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Refereed Journal Publications

Kearney, K. S., Will, L. A., & Bailey, L. (revise and resubmit, 2023). Revisioning "family": Considering the implications of voluntary kin for higher education practices. Journal of Student Affairs Research and Practice.

Hail, T., & Kearney, K. S. (2023). Completing college after foster care: A retrospective lens. Hail, T., & Kearney, K. S. (2023). Completing college after foster care: A retrospective lens. International Journal on Social and Education Sciences, 5(3), 571-604.

*Baird, S. B., Kearney, K. S., & *Nephew, A. (2020). Writing through theoretical frameworks in the doctoral classroom. Studies in Graduate and Postdoctoral Education, 11(3), 281-294.

Naifeh, Z., & Kearney, K. S. (2020). Keeping the engine running: Wellness and attrition perceptions in new professionals. Journal of Student Affairs Research and Practice.  

Kearney, K. S., Will, L,  & Satterfield, J. W. (2019).  Rendering the first-year experience: Experiences of successful foster alumni college students. Journal of the First-Year Experience & Students in Transition, 31(1), 95-115.

Piel, M. H., Geiger, J. M., Schelbe, L., Day, A., & Kearney, K. S. (2019). Lessons learned from college support programs for students with a history of foster care. Journal of Student Affairs Research and Practice, 1-13.

Kearney, K. S.,*Naifeh, Z., Hammer, T., & *Cain, A. (2019). “Family” ties for foster alumni in college: An open systems consideration. Review of Higher Education, 42(2), 793-824. 

Smith, V. M. J., & Kearney, K. S. (2016). A qualitative exploration of the repatriation experiences of U.S. third culture kids at college. Journal of College Student Development, 57(8), 958-972.

Kearney, K.S., Damron, R., & Sohoni, S. (2015, Winter). Observing engineering student teams from the organization behavior perspective using linguistic analysis of student reflections and focus group interviews. Advances in Engineering Education, 4(3), 1-29.

Kearney, K. S. (2013). Emotions and sensemaking: A consideration of a community college presidential transition. Community College Journal of Research & Practice. 37(11), 901-914.

Kearney, K. S., & Siegman, K. D. (2013). The emotions of change: A case study. Organization Management Journal, 10(2), 110-119.

Mulia, W. D., Fritz, D. J., Sohoni, S. A., Kearney, K. S., & Mwavita, M. (2013). PLP: A community driven open source platform for computer engineering education. International Journal of Engineering Education, 29(1), 215-229.

Kearney, K. S., Krumm, B., Hughes, R. L., & Satterfield, J. (2013). Organized for genocide: Student reactions and learning from use of emotive documentaries on the Holocaust. Journal of Management Education, 37(3), 342-366. DOI: 10.1177/1052562912438764.

Kearney, K. S., & Bailey, L. E. (2010). An adoptive mother’s reflections on mothering and grief: Another voice from inside the adoption triad. Journal of the Motherhood Initiative, 1(2), 150-164.

Kearney, K. S. (2010). Grappling with the gods: Reflections for coaches of the narcissistic leader. International Journal of Evidence Based Coaching and Mentoring, 8(1), 1-13.

Kearney, K. S., Self, M. J., Bailey, L, Harris, E. L., Halcomb, S., *Hill, B., Shimp, U. R. (2008). Building an academe and government partnership in workforce education: Challenges and possibilities. Journal of Industrial Teacher Education, 44(3), 1-21.

Haas, E.; Wilson, G. Y.; Cobb, C. D.; Hyle, A. E.; Jordan, K., & Kearney, K. S. (2007). Assessing influence on the field: An analysis of citations to Educational Administration Quarterly, 1979 – 2003. Educational Administration Quarterly, 43(4), 494-513.

*Archer, D. E., Kearney, K. S., & *Blackburn, B. (2007). Impact of transition from sport: The emotional experience of intercollegiate athletes. Journal for the Study of Sports and Athletes in Education, 1(1), 67-76. Article appeared in the inaugural issue of this journal.

Kearney, K. S., & Mathers, J. K. (2007). Rooms with a view. Journal of Cases in Educational Leadership, 10(2), 1-18. Article received the 2008 Paula Silver Case Award from the University Council for Educational Administration.

Kearney, K. S., & Hyle, A. E. (2004). Drawing out emotions: The use of participant-produced drawings in qualitative inquiry. Qualitative Research 4(3), 361-383. Article listed in March 2006 as one of “The 50 Most-Frequently-Read Articles” in Qualitative Research.

Kearney, K. S., & Hyle, A. E. (2003). The grief cycle and educational change: The Kubler-Ross contribution. Planning and Changing, 34(1&2), 32-57.

*student researcher at the time of publication

Books, Book Chapters, Contributions to Book Chapters

Kearney, K. S., & Murray, B. L. (Eds.) (2019). Mothers as keepers and tellers of origin stories. Demeter Press.

Kearney, K. S., & Murray, B. L. (2019). Introduction. In K. S. Kearney and B. L. Murray (Eds.), Mothers as keepers and tellers of origin stories (pp. 11-18). Demeter Press.

Levingston, S., Kearney, K. S., & Murray, B. L. (2019). Interlude: The secrets of your conception. In K. S. Kearney and B. L. Murray (Eds.), Mothers as keepers and tellers of origin stories (pp. 159-168). Demeter Press.

Murray, B. L. (2019). Magic carpets and baloney boats: An origin story told by two moms [includes contributed section by K. S. Kearney, p. 171-174]. In K. S. Kearney and B. L. Murray (Eds.), Mothers as keepers and tellers of origin stories (pp. 169-201). Demeter Press.

Kearney, K. S. (2019). Once upon a time: Storytelling origin stories. In K. S. Kearney and B. L. Murray (Eds.), Mothers as keepers and tellers of origin stories (pp. 229-258). Demeter Press.

Kearney, K. S., & Murray, B. L. (2019). Postlude. In K. S. Kearney and B. L. Murray (Eds.), Mothers as keepers and tellers of origin stories (pp. 259-260). Demeter Press.

Kearney, K. S. (2017). On a collision course? Feminist ideals and the mothering/professional woman in middle age [creative essay]. In K. Mantas, & L. Peterson (Eds.), Middle Grounds: Essays on Midlife Mothering. Demeter Press.

Murray, B. L., & Kearney, K. S. (2015). Twice shamed and twice blamed: Assumptions, myths, and stereotypes about “giving up a child” and “taking in a child.” In V. Reimer, & S. Sahagian (Eds.), The Mother-Blame Game (pp. 237-254). Demeter Press.

Kearney, K. S., & Hyle, A. E. (2014). A look through the Kubler-Ross theoretical lens. In V. A. Anfara, Jr., & N. Mertz (Eds.), Theoretical frameworks in qualitative research, 2nd edition (pp. 179-197). SAGE.

Kearney, K. S., & Hyle, A. E. (2012). Drawing out emotions: The use of participant-produced drawings in qualitative inquiry. In Hughes, J. (Ed.), SAGE Visual Methods, Volume 4: Elicitation and Collaboration, SAGE Library of Research Methods. SAGE.

Kearney, K. S., & Bailey, L. E. (2012). “We shoot our wounded”: Pregnancy, mothering and PPD on the tenure track. In O’Reilly, A., & Hallstein, L. O. (Eds.), Academic Motherhood in a Post-Second Wave Context: Problems, Strategies, and Possibilities (pp.74-96). Demeter Press.

Hughes, R. L., Satterfield, J. W., & Kearney, K. S. (Eds.). (2011). ASHE reader: Sports and athletes in higher education. Association for the Study of Higher Education.

Archer, D. E., Kearney, K. S., & Blackburn, B. (2011). Impact of transition from sport: The emotional experience of intercollegiate athletes. In R. L. Hughes, J. W. Satterfield, & K. S. Kearney (Eds.), ASHE reader: Sports and athletes in higher education. Association for the Study of Higher Education.

Kearney, K. S. (2009). Participant-generated visual data: Drawing out emotions. In J. E. Pederson & K. D. Finson (Eds.), Visual Data: Understanding and Applying Visual Data to Research in Education (pp. 51-58). SensePublishers.

Kearney, K. S., & Hyle, A. E. (2006). A look through the Kubler-Ross theoretical lens. In V. A. Anfara, Jr., & N. Mertz (Eds.), Theoretical frameworks in qualitative research (pp. 109-128). SAGE.

National Refereed Conference Proceedings

Sohum, S., Damron, R., Kearney, K. S., & Cho, Y. (2014). A platform for computer engineering education. American Society of Engineering Education (ASEE) Annual Conference, Indianapolis, IN.

Sohum, S., Damron, R., Kearney, K. S., & Cho, Y. (2013). Impact of PLP on student learning: Initial results. American Society of Engineering Education (ASEE) Annual Conference, Atlanta GA.

