nonprofit CEO's. Joined HBS faculty and 140 nonprofit leaders from around the world to explore proactive methods for mastering nonprofit leadership.
Nonprofit Administration Concentration