Investigative Reporter
- Award-winning investigative reporter specializing in watchdog stories that uncover wrongdoing, abuse of power, government corruption and abuses of vulnerable people.
- Exposed inmate abuse, cover-ups and suspicious deaths in the Florida prison system, the third-largest in the nation. The three-year, award-winning project led to an overhaul of the agency, including the resignations of the secretary and inspector general, the firings and arrests of corrections officers, millions of dollars in reforms and sweeping changes in the treatment of mentally ill, disabled, youthful offenders and female prisoners.
- Investigated criminal justice cases, including a series detailing how a former federal prosecutor, Alex Acosta, negotiated a secret plea deal for Jeffrey Epstein, a multimillionaire sex trafficker who molested hundreds of underage girls. The series led to Epstein's arrest, Acosta's resignation as U.S. labor secretary and three different investigations by the Department of Justice and a fourth by the Florida Department of Law Enforcement. It also led to scrutiny of other people and institutions who enabled him, including Prince Andrew, Harvard University and MIT; and proposed changes in the federal Crime Victims' Rights Act.
- Covered school shootings, hurricanes and other breaking news, uncovering the deeper stories that lie beneath the surface of major tragedies and national events, such as the Parkland school shootings.
- Appeared on local and national radio and television shows as a commentator on topics such as law enforcement, prison reform, racial profiling and the importance of local journalism