Fritz, D., Mulia, W., Sohoni, S., Gordon, B., Kearney, K., & Mwavita, M. (2011). The Progressive Learning Platform for computer engineering. ASEE National Annual Conference and Expo (ECE Division).

Harris, E. L., Kearney, K. S., & Bailey, L. (2008). An evolving focus: From product to process orientation in a civilian military organization. OACTE. OCTP and OATE Conference Proceedings, Stillwater, OK.

Bailey, L., Harris, E. L., & Kearney, K. S. (2008). Mentoring under fire: Perceptions of mentoring in a military workforce education site. OACTE. OCTP and OATE Conference Proceedings, Stillwater, OK.

National and International Refereed Conference Presentations

Hail, T., & Kearney, K. S. (2023). Completing college after foster care: A retrospective lens. Research paper presentation at the International Conference on Humanities, Social and Education Sciences.

Loper, K., Kearney, K. S., Day, M., Shuler, M., Will, L., Kerr, L. M., Gordon, S. (2022). College Students Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACEs): A National Study. Research paper presentation at the National Conference for Engaged Scholarship on Hidden Populations.

Bailey, L., Kearney, K. S., & Will, L. (2022). Revisioning “Family”: Considering the implications of voluntary kin for higher education practices. Research paper presentation at the National Conference for Engaged Scholarship on Hidden Populations.

Kearney, K. S., & Will, L. A. (2021). Standing in the gaps: Innovative higher education professionals supporting foster alumni college students. Scholarly paper presentation at the 2021 NASPA Conference.

Kearney, K. S., Will, L., & Bailey, L. (2020). Deepening our understanding of idealized family and the implications for higher education. Invited research paper for the national panel, Advancing Full Participation for Students Impacted by Foster Care, at the 45th Annual ASHE (Association for the Study of Higher Education) Conference

Kearney, K. S., Sarubbi, M., Amechi, M., & Johnson, R. (2019, November). New directions for the study of foster youth alumni in higher education. Invited member of research paper national panel at the 44th Annual ASHE (Association for the Study of Higher Education) Conference, Portland, OR. 

Kearney, K. S., & Will, L. A. (2019, September). Hidden student populations on Oklahoma campuses: Journey to support. Interactive research-based presentation at the Society of Philosophy and History of Education Annual Meeting (SOPHE), Oklahoma City, OK.

Kearney, K. S., & Will, L. A. (2018, October). The first-year experiences of successful foster alumni college students. Interactive research presentation at the 25th National Conference on Students in Transition, Indianapolis, IN.

Murray, B. L., & Kearney, K. S. (2016, October). Giving up and taking in: Challenging the assumptions around adoption. Paper presentation at The Mothers, Mothering, Motherhood in Today’s World, with an Embedded Conference on Mothers and Mothering in Canada Gala Conference, Toronto, Canada.

Murray, B. L., & Kearney, K. S. (2016, May). Voices from within the adoption triangle. Paper presentation at The Twelfth International Congress of Qualitative Inquiry, Urbana-Champaign, IL.

Kearney, K. S. (2016, October). Feminist ideals and mothering at middle age. Paper presentation at The Mothers, Mothering, Motherhood in Today’s World, with an Embedded Conference on Mothers and Mothering in Canada Gala Conference, Toronto, Canada.

Kearney, K. S., and *Naifeh, Z. (2015, June). Out the shadows: A qualitative portrait of foster alumni who have persisted in college. Facilitated workshop at the NASPA (National Association of Student Personnel Administrators) Assessment & Persistence Conference, Boston, MA.

Kearney, K. S. (2015, February). An emerging qualitative portrait of descriptors, choices, and retention considerations for foster alumni college students. Lecture presentation at the 27th Annual Ethnographic and Qualitative Research Conference, Las Vegas, NV.

*Archer, D. E., & Kearney, K. S. (2014, February). Researcher reflections on the use of participant-produced drawings in qualitative research. Paper presentation at the 26th Annual Ethnographic and Qualitative Research Conference, Las Vegas, NV.

Sohum, S., Damron, R., Kearney, K. S., & Cho, Y. (2014, June). A platform for computer engineering education.  NSF Grantees’ Poster Session at the American Society of Engineering Education (ASEE) Annual Conference, Indianapolis, IN.

Sohum, S., Damron, R., Kearney, K. S., & Cho, Y. (2013, June). Impact of PLP on student learning: Initial results. Poster presentation at the American Society of Engineering Education (ASEE) Annual Conference, Atlanta GA.

Kearney, K. S. (2013, June). “We shoot our wounded”: Reflections on pregnancy, mothering and PPD on the tenure track. Invited presentation, Supporting and Empowering Mothers in the Academe: Strategies for Institutional Change and Individual Agency, Toronto, Ontario.

Kearney, K. S., *Smith, V., and *Hail, T. (2012, May). Former foster kids at college. Paper presentation at Social Work Day, Eighth International Congress on Qualitative Inquiry, University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign, Illinois.

*Eliason, M., & Kearney, K. S. (2012). The Wingman Project: Enlarging the school community. American School Counselor Association Annual Conference, Philadelphia, PA.

Murray, B. L., & Kearney, K. S. (2012, October). Twice shamed: Myths of the other mother in a patriarchal society. Paper presentation at Mothering and Reproduction, Motherhood Initiative for Research and Community Involvement (MIRCI) Annual Conference, Toronto, Ontario, Canada.

*Eliason, M., & Kearney, K. S. (2012, May). The use of technology to expand the boundaries of an elementary school community. Eighth International Conference of Qualitative Inquiry. University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign.

*Archer, D. E., Kearney, K. S., & Smith, V. J. (2012, May). The emotional aspects of change: Using participant-produced drawings to examine three transitions. Eighth International Conference of Qualitative Inquiry. University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign, IL.

Murray, B. L., Sangha, J. K., & Kearney, K. S. (2011, May): Other mothering: Voices from the fringes. Seventh International Conference of Qualitative Inquiry. University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign, IL.

Sohoni, S., Kearney, K. S., Chandler, D., & Mwavita, M. (2011). The progressive learning platform. International Society for Engineering Education Annual Conference, Vancouver, BC, Canada.

Kearney, K. S., & Bailey, L. E. (2010). Reconsidering mothering and grief in adoption: A transformative meeting between a birth and adoptive mother. Presentation at the Mothers and the Economy: The Economics of Mothering Conference of The Motherhood Initiative for Research and Community Involvement, Toronto, Canada.

Kearney, K. S., & Bailey, L. E. (2010). “We shoot our wounded”: Pregnancy, mothering and PPD on the tenure track. Presentation at the Being and Thinking as an Academic Mother Symposium of the Association of Research on Mothering (ARM), Simone de Beauvoir Institute at Concordia University, Montreal, Quebec, Canada.

Bailey, L., Self, M.J., Harris, E., Kearney, K. S., Halcomb, S. & Hill, B. (2008, April). Lessons from the field: Mentoring in a military workforce education site. Paper presentation at the annual meeting of the American Educational Research Association. New York, NY.

Harris, E. L., Kearney, K. S., Bailey, L. E., Shimp, U. R., & *Hill, B. D. (2008, April). A grid and group explanation of the teaching and learning processes in a federal learning environment. Presentation at the annual meeting of the American Educational Research Association, New York, NY.

Kearney, K. S., Archer, D. E., Bailey, L. E., & Blackburn, B. (2008). The continuing emotional experiences of intercollegiate football players who have transitioned from sport. Round table presentation at the annual meeting of the American Educational Research Association, New York, NY.

Archer, D. E., Kennedy, K., Kearney, K. S. (2008, March). Supporting the academic success of students in transition: Potential benefits of a residential learning community for transfer students. Poster presentation at the 2008 annual meeting of National Association of Student Personnel Administrators, Boston, MA.

Kearney, K. S., *Archer, D. E., & *Blackburn, B. (2007, November). Into the great beyond: The transition experiences of intercollegiate athletes leaving sport. Poster presentation at the Association for the Study of Higher Education Annual Conference. Louisville, KY.

Murphy, J., Cibulka, J., Lindle, J. C., Nagle, J. N., Wilson, G., Cobb, C., Haas, E., Hyle, A. H., Hankins, K. V. J., & Kearney, K. S. (2006, November). Educational Administration Quarterly: A 25-year analysis. Symposium at the University Council on Educational Administration Annual Conference. San Antonio, TX.

Kearney, K. S., & Hyle, A. H. (2005, November). The emotional impact of leader change. Poster presentation at the Association for the Study of Higher Education Annual Conference. Philadelphia, PA.

Hyle, A. H., Hankins, K. V. J., & Kearney, K. S. (2005, November). Higher education journal impact: A twenty year review. Paper presentation at the Association for the Study of Higher Education Annual Conference. Philadelphia, PA.

Mathers, J. K., & Kearney, K. S. (2005, October). Not without consequence: The long-term impacts of decreasing arts in the schools. Issues and ideas presentation at the American Association for Teaching and Curriculum Annual Conference. Austin, TX.

