Aviation Psychology Consultant
Contribute to the design, development and evaluation of ICAO’s aviation psychological and mental health Standards, Recommended Practices and guidance material and enhance awareness and training related to psychological wellbeing and mental health in aviation.
Notable accomplishments
- Managed and organised the work of ICAO's Mental Health Working Group (MHWG), a multi-national expert group with a geographical representation of ICAO member states, aviation industry representatives and medical specialists.
- Collated and developed the Aviation Mental Health Terminology with over 250 terms identified, investigated and defined. The Aviation Mental Health Terminology will form part of the proposed Manual for Promoting Well-being in Aviation.
- Investigated the current state of peer support in aviation, determined common and possible best practices and created a document that can form basis for further work. Representatives from 25 peer support providers were interviewed (peer support providers are organisational entities that run one or more peer support programs), that provide services to over 250 aviation organisations and employing over 350.000 aviation personnel.
- Represented ICAO's Aviation Medicine section on occasions, such as at the International Conference of Aerospace Medicine (ICAM), the International Pilot Peer Assist Coalition (IPPAC), the European CISM Conference, the International Aerospace Neuroscience Consortium (IANC) and more.