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Kaveh Mir

Executive and Leadership Coach & Director at ICF Global

Work History



ICF PC Global Board

ICF’s Board of Directors oversees the strategic direction of its affairs, funds and property. It determines policy and interprets the organisation’s bylaws. The Board supervises the direction and control of ICF and its committees and publications and may adopt rules and regulations for conducting its business as deemed advisable. The International Coach Federation (ICF) is the leading global organization dedicated to advancing the coaching profession by setting high standards, providing independent certification and building a worldwide network of trained coaching professionals. ICF has over 35,000 members and operates in 144 countries. 


Executive Coach

  • Sharpist (Global) - 2019 - Present
  • CoachHub (Global) - 2019-Present
  • BetterUP (Global) - 2019-Present
  • GFI Blackswan (UK)  - 2017-Present
  • Propel International (Middle East)- 2016-Present
  • The Forton Group Ltd (UK)- 2015-Present
  • PSI Executive Coaching (UK) - 2014-Present
  • Solid Executive (US) - 2012-Present
  • AceUp (Global)- 2021 - Present
  • Ezra  (Global)- 2021 - 2021 - Present
  • CoachHello (Global) - 2021 - Present

Example Coaching Clients:

Deloitte, Amazon, Mars Inc, Warner Brothers, Enel, Danone, Delivery Hero, UNHCR, JTI, HSBC, Lego, Salesforce

 Delivered annually over 500 hours of Executive Coaching using  Appreciative Inquiry,  principles of Positive Psychology, Strength-Based, Psychological Capital (Self-Efficacy, Resilience, Hope and Optimism) and PERMA.

  • Diagnosed, select and delivered annually over 130 psychometric assessments for Individuals and teams as part of performance improvement coaching.
  • Designed, developed and facilitated 30 hours coaching psychology workshop using reflective, experiential, adult learning and action learning principles for managers and leaders.
  • Delivered over 400 hours of workshops in Leadership, Change management and Performance Improvement to Finance and Health sector using TKI, MBTII, MBTI II and leadership style models.

Tutor, Mentor & Assessor

Henley Business School - Part Time - Freelancer

Henley Centre for Coaching & Behavioural Change - member of tutor team for MSc students responsible for mentoring and assessing



UK ICF Board
  • Responsible for strategy alignment, project and program management for UK ICF. 
  • Member of Europe, Middle East and Africa ICF project team. Responsible for sharing the best practices and strategy alignment between ICF chapters across 72 countries and 44 chapters.
  • ICF Global PRISM Award Judge 2018 and 2019. Contributed and improved the assessment methodology for measuring the effectiveness of coaching culture. Prism award international program honours organisations that have achieved the highest standard of excellence in coaching programs and coaching culture.
  • ICF Global Chapter Award judge 2018.  Reviewed and assessed applications from 35 countries applying for the award. ICF Global Chapter Award judges evaluate annual chapter activity reports according to ICF’s criteria for high-performing chapters and select  Chapter honourees.
  • Hosted and presented over 20 webinars as part of the Professional Development for UK ICF. Designed and delivered Executive Coaching Business Model series of webinars for ICF members.
  • ICF UK Finance Director (2016-2017). Responsible for managing P&L and budgeting.

Earlier Career

  • Before starting a career in executive coaching from 1997 to 2006, was CEO of a software house acquired from a management buyout from 3is and then CEO of an environmental consultancy with 100 employees with responsibility for P&L of over five million pounds.
  • During this period had many responsibilities as a senior business executive, understood and appreciated the complexities and challenges senior managers and directors face and use this knowledge paying particular attention to interpersonal and cultural sensitivities to facilitate development and change, be that on an individual, team or organisational level


Change Theory

Appreciative Inquiry, Trans-Theoretical Model, Kubler-Ross Model, Motivational Interviewing

Goal-setting and Motivation

Achievement Goal Theory, Self-Determination Theory, Self-Efficacy

Models of Adult Development

Subject-Object Theory, Spiral Dynamics

Team dynamics

The Rocket Model, Personality Theory (MBTI, Firo-b), Belbin Team Roles


Applications of coaching to Executive Coaching and Leadership

Developing high potentials, Facilitating transitions, Acting as a sounding board

Applications of coaching to Peak Performance Coaching

Coaching on Commitment, Concentration, Control and Confidence

Psychometric Profiling

MBTI I and II, Firo-b, 16 PF, OPQ, MSCEIT, TKI

Coach Trainer, Supervisor and Mentor

ICF Competency, ICF Ethics,  Core Competencies of the Executive Coach, Seven-eyed Model and Gestalt



Open to change and compromise

Creative Thinking & Originality

Generate unique ideas about a topic/situation

Systemic Mindset

Consider the system in which a situation is occurring



MSc Applied Positive Psychology and Coaching

University of East London

Executive MBA

Cranfield School of Management

MSc Human-Computer Interaction

Queen Mary and Westfield University of London

BSc Computer Science (2:1)

Queen Mary and Westfield University of London


  • Master Certificated Coach (MCC) – International Coaching Federation
  • ICF Certified Coaching Supervisor
  • Certified in Conflict Management and Change Management – Thomas Kilmann
  • Certified  in User Test Occupational Ability and Personality - British Psychology Society
  • Accredited: MBTI I and II, Firo-b, 16 PF, OPQ, MSCEIT and Cultural Transformation.

  • Certified in Business Model Canvas - Startegyzer
  • Certification Motivational Interviewing
  • Certification in ACT
  • Certified in CBT


  • International Coaching Federation
  • British Psychology Society &  CIPD
  • Institute of Directors


  • Taught three groups of senior executives over last three years in Professional Certification in Executive Coaching at Henley Business School
  • Mentored 15 groups using ICF competencies in the last three years at Henley Business School
  • Mentored over 200 executive one-to-one in the last three years at Henley Business School
  • Assessed over 180 Coaching videos in the last three years at Henley Business School
  • 200 one-to-one transformational coaching sessions with senior executives in Financials services and local authorities on leadership using TKI, MBTI I, MBTI II and leadership style models.
  • Over 70 one-to-one development coaching sessions with senior managers in Healthcare on self-awareness using Firo-b and MSCEIT and resilience.
  • Over thirty Group Coaching sessions with senior managers on coaching leadership style using the GROW and OSCAR models
  • Coached Head of Business Development on strategy & management of a new department post the merger between two software companies (Ace and PSI). Conducted psychometric profiling and established strengths/weaknesses of the team to aid and define organisation structure. Created a 1:1 programme of support on lead generation and team dynamics to transform performance. The initiative directly improved customer acquisition by 10% and reduced staff attrition by 40%
  • Commissioned by the CEO to improve teamwork between 15 heads of departments in the medium-size telecom business. Used a bespoke diagnostic attitude survey to identify and isolate issues. Drafted, presented and delivered developmental workshop and coaching programme drawing upon group theory and cultural intervention to re-establish trust, promote benefits of information sharing and best practice. Intervention raised departmental collaboration and business partnering by 40%

  • Using a bespoke Organisational Belief Survey, led four interactive workshops for 24 people to assess readiness for change. Identified potential barriers to change and respective commitment levels. Collaborated with the client to produce an innovative coaching programme to address issues, build individual control, and established levels of commitment in preparation for the restructure. Post-delivery, the Company was able to create a new department and merge two without impacting day to day operations