Hughes, R. L., & Kearney, K. S. (2005, April). Leaving Black Males Behind: The Myth of a Meritocratic 
Education. Panel presentation at the American Educational Research Association Annual Conference. Montreal, Canada.

Kearney, K. S., & Hyle, A. E. (2003, April). Grief and educational change: The Kubler-Ross contribution. Paper presentation at the American Educational Research Association Annual Conference, Division A (Qualitative Research Methods). Chicago, IL.

*student researcher at the time of presentation

National Research Grants and Contracts

Team Lead, Annie E. Casey Foundation, 2023-2024, $40,000.

Principal Investigator (with Dr. Jennifer Keup, Co-PI, Director of the National Resource Center for the First-Year Experience and Students in Transition); Conference Grant for Advancing Education Research, Spencer Foundation, 2019 - 2022, $49,991.

Co-Principal Investigator (with Dr. Sohom Sohoni of Arizona State University, Engineering), National Science Foundation: Engineering Education; RIGEE: Progressive Learning Platform for Computer Engineering, EEC-1136934, 2011-2013, $150,000.

Co-Principal Investigator, U.S. Department of Defense. Liaison to the U.S. Army Defense Ammunition Center, other Department of Defense contractors, and the OSU DAC Contract Manager; overall project responsibility for project budgets; College of Education U.S. Department of Defense contract, Task 5 (College of Education Support Services). 2007. Project team of 11 faculty, 3 staff, and 6 research assistant/associates. Manage total budgets (across all COE tasks) of $1.38 million.

Co-Principal Investigator (with Dr. Ramesh Sharda, Regents Professor in the OSU Spears School of Business), U.S. Department of Defense. U.S. Army Defense Ammunition Center (DAC)/Department of Defense contract Task 15 (Knowledge Management), 2007. Project team includes College of Education (2 team members) and the OSU Spears School of Business. Budget of $178,000, which led to a subsequent year’s budget of $1,345,300 for the Spears School of Business.

Principal Investigator, U.S. Department of Defense. U.S. Army Defense Ammunition Center (DAC)/Department of Defense contract Task 5 (College of Education Support Services), 2006-2007. Project team of approximately 15 faculty, staff & graduate students. Budget of $793,000.

Co-Principal Investigator (with Sam Welch of the OSU Institute for Teaching and Learning Excellence and Dr. Ramesh Sharda of the Spears School of Business), U.S. Department of Defense. Oklahoma State University U.S. Army Defense Ammunition Center (DAC)/Department of Defense contract, 2006-2007. Project team includes OSU Institute for Teaching and Learning Excellence, College of Education, and the Spears School of Business. Budget of $1,688,500.

Task Coordinator, Professional Development Workshops, U.S. Department of Defense. U.S. Army Defense Ammunition Center (DAC)/Department of Defense Training Evaluation Plan Development and Implementation contract, 2005-2006. Requested by the OSU College of Education research administration to join the COE DAC team in preparation for filling the position of Principal Investigator in the next year. Total task budget of $443,000.


Kearney, K. S. (2009). Grief and organizational change: A qualitative exploration of the individual experience of change. Germany: VDM Verlag MNRC-FAHE: Nüller Aktiengesellschaft & Co. KG.

Reports of Research

Kearney, K. S., Loper, K., Kerr, L. M., Will, L., Shuler, M., Day, M., & Gordon, S. (2023). Report of campus data: [Institution name removed to protect confidentiality] Student pre-college experiences.

Kearney, K. S., Loper, K., Kerr, L. M., Will, L., Shuler, M., Day, M., & Gordon, S. (2023). Report of campus data: [Institution name removed to protect confidentiality] college students' adverse childhood experiences (ACEs): A national study. 

Kearney, K. S., Loper, K., Kerr, L. M., Will, L., Shuler, M., Day, M., & Gordon, S. (2023). Report of campus data [Institution name removed to protect confidentiality]: Student pre-college experiences.

Book Reviews

Kearney, K. S. (2013). [Review of the book The mama's boy myth: Why keeping our sons closes makes them stronger by K. S. Lombardi].  Journal of the Motherhood Initiative, 4(2), 179-180.

Invited Articles/Webinars with Statewide, National or International Audiences

Kearney, K. S., & Will, L. (2021, November). Higher education column [COVID-19 and self care in higher education]. National Research Collaborative for Foster Alumni and Higher Education (NRC-FAHE) Newsletter, 10.

Kearney, K. S. (2021, January). Higher education column [Stimulating positive change in uncertain times]. National Research Collaborative for Foster Alumni and Higher Education (NRC-FAHE) Newsletter, 8.

Kearney, K. S. (2021). Engineering research for faculty in India [webinar]. Indo Universal Collaboration for Engineering Education.

Kearney, K. S. (2020, June). Higher education column [COVID-19 and higher education research]. National Research Collaborative for Foster Alumni and Higher Education (NRC-FAHE) Newsletter, 7.

Kearney, K. S. (2020). Higher Education Practices for Students with Histories in Out-of-Home Care [webinar]. Reach Higher Summit 2020: Supporting Underserved Students by Strengthening Equity in Oklahoma.

Kearney, K. S. (2020, June). Higher education column [link between higher education practice and higher education research]. National Research Collaborative for Foster Alumni and Higher Education (NRC-FAHE) Newsletter, 6.

Kearney, K. S. (2019, October). Researcher, social workers, foster youth in college need to work together. Youth Today [internationally distributed digitally media publication for professionals in youth services].

Kearney, K. S. (2019, July). Higher education column [the higher education context]. National Research Collaborative for Foster Alumni and Higher Education (NRC-FAHE) Newsletter, 4.

Kearney, K. S. (2019, April). Higher education column [the siloed nature of knowledge about foster alumni in college]. National Research Collaborative for Foster Alumni and Higher Education (NRC-FAHE) Newsletter, 3.

Kearney, K. S. (2017). Values-led Leadership. IMPACT Consulting Colleague Corner, 143.

Kearney, K. S. (July 2014). No one else is coming. Invited blog entry for Salt and Light Leadership Training (SALLT), Oklahoma City, OK.

Kearney, K. S. (June 2013). Faith that's built on values. CharacterFirst: The Magazine [A publication of Strata Leadership], 4.

Kearney, K. S. (March 2013). Identifying your core values. CharacterFirst: The Magazine [A publication of Strata Leadership], 3.

Regional Presentations & Webinars

Kearney, K. S. (2023). Family trees & burls: Project recipe for a child's teaching ebook. Invited speaker for international webinar on family stories for those with nonlinear family trees. Post Ponga. 

Kearney, K. S. (2019, November). Hidden populations on the college campus. Invited lecturer for a class on college students and subcultures, College Student Personnel program. Arkansas Tech University, Russellville, AR. 

Kearney, K. S. (2019, September). “Family” Ties for Former Foster Youth in College [webinar]. In "Get Connected” Virtual Session, Association for Orientation, Transition, and Retention in Higher Education (NODA), Region IV.

Kearney, K.S., & Gage, K. (2019, February). Update: The RisforThursday Network. Invited presentation to the Oklahoma Council of Presidents. Oklahoma State Regents for Higher Education, Oklahoma City, OK.

Kearney, K.S., & Gage, K. (2019, February). Update: The RisforThursday Network. Invited presentation to the Oklahoma Council of Student Affairs. Oklahoma State Regents for Higher Education, Oklahoma City, OK.

Kearney, K. S. (2017). Increasing Student Proficiency [invited webcast on designing curriculum to support, engage, and challenge the student]. Oklahoma State University Institute for Teaching and Learning Excellence.

Kearney, K. S. (2016). The R is for Thursday Network of Oklahoma, from the ground up and lessons learned. Invited forum for the foster alumni student support planning team of the University of Kansas. University of Kansas, Lawrence, KS.

*Naifeh, Z., Kearney, K. S., & Hammer, T. (2016). Foster alumni in college: Highlighting a shadow group on college campuses. Paper presentation at the Oklahoma College Student Personnel Association Annual Conference, University of Oklahoma, Norman, OK.

Kearney, K.S. (2014, October). The RisforThursday Statewide Network of Oklahoma. Invited presentation to the Comanche County Post-Adjudication Review Board, Lawton, OK.

Kearney, K.S. (2014, August). Invited issue panel [member] on child and family issues. Volunteer and Service Learning Center (VSLC), University of Central Oklahoma, Edmond, OK.

Kearney, K.S. (2014, May). The RisforThursday Statewide Network of Oklahoma. Invited presentation to the Oklahoma Post-Adjudication Review Board, Oklahoma City, OK.

Kearney, K.S. (2014, February). The RisforThursday Project. Invited presentation to the Oklahoma Council of Presidents. Oklahoma State Regents for Higher Education, Oklahoma City, OK.

*Hail, T., *Cox-Hamby, C., & Kearney, K. S. (2014). An update on emerging voices: Former foster youth at Oklahoma colleges. Paper presentation at the Oklahoma Academic Advising Association Conference, Midwest City, OK.

Kearney, K.S. (2013, December). The RisforThursday Project. Invited presentation to the Oklahoma Council of Student Affairs. Oklahoma State Regents for Higher Education, Oklahoma City, OK.

Kearney, K. S. (2013, November). Foster care alumni. Invited presentation at the University Network on Community Engagement, Oklahoma State University, Stillwater, OK.

Kearney, K. S. (2013, October). An OACRAO Update on Emerging voices: Former foster youth at college. Invited presentation at the Oklahoma Association of Collegiate Registrars and Admissions Officers Fall 2013 Policy Workshop, Edmond, OK.

Kearney, K. S., *Smith, V. J., & *Hail, T. (2013, March). Emerging voices: Former foster youth at college. Paper presentation at the Region 7 Conference of the National Academic Advising Association, San Antonio, TX.

Kearney, K. S., *Smith, V. J., & *Hail, T. (2013, February). Emerging voices: Former foster youth at college. Invited presentation at the Oklahoma Association of Collegiate Registrars and Admissions Officers Spring Policy Workshop, Oklahoma City, OK.

Kearney, K. S., *Smith, V. J., & *Hail, T. (2013, February). Emerging voices: Former foster youth at college. Invited presentation/workshop at the Oklahoma Academic Advising Association Spring Conference, Oklahoma City, OK.

*Eliason, M., & Kearney, K. S. (2013). The Wingman Project: School-Based Communication with Grandparents. Poster presentation at the 2013 Southwestern Oklahoma State University Research and Scholarly Activity Fair, Weatherford OK.

*Eliason, M., & Kearney, K. S. (2013). The Wingman Project: School-Based Communication with Grandparents. Poster presentation at Oklahoma State University College of Education Researcher Day, Stillwater, OK.

*Eliason, M., & Kearney, K. S. (2013). The Wingman Project: School-Based Communication with Grandparents. Poster presentation at the 2013 Oklahoma Research Day, University of Central Oklahoma, Edmond OK.

*Eliason, M., & Kearney, K. S. (2013). The Wingman Project: School-Based Communication with Grandparents. Poster presentation at the 2013 Oklahoma State University Research Symposium, Stillwater OK.

*Eliason, M., & Kearney, K. S. (2012). The Wingman Project. Poster presentation at the Cooperative Council for Oklahoma School Administration Summer Conference, Meridian Convention Center, Oklahoma City, OK.

*Smith, V. M. J., & Kearney, K. S. (2012). Invisible immigrants go to school. Poster presentation at the OSU Chapter of Oklahoma Educational Studies Association (OESA) Research Conference, Stillwater OK.

*Eliason, M., & Kearney, K. S. (2012). The Wingman. Poster presentation at the OSU Chapter of Oklahoma Educational Studies Association (OESA) Research Conference, Navigating Differences: Pluralism in Education, Stillwater OK.

Harris, E. L., Bailey, L., & Kearney, K. S. (2007). From product to process in the teaching and learning processes in a federal learning environment. Presentation at the OACTE, OCTP, and OATE Joint Fall Conference, Stillwater, OK.

Bailey, L., Harris, E. L., & Kearney, K. S. (2007). Mentoring under fire: Perceptions of mentoring in a military workforce education site. Presentation at the OACTE, OCTP, and OATE Fall Conference, Stillwater, OK.

Kearney, K. S., Self, M. J., Harris, E., *Halcomb, S., *Ehrlich, J. A., *Hill, B., & Shimp, U. R. (2007). Lessons learned from an academe and government alliance. Paper presentation at the Big 12 Education Research Conference, Oklahoma City, OK.

Kearney, K. S., *Ehrlich, J. A., & Hyle, A. E. (2006). Intruder in the change process: The emotional impacts of shifting organizational leaders. Paper presentation at the Rocky Mountain Educational Research Association Annual Conference, Granbury, TX.

Mathers, J. K., & Kearney, K. S. (2006). The impact of No Child Left Behind: Drawings from the field, once removed. Paper presented at the Academy for Educational Studies Annual Conference. Springfield, MO.

Hyle, A. E., Hankins, K. V. J., & Kearney, K. S. (2004). Educational administration journal impact: A decade in review. Paper presentation at the Rocky Mountain Educational Research Association Annual Conference.

Kearney, K. S., & Hyle, A. E. (2002). Drawing out emotions: Participant/researcher revelations. Paper presentation at the Rocky Mountain Educational Research Association Annual Conference. Division D, Stillwater, OK.

*student researcher at the time of presentation

Academic Appointments & Work Experience

Professor of Higher Education & Student Affairs

Oklahoma State University, College of Education and Human Sciences

Hold the Christine Cashel Endowed Professorship. Conduct research on hidden college student populations, organizational leadership, management of organizational and human change, and visual qualitative methodologies. Teach classes at the master’s and doctoral levels. Engage in internal and external service activities. Recruit and advise graduate-level students. Designed and coordinate hybrid Ph.D. in Educational Leadership and Policy Studies.

Assoc. School Head, Educ. Foundations, Leadership & Aviation

Oklahoma State University, College of Education and Human Sciences

Perform duties primarily related to the operations of a school of the seven distinct program areas of: Social Foundations; Research, Evaluation, Measurement, and Statistics; Learning, Design, and Technology; Educational Psychology; Educational Leadership (pK-12); Higher Education and Student Affairs; and Aviation and Space. Lead special projects, in addition to other operational processes and issues. Assist the school head, as needed, with coverage of school, university, and other activities, events, and meetings.

Program Coordinator, Higher Education & Student Affairs

Oklahoma State University, College of Education and Human Sciences

Coordinate program strategy, instructional programming, and staffing of instructors and graduate assistants for three graduate degree programs, one graduate certificate program, and an undergraduate university-wide leadership minor.  Serve as liaison to school head, administration, and other external stakeholders. Collaborate with other school and college graduate coordinators on shared issues of concern. Oversee program policy, curricular concerns, and digital and print marketing. 

Founder, R is for Thursday Network of Oklahoma

Oklahoma State University, College of Education and Human Sciences

Founder and leader of the R is for Thursday Network, an Oklahoma-based, research-led initiative that equips individuals to support college-bound foster youth/alumni and foster alumni attending college. R is for Thursday also honors and is interested in the experiences and needs of other traditionally hidden college student populations. The network was built upon, and continues to be led by, my research and that of my students and colleagues. The Network now enjoys recognition across the state and nationally. In 2020, we hosted the nation's first research conference on former foster youth and other hidden populations in college.

Associate Professor of Higher Education & Student Affairs

Oklahoma State University, College of Education and Human Sciences

Tenure granted June 2011. Conduct research on hidden college student populations, including former foster youth in college, homeless, victims of sex trafficking, and others. Conduct research on organizational leadership, management of organizational and human change, and visual qualitative methodologies. Teach classes at the master’s and doctoral levels. Engage in internal and external service activities. Recruit and advise graduate-level students. Received Christine Cashel Endowed Professorship in 2016; reappointed in 2020.

Adjunct Faculty Member, Meinders School of Business

Oklahoma City University

Taught, as an adjunct instructor, organizational behavior and management courses in the Master's of Business Administration (MBA) program including cohorts that served students gaining dual JD/MBA degrees and those in oil industry-based cohorts.

Assistant Professor, Higher Education & Student Affairs

Oklahoma State University College of Education

Taught, on the Stillwater and Tulsa campuses, as well as for cohorts in the OKC metro area, master's- and doctoral-level classes in the areas of leadership, change, and organizational theory/development. Led successful recruiting efforts for multiple graduate-level cohorts. Advised graduate students. Conducted research on higher education and related areas.  Served on masters and doctoral committees.  Developed curriculum.  Engaged in internal and external service activities.

Visiting Assistant Professor, Educational Leadership (Higher Education)

Oklahoma State University College of Education

Taught, on the Stillwater and Tulsa campuses, classes at both the master’s and doctoral levels in the areas of leadership, change, and organizational theory/development.  Conducted research on higher education and related areas.  Developed curriculum.  Engaged in internal and external service activities. Was the only faculty member assigned to the Higher Education program.


Executive Development Associates

Purchased shares in start-up of an international organizational consulting company (then functioning as Character of Excellence, LLC) in 2004. Managed processes to allow company to become certified as a women-owned and managed business in late 2004. Company successfully purchased Executive Development Associates, Inc., in 2006 and currently operates under the EDA name.

Director/Vice President

Executive Development Associates (formerly Character of Excellence)

Recruited to collaborate with company founder for start up operations of an international organizational consulting firm utilizing senior industry consultants and targeting Fortune 500, 1000 and large government entities. Established operations and managed marketing, finance/budget, and other day-to-day operations responsibilities. Specialized in client services-- managed consultants, internal client services support team, consulting relationships and consulting teams. Personally managed high priority client relationships and those that became troublesome for other consultants or consulting teams. In contrast to standard industry performance measures, company was profitable in three years. 

Contractor/Senior Consultant

Executive Development Association (formerly Character of Excellence)

Served national client base to which management, leadership and organizational development/corporate training services were provided on a per-project basis for non-profit, for-profit and government organizations. Authored two customized 360-degree assessment instruments, one for a company of well-known leadership author John C. Maxwell.

SAMPLE OF CLIENTS: St. Luke’s Health Network; Aggreko; HSBC corporate and domestic locations; Dun & Bradstreet; Donovan Industries; Lockheed Martin Missiles and Firearms; Federal Aviation Administration; Eisai Pharmaceuticals; Campbell Soup; Ruskin Air and Sound Control; University of Illinois-Champaign/Urbana; PeopleAnswers; ConocoPhillips; Magic Empire of Girl Scouts full-time regional management staff. As certified business affiliate of Maximum Impact, Inc., taught leadership seminars for: Motorola, Target Corporation, Honeywell, NovaStar, Briggs & Stratton, Hallmark Cards, Ortho-McNeil, and others.

Adjunct Instructor

Oklahoma State University, College of Education

Taught and co-taught master’s and doctoral-level courses in leadership, change, and the successful “peopling” of schools.  Created new course content aligned with college-approved purpose for class as well as taught from existing syllabi.

Graduate Research Associate

Oklahoma State University, College of Education

While working on doctorate full-time, collaborated with supervising professor on research and writing
for publication. Assisted with management of doctoral-level courses; co-taught two sections of
doctoral-level class; established and managed electronic student communications and information for
project director of cohort programs in Thailand, UK, and USA; provided editing assistance on book;
assisted with analysis and writing for a National Science Foundation grant; assisted with preparation of
new Ph.D. degree proposal.

Senior Management Trainer, Corporate Training & Development

WorldCom, Inc., Tulsa OK/Chicago IL

Wholesale Business Unit Assignment, 1998-2000: Consulted with managers and training staff in MCIWorldCom Communications to provide a full range of management services.

General Management Assignment, 1997-1998: Partnered with managers nationwide to provide
solutions for team and individual management issues; delivered management and leadership training
for new and experienced managers; conducted needs analyses for individuals and teams; built and
managed relationships with regional executives and managers; teamed with HR in situations of
uncontrolled attrition, sex harassment investigations, and other conduct issues.

• HIGHLIGHTS: Led development of change management curriculum used at domestic locations during
and after MCI-WorldCom merger; established a corporate training presence in the Chicago area
following acquisition of Metropolitan Fiber Systems.

Senior Advisor

Bernard Haldane Associates, Austin TX

Recruited to coach and counsel mid-, senior-, and executive-level corporate clients in new career
selection and transition primarily due to corporate acquisitions and downsizing. Administered
individual assessments, researched market, taught marketing seminars, customized search strategies,
consulted on salary and benefits negotiations, provided continuing services.

• HIGHLIGHTS: first advisor in local market to achieve monthly campaign closes (successful new
positions for clients) of over ten; ranked in top five advisors nationally.

Director, Career Assistance Center

Meridian Technology Center, Stillwater OK

Designed and implemented a service center for internal student and external business populations. Researched and designed service solutions; hired, trained and supervised staff; purchased equipment; designed facilities. Served as member of organization’s senior management team.

Supervised and delivered services within a federally-funded program for single parents and displaced
homemaker students (high school and adult students), a computer-assisted center for upgrading
students’ basic skills, individual education plans, and financial aid.

Established potential client companies’ needs; managed profit and loss; sold services to business and
industry; provided consulting services to clients’ human resource and managerial staffs; designed and
delivered custom training. Business services included: job task profiling, pre- and post-employment
assessment; career and personal counseling assistance; MBTI-based training.


Doctor of Education in Educational Administration/Leadership

Jan 1999Dec 2001
Oklahoma State University

Cognate/Minor: Educational Psychology

Master of Business Administration (M.B.A.)

Oklahoma State University

Minor: Business Management

Bachelor of Business Education

Oklahoma State University

National/International Training & Certifications

Hypothesis Certified Educator (2023)

Professional Certification in Trauma & Resilience: Level 2, Florida State University (2022) 

Add Heart Facilitator, Heartmath, Inc. (2020)

Digital Storytelling Facilitator, StoryCenter, Berkeley, CA (2020)

Professional Certification in Trauma & Resilience: Level 1, Florida State University (2020)

California Psychological Instrument (CPI) 260 & 434

Myers-Briggs Type Indicator®

Strong Interest Inventory

FIRO-B (motivations assessment)

Awards and Other Recognition


Paula Silver Case Award (most outstanding case published during the 2007 volume of the Journal of Cases in Educational Leadership), University Council for Educational Administration, 2008

“The 50 Most-Frequently-Read Articles” in Qualitative Research (for 2004 published article), March 2006

State or Local

Certificate of Recognition, #LeadOrange, Oklahoma State University Hargis Leadership Institute, 2023

College of Education, Health & Aviation Faculty Leadership & Service Award runner up, 2020

Oklahoma Medal of Excellence for Research University Teaching nominee, Oklahoma Foundation of Excellence, 2019

Governor’s Commendation to Executive Committee members for Count Me in 4 Kids, March 2014

Outreach Faculty Excellence Award nominee, Oklahoma State University College of Education, Health and Aviation, 2014

College of Education Teaching Excellence Award nominee, Oklahoma State University, 2014

Outstanding Leader Award: Outstanding Faculty Member, OSU Center for Ethical Leadership, 2013

President's Outstanding Faculty Award Nomination, OSU-Tulsa, 2011

College of Education Teaching Excellence Award nominee, Oklahoma State University College of Education, 2010

Faculty/Staff Member of the Month, OSU Residence Hall Faculty Associate, September, 2005

Helmer & Frances Sorenson Scholarship, OSU College of Education, 2001-2002

Outstanding New Professional Award, Oklahoma Vocational Association, 1992

Media and Print Related to Academic Work


Invited to be one of three leaders featured in national character curriculum, EMBARK: The Journey to Effective Leadership (2018), for Strata Leadership, an Oklahoma City-based leadership consulting company. Focus was on my development and leadership of the R is for Thursday Network of Oklahoma. 

Foster Care and Postsecondary Education Policy, Practice and Collaboration Scan, Casey Family Programs, Seattle, WA (2014). RisforThursday Network added to the nationally distributed map,  At the time of the recognition, Oklahoma was one of ten U.S. states.

State and Local

R is for Thursday: Support for foster children as they enter the university (2019, Mar 20). Inside OSU Podcast, Oklahoma State University (Interviewer: Emily Bjorklund). 

Ten R is for Thursday-produced videos were featured by O-StateTV (2018); promoted through OSU Headlines.

R is for Thursday: Statewide network support former foster care youth (2015, spring). STATE Magazine (Writer: Christy Lang).

R is for Thursday: Oklahoma network supports former foster youth in higher education (2015). OSU College of Education Magazine (Writer: Christy Lang).

Oklahoma State University study to assist foster alumni college students (2014, Jan 11). Stillwater NewsPress article (Writer: Christy Lang).

R is for Thursday - Helping foster alumni succeed in college (2014, Jul 10). Fox 25 Tell me Something Good television spot (Reporter/News anchor: Mike Brooks).

Published Doctoral Dissertations Advised

Harzman, K. (2023). Understanding the influence and acquisition of transfer student capital in vertical transfer student. Oklahoma State University, Stillwater, OK.

Minx, C. L. (2023). Retention and degree completion: A quantitative assessment of the impacts of study abroad on community college students. Oklahoma State University, Stillwater, OK.

Pitt, Megan S. (2022). Living in the gray: Faculty perspectives on their professional roles under contemporary managerialism. Oklahoma State University, Stillwater, OK.

Redmond, C. (2022). Mindfulness practices among TRIO professionals in higher education. Oklahoma State University, Stillwater, OK.

Gillmore, J. (2021). Administrator perceptions on the monitoring of teaching and teaching misbehavior in online higher education courses. Oklahoma State University, Stillwater, OK.

Miller, N. (2020). "I am an athlete": A multiple case study of Division I female athletes' post-sport transitions and influences on athletic identity. Oklahoma State University, Stillwater OK.

Kramer, S. (2020). Residential learning community partnerships: Faculty perceptions of hall directors' roles in student learning. Oklahoma State University, Stillwater OK.

Foster, K. (2019). Bourdieuean capital in former foster youth college students: A multicase qualitative study. Oklahoma State University, Stillwater OK.

Houston, M. (2019). The effects of internet addiction on college students: The relationship between internet addiction test scores, college student demographics, and academic achievement. Oklahoma State University, Stillwater OK.

Naifeh, Z. (2019). Keeping the engine running: Perceptions of wellness and attrition intentions in new student affairs professionals. Oklahoma State University, Stillwater, OK.

Recipient: First Runner Up, National Association of Student Personnel Administrators (NASPA) 2020 Hardee Dissertation of the Year.

Resulting publication: Naifeh, Z. (2019). Social connections matter: A look into new student affairs professional wellness and attrition intentions. The Journal of Campus Activities Practice and Scholarship, 1(2), 32-29.

Resulting publication: Naifeh, Z., & Kearney, K. S. (under review, 2020). Keeping the engine running: Wellness and attrition perceptions in new professionals. Journal of Student Affairs Research and Practice

Coggins, L. A. (2019). Identifying students who need support: A logistic regression study of community college student success prediction. Oklahoma State University, Stillwater, OK.

Hail, T. (2019). Foster care alumni after college: A retrospective. Oklahoma State University, Stillwater, OK.

Hayt, M. I. (2018). The first year experiences of transfer students: Onboarding at a metropolitan university. Oklahoma State University, Stillwater, OK. 

Ault, B. (2017). Insight from the top: Experiences that best prepare presidents to lead institutions of higher education in the 21st century. Oklahoma State University, Stillwater, OK.

Will, L. (2017). "What's up with Bubba?": A qualitative consideration of object meanings for foster alumni in college and recent foster alumni college graduates. Oklahoma State University, Stillwater, OK.

Williams, B. (2017). A study utilizing the participatory action research methodology to pursue retained community college students' experiences as the basis for action and change. Oklahoma State University, Stillwater, OK.

Clark, S. (2016). From the other side of the reference desk: Exploring undergraduates’ information search mediation experiences. Oklahoma State University, Stillwater, OK.

Pittman-Adkins, P. P. (2015). Exploring the critical dialogical process: Psychological and physical spaces creating conditions conducive to multi-system collective action in higher education. Oklahoma State University, Stillwater, OK.

Baird, S. B. (2015). A qualitative study of faculty perceptions of the strengths and challenges of academic advising at small, Christian, universities. Oklahoma State University, Stillwater, OK.

Resulting publication: Baird, S. B. (2020). Faculty perceptions of academic advising at small, Christian universities. Christian Higher Education. 10.1080/15363759.2020.1712559

Arnold, V. (2015). An exploratory study of the attitudes, values, and beliefs shaping low income college students' financial management and decision-making behaviors. Oklahoma State University, Stillwater, OK.

Fowlkes, C. (2014). Differences in students' perceived classroom experiences by instructor gender, student gender, and persistence in STEM courses. Oklahoma State University, Stillwater, OK.

Jones, J. (2014). Oral histories of first-generation college graduates from Oklahoma who earned doctoral degrees. [Co-advised with Lucy Bailey, Ph.D.] Oklahoma State University, Stillwater, OK.

Eliason, M. K. (2014). The Wingman Project: An exploratory study of school-based communication with grandparents. Oklahoma State University, Stillwater, OK.

Schulze, K. (2014). Rural students: Reflections. Oklahoma State University, Stillwater, OK.

Buckner, R. K. (2013). Values-based leadership: College leaders’ perceptions on maintaining values in decision making. Oklahoma State University, Stillwater, OK.

Johnson, A. W. (2013). No antidote for the anecdote: The decision-making strategies of enrollment management professionals. Oklahoma State University, Stillwater, OK.

Munoz, R. M. (2012). Low income, first generation community college students: Reflections on their success and their motivations. Oklahoma State University, Stillwater, OK.

Gilkey, E. (2012). African American men and college: Understanding how they succeed. Oklahoma State University, Stillwater, OK.

Smith, V. J. (2011). Third Culture Kids: Transition and Persistence When Repatriating to Attend University. Oklahoma State University, Stillwater, OK.

Upon recommendation of the student’s dissertation committee, dissertation was submitted for a dissertation of the year award.  

Resulting publication: Smith, V. M. J., & Kearney, K. S. (2016). A qualitative exploration of the repatriation experiences of U.S. third culture kids at college. Journal of College Student Development, 57(8), 958-972.

Archer, D. E. (2010). Preparing for exit from sport: A phenomenological examination of the pre-transition experiences of Division I female intercollegiate athletes. Oklahoma State University, Stillwater, OK.

Kerr, L. M. (2009). Community college faculty members’ perspectives regarding formal faculty-student mentoring. Oklahoma State University, Stillwater, OK.

Upon recommendation of the student’s dissertation committee, dissertation was submitted for the National Council on Student Development's 2010 Dissertation of the Year Award.

Reif, R. J. (2009). Faculty perceptions of pedagogical best practices as they relate to online course quality at Oklahoma, public, two year colleges. Oklahoma State University, Stillwater, OK.

Newman, G. S. (2007). Tie strength and two-year mid-level academic administrator professional development: A narrative study. Oklahoma State University, Stillwater, OK.

Seibold, K. N. (2007). Employers’ perceptions of online education. Oklahoma State University, Stillwater, OK.

Published Doctoral Dissertations, Committee Member

Gatti, M. T. (2022). Measuring college student financial literacy. Oklahoma State University, Stillwater, OK.

Nephew, A. (2022). Identifying faculty needs for writing across the curriculum at two-year colleges. Oklahoma State University, Stillwater, OK.

Rock, L. (2021). Ride like a girl: A narrative exploration of women in the rodeo. Oklahoma State University, Stillwater, OK.

Durham, A. (2021). Gender, spirituality, and sexuality: Exploring men's intersecting identities. Oklahoma State University, Stillwater, OK. [Served as Chair; John Foubert, PhD, Advisor]

Phillips, J. (2020). The dual enrollment experiment: Exploration for distributed leadership. Oklahoma State University, Stillwater, OK.

Mariott, A. (2020). Implementation of the Violence Against Women Act Reauthorization of 2013: Document analysis of annual security reports. Oklahoma State University, Stillwater, OK.

Cothren, L. (2019). Student feelings of psychological ownership at a mid-sized regional public regional institution. Oklahoma State University, Stillwater, OK.

Perry, S. (2018). Defying the odds: Stories from the perspectives of successful African Americans. Oklahoma State University, Stillwater, OK.

Baker, J. L. (2018). Identity and the A. V. I. D. learner: Participation in advancement via individual determination class and participant performativity. Oklahoma State University, Stillwater, OK.

Simpson, J. J. (2017). Hanging up and hanging out: A qualitative case study of college men imagineering a short-term study abroad engineering course in Spain. Oklahoma State University, Stillwater, OK.

Neurohr, K. A. (2017). First-Generation Undergraduate Library Users: Experiences and Perceptions of the Library as Place. Oklahoma State University, Stillwater, OK.

Tait, A. (2017). A collective case study non-arts teachers' perceptions of a voluntary arts integration professional development program. Oklahoma State University, Stillwater, OK.

Forshee, J. L. (2017). Creating the chemistry in cellular respiration concept inventory (CCRCI). Oklahoma State University, Stillwater, OK.

Manos, K. D. (2017). Factors predicting baccalaureate degree completion of reverse transfer eligible students in Oklahoma public institutions. Oklahoma State University, Stillwater, OK.

Chissoe, D. H. (2017). First-year international students' perceived impact of the international student services office. Oklahoma State University, Stillwater, OK.

Kettles, T. D. (2017). Data informed decision making - perspectives of Oklahoma superintendents. Oklahoma State University, Stillwater, OK.

Larry, L. (2017). A qualitative study of the experience of individuals within information technology teams during transition using the Kubler-Ross grief construct and the Bridges transition model. The George Washington University, Washington, D. C.

Apanecatl-Ibarra, E. (2016). Exploring the view of American, international, and Mexican students of the Anglo Saxon model of the research university: A Q methodology study. Oklahoma State University, Stillwater, OK.

Thomas, K. (2016). Culturally responsive teaching in at education: A case study. Oklahoma State University, Stillwater, OK.

Dilg, P. J. (2015). Understanding teachers' perceptions of response to intervention through the concerns-based adoption model. Oklahoma State University, Stillwater, OK.

Acharya, H. P. (2015). The role of principal leadership for professional growth of teachers. Oklahoma State University, Stillwater, OK.

Nation, E. G. (2015). Parent engagement and involvement: A case study exploring the manifestation through participation in a parent engagement program. Oklahoma State University, Stillwater, OK.

Feroli, S. P. (2015). Social networks and novice teachers: An examination of supports provided through social networks. Oklahoma State University, Stillwater, OK.

Reaves, P. R. (2015). A multiple case study of responses to state-mandated performance funding in three Oklahoma community colleges. Oklahoma State University, Stillwater, OK.

Green Beauchamp, S. G. (2015). "Military friendly schools?": Student veterans' perceptions and experiences transitioning from military service to college. Oklahoma State University, Stillwater, OK.

Cline, S. K. (2015). The role of culture: Effective elementary principals describe leading in an era of continuous reforms. Oklahoma State University, Stillwater, OK.

Rains, M. (2015). A case study of gifted education in two Oklahoma school districts. Oklahoma State University, Stillwater, OK.

Steele, F. G. (2015). Principal experiences of succession. Oklahoma State University, Stillwater, OK.

Neller, T. P. (2014). Personal narratives: Women with anorexia share their educational experiences. Oklahoma State University, Stillwater, OK.

Arnold, A. G. (2014). Alternative funding strategies and resources for the development of undergraduate insurance and risk management programs: Exploring the efficacy of a theoretical model. Oklahoma State University, Stillwater, OK.

Walker, R. H. (2014). The effect of sex congruence in athletic training students' clinical education dyads. Oklahoma State University, Stillwater, OK.

Woolard, N. A. (2014). State spending for higher education in Oklahoma: Perceptions from members of the Oklahoma State Legislature. Oklahoma State University, Stillwater, OK.

Eike, R. J. (2014). Exploring student leaders for sustainable development: Leadership components & personal practices. Oklahoma State University, Stillwater, OK.

Faught, K. O. (2013). Educational leadership: A description of the administrator's role in facilitating the work of literacy coaches. Oklahoma State University, Stillwater, OK.

White, K. K. (2013). A grid and group analysis of the role of culture in school improvement planning. Oklahoma State University, Stillwater, OK.

Cox, S. (2012). A grid and group explanation of emotional intelligence in selected Belizean primary schools. Oklahoma State University, Stillwater, OK.

Johnson, S. G. (2012). A study of the transition of a consortia institution to a branch campus. Oklahoma State University, Stillwater, OK.

Kruse, T. (2012). Zero-tolerance discipline approaches: Perspectives from exemplary alternative schools. Oklahoma State University, Stillwater, OK.

Kruse, R. A. (2012). Factors influencing females' access to the high school principalship. Oklahoma State University, Stillwater, OK.

Chapman, J. D. (2012). An investigation into the relationships between higher education facility square footage and student enrollments, university endowments, and student tuition. Oklahoma State University, Stillwater, OK.

Van der Merwe, T. B. (2010). Effective dimensions of teaching employed within the American dance classroom: A study of an exploratory dance student ratings tool. Oklahoma State University, Stillwater, OK.

Powell, S. C. (2010). Tradition vs. innovation: Twenty-first century learning and school readiness for change. Oklahoma State University, Stillwater, OK.

Maerten, E. M. V. (2009). From obscurity to prominence: A case study of the first woman president hired by a board of regents in Oklahoma President Emerita of Southwestern Oklahoma State University Dr. Joe Anna Hibler. Oklahoma State University, Stillwater, OK.

Gaona, J. M. (2008). Policy to practice: The effect of NCLB on middle schools through the voices of classroom teachers. Oklahoma State University, Stillwater, OK.

Fry, B. E. (2008). The interrelationship between co -curricular student leadership experiences and moral development. Oklahoma State University, Stillwater, OK.

Mead, C. E. (2007). Using Equivalency Theory in explaining the learning experience between originating and remote site students taking an interactive television (ITV) course. Oklahoma State University, Stillwater, OK.

Academic, Professional, & Public Service Activities

National Service

Established and lead, on an ongoing basis, the National Conference for Engaged Scholarship on Hidden Populations (NCHP). Inaugural conference held in Washington, D. C. in 2020, 2020-present.

Invited doctoral committee member (based upon research): Williams, S. (2022). Third culture individuals and success in college. Central Michigan University, Mt. Pleasant, MI.

Research to Practice Chair/Leadership Team, Fostering Academic Achievement Nationwide, a national network of practitioner leaders/creators of statewide foster care and higher education collaboratives, 2018 - present.

Invited executive team member (2019-2022) and inaugural Member (2015) of the National Research Collaborative for Foster Alumni and Higher Education (NRC-FAHE), a national research collaborative on foster alumni in college. 

Invited to serve as an “expert” for a team of researchers in the Learning, Design, and Technology program in the Department of Curriculum and Instruction in the College of Education at the University of Houston. Researchers were “develop[ing] an instrument to systematically and consistently analyze and interpret drawings intended to illustrate participants’ mental models . . . about pedagogical beliefs about teacher-centered, student-centered, and person-centered instruction," 2018

Invited doctoral committee member (based upon research): Larry, L. (2017). A qualitative study of the experience of individuals within information technology teams during transition using the Kubler-Ross grief construct and the Bridges transition model. The George Washington University, Washington, D. C.

Invited Ambassador for Flipgrid (technology-based tool for the classroom), 2017

Inaugural Leadership Team Member, NASPA SCI-HE Sub-Community: Students Who Experience Foster Care and Homelessness, 2015.

Invited External Reviewer for state-mandated review of MEd and EdD higher education programs, College of Education and Health Professions, University of Arkansas, 2012

Business Intelligence Board Member, Chief Learning Officer, 2009 - 2011.

Editorial Board Member, Journal for the Study of Sports and Athletes in Education, 2006 - present.

Chair, Perspectives on Social Work and Education. Social Work Day, International Congress on Qualitative Inquiry, Urbana, Illinois, USA, 2012

Subject Matter Experts (SME’s) to the classroom curriculum collaboration, U.S. Army Training (TRADOC) unit, Ft. Leavenworth, KS, 2011

Collaborative designer of the Future Solutions Center, a center of experts designed to solve complex organizational problems for senior-level leaders in all types of industries, Innovative Engineering Solutions, Huntsville, AL, 2008

Invited collaborator, with faculty member at Defense Acquisition University, to design a qualitative research inquiry for the Program Executive Office,U.S. Missiles and Space, Redstone Arsenal, Huntsville, AL, 2008

National/International, Academic Reviewer

**Studies in Graduate and Postdoctoral Education, 2022

**Innovative Higher Education, 2022

**Child and Adolescent Social Work Journal, 2022

Journal for the Study of Sports and Athletes in Education, 2007 – present

**Vitae Scholasticae: The Journal of Educational Biography, 2021

**Urban Education, 2019, 2021

**Journal of Cross-Cultural Psychology, 2020

**International Journal of Qualitative Methods, 2019

Engagement Scholarship Consortium, Proposal Reviewer, 2019

**Body & Society, 2017

**Journal of Higher Education, 2015

NASPA (National Association of Student Personnel Administrators): Student Affairs Administrators in Higher Education Annual Conference, Proposal Reviewer, 2014

Qualitative Research in Organizations and Management, 2012-2013

Academy of Management , Annual Meeting Conference Proposal Reviewer, 2012, 2014

Qualitative Research in Psychology, 2009, 2010

**Defense Acquisition University Civilian Senior Service College Fellowship Program, U.S. Department of Defense, Huntsville, AL, 2008

American Educational Research Association, Proposal Reviewer, 2001, 2002, 2005 Annual Conferences

**invited to serve as a reviewer based upon my published research or author recommendation

State and Local, Boards of Directors and/or Leadership Teams

Created and lead RisforThursday Network of Oklahoma (, 2012-2019.

Invited Board Member, It’s My Community, Inc., Oklahoma City, OK, 2015-2018.

Invited Executive Committee Member, Count Me in for Kids (CMI4K), Oklahoma City, OK, 2012 – 2016; work received a Governor's Commendation.

Board member, First Christian Church Preschool, 2007-2008.

State and Local, Other Higher Education Service

Professional Practice Doctorate Development Committee, College of Education and Human Sciences, Oklahoma State University, 2023-2024

Invited Member, Professional Panel, Foster Care Alumni Convening. Oklahoma State Regents for Higher Education, 2022

Faculty Committee member, OSU Faculty Council, fall 2022

Academic Integrity Facilitator, OSU Office of Students Affairs, 2011-present

School of Educational Foundations, Leadership and Aviation ARPT Committee, OSU, 2018 - present

Chair/Lead, R is for Thursday Statewide Conversation, statewide community education effort/meeting to assist primarily higher education professionals in serving former foster youth enrolled at (or college bound to) Oklahoma campuses, 2013, 2014, 2015, 2017, 2019

Faculty chair, Kamm Fellowship scholarship application process, 2015 - 2019

Established an OSU-Stillwater R4T Fund at the OSU Foundation for programming and research on hidden populations), 2019

Established the OSU-Stillwater R4T Fund at the OSU Foundation (emergency funds for former foster youth students), 2018

Coordinated OKC higher ed doctoral cohort for OSU Higher Education & Student Affairs program, 2007, 2008, 2010, 2017

Chair, School of Educational Studies Course Load Task Force, OSU, 2017

Member of OSU School of Teaching, Curriculum, & Leadership ARPT committee, 2016-2017

College of Education reviewer for the university award, The President’s Cup, OSU, 2016

Invited presenter in the ITLE Live webcast series Increasing Student Proficiency; topic was specific to designing curriculum to support, engage, and challenge the student using EDLE 6603 Organizational Theory as the context/example, 2016

Asked by Rep. Scott Inman to advise on the content of a legislative bill for the 2015 session (based on OSU RisforThursday research and service work)

Invited mentor for the Oklahoma State University Freshman Research Scholars Program (undergraduate research), 2014-2015

Member, OSU School of Educational Studies’ ad hoc Task Force for Appointment, Re-appointment, Promotion and Tenure Document, 2014

Member, OSU School of Educational Studies Student Affairs Committee, 2014

Invited member of Tulsa Community College statewide higher education focus group for institutional strategic planning, 2014

Chair, Higher Education Scholarship Committee, 2012-2013, 2013-2014

Member, Search Committee for Faculty Member in Social Foundations, 2013-2014

Faculty judge, OSU Research Symposium, 2007, 2009, 2012, 2013 

Web Conferencing Pilot Study, OSU Institute for Teaching & Learning Excellence, 2012

Invited member, College of Education Hall of Fame selection committee, 2012

Recruiting faculty lead for the OKC PhD 2012 cohort

Higher Education Program Representative, EDLE Scholarship Committee, 2011-2012

Chair, Robert B. Kamm Distinguished Lecture in Higher Education, 2006, 2011 

Invited to serve as an “expert” in content for the leadership section. Project related to State of Oklahoma’s mandated domains and the Oklahoma Teacher Evaluation Rubric being piloted by Tulsa Public Schools. Teacher Excellence Network Pilot Project by Oklahoma State University College of Education, 2011

Facilitator, Student Affairs Strategy Workshop, Oklahoma City University, 2010

Paper Presentations Judge, McNair Scholars, OSU Research Symposium, February 2010

Search committee, school administration faculty position 1, 2010

Search committee, school administration faculty position 2, 2010

Recruiting lead, OKC school administration 2010 cohort

Facilitator, Inaugural Higher Education leadership council meeting, Tulsa, OK, April 2010

Reviewer, OSU Graduate Faculty Group V student research award applications, 2008

Higher education faculty representative for the OSU-Tulsa Graduate Fair, 2008

Program faculty recruiting chair for master's cohort, OKC, 2007

The University of Oklahoma Health Sciences Center Leadership Academy management/leadership development coach for administrator-participants in the Academy, 2006-2007.

Advisory Board Member, University Leadership Certificate Program, Oklahoma State University, 2005-2006

OSU Residence Hall Faculty Associate, 2005-2006 (work resulted in a university granted award)

Member, Search Committee for OSU Faculty Member in Higher Education, 2005-2006

Member, Search Committee for OSU Faculty Member in College Student Development, 2005-2006

State and Local, Other Service

SALLT Fellow, Class IV, Salt and Light Leadership Training (SALLT) Academy, Oklahoma City, OK, 2012-present

Established R4T Fund (emergency funds for foster alumni college students across the state of Oklahoma) at OKC nonprofit It's My Community, Inc., and seated a five-member board to oversee, 2016

Invited to serve as first higher education professional on an Oklahoma Department of Human Services hiring panel for educational specialist liaisons to Oklahoma college campuses, 2015

Invited table host/facilitator, 2nd Annual SALLTed Conference, Oklahoma City, OK, 2013

Volunteer reading leader and tutor, Jublilee Partners, 2013; teaching/tutoring for reading for students entering K-2nd grade in inner-city/urban OKC public schools

Created (2011) The Wingman project, an effort to expand school community through technology, for John Ross Elementary School, Edmond, OK, 2011; during 2012, the pilot project expanded to include four Oklahoma elementary schools and served as the subject of PhD dissertation research (2014) by Meghan Eliason, Oklahoma State University

Networked with University of Central Oklahoma faculty and coordinated development of arts-based curriculum to accompany required elementary reading list; Edmond Public Schools, 2010

Chairperson for Meet the Masters (art program serving all students in grades 1-4); John Ross Elementary, Edmond Public Schools, 2008-2010

Founded e-angels program, John Ross Elementary, Edmond Public Schools; met the needs of low income children or children in crisis by providing, on an ongoing basis, a variety of items needed by individual children, 2008

E-angel program; assigned to Will Rogers and Sangre Ridge Elementary Schools: Served as an e-angel, meeting the needs of low income children or children in crisis by providing, on an ongoing basis, a variety of items needed by individual children, 2007

Development of Professional Products, Processes, or Materials

In response to a changing market and student profiles, led program faculty to reconceptualize curriculum alignment, student research competencies, and program delivery model for the Ph.D. in Educational Leadership and Policy Studies, Higher Education. New hybrid Ph.D. model will be implement in fall 2024.

Led campus-wide exploratory process, designed, and proposed a graduate certificate in hidden student populations based upon my research and service work in this area. Certificate opened fall 2021.

Designed and implemented a new Plan of Study process for off-site OSU PhD cohorts (in Educational Leadership and Policy Studies: Higher Education), 2018. Outcomes showed that faculty saved approximately 31 cumulative labor hours through the new process. 

Co-designed and implemented OSU R is for Thursday "I Speak" online training, the first online training program in the nation to prepare higher education professionals to work with former foster youth in college, 2018. 

Developed doctoral and master's digital communities for OSU Higher Education & Student Affairs program, 2017.

Developed Mid-Program Doctoral Workshop for OSU Higher Education & Student Affairs program, 2016.

Re-designed and re-established program's new graduate student orientation, 2015

Developed and delivered Tai Kwon Do - Advisee Midway Doctoral advisee event, a precursor to the OSU Higher Education & Student Affairs program's Mid-Program Doctoral Workshop, 2011.

Higher Education Graduate-Level Teaching Experience

Oklahoma State University, College of Education, Health and Aviation

Research to Practice in Higher Education (HESA 5653). Addresses the research to practice to research cycle for higher education professionals. Focuses on developing skills and knowledge for understanding, critiquing, and applying research to practice, as well as the role of practitioners in identifying additional areas of needed research.

Critical Issues in Higher Education and Student Affairs (HESA 6233). Study of current critical issues in higher education and student affairs.

[Doctoral Dissertation] Proposal Writing (HESA 6903). Development of first three chapters for dissertation proposal and instruction about the dissertation process.

College and University Presidency (EDLE 6833). Study/exploration of the research on and roles and practices of university presidents.

School Leadership, Culture, and Ethics (EDLE 6483). Study/exploration of ethics and ethical dilemmas in academic leadership roles.

Research Traditions in Educational Leadership (EDLE 6853). Exploration of advanced integrated research strategies and the development of designs and methods supporting the field of educational leadership.

Qualitative Research I (SCFD 6123). Traditions, philosophies, and techniques of qualitative research, including participant observation, interviewing and document analysis. Practice in qualitative techniques and preliminary data analysis. Co-taught.

Planning and Change (EDLE 6733). Organizational and environmental parameters, source of change, barriers to change, and strategies for planning, managing and implementing organizational change.

Organizational Theory and Administration of the Higher Education Organization (HESA 6603). Selected organizational typologies, conceptualizations and theoretical frameworks as they relate to organizational behavior and behavior of personnel in organizations.

Effective Teaching in Colleges and Universities (HESA 6713/CIED 6030). Relevant research and practice about effective college teaching; role of faculty in higher education settings and development of teaching strategies and lessons for application in college classrooms

The Impact of College on Students and Society (HESA 6583). The psychological and sociological impact that attending four-year colleges and universities has on undergraduates from their freshman year until they graduate.

Resources for the Study of Higher Education (EDLE 6143). Introduction to the research traditions, tools and processes integral to the study of educational leadership in higher education.

Leadership and Ethical Decision Making (EDLE 5813). Leadership models, theories and practice and the associated ethics of decision making.

Organizational Development for Higher Education (HESA 5953). Opportunities to understand and critically analyze conventional and novel approaches to the climate and governance of higher education institutions.

Facilitation and Training Skills (OCED 5233 - Advanced Instructional Procedures, also CTED 4103 - Instructional Procedures). Custom-designed course for U.S. Army ammunition subject matter experts who had varying levels of instructional and course development skills. Course included basic adult learning principles, effective instruction, and creation of conducive learning environments. Also included a strong focus on platform and presentation skills.

Educational Leadership (EDLE 6823). Leadership and the implications of leadership across contexts, cultures and time.

Leadership and Agency (EDLE 5813). Leadership models, theories and practice within and outside of educational settings as well as the associated ethic of educational decision making.

Adjunct Experience, Oklahoma City University Meinders School of Business

Organizational Behavior and Managerial Processes (MGMT 5713). Conceptual and empirical understanding of the structure and function of human behavior in organizations: behavioral influences that affect productivity, organizational effectiveness, and efficiency; personality, perception, motivation, decision-making, communication, leadership, job and organizational design, and group behavior; administrative process, including organizational power, politics, change, development and cultural implications.

Principles of Management and Organizational Behavior (MGMT 3123). Two essential tasks of the manager: the development of organizational strategy and the application of the behavioral concepts leading to effective people performance and ultimate organizational success.

Unfunded Grant Proposals

National Science Foundation, $233,735, 2015.

National Science Foundation (with Dr. Sohum Sohoni of Arizona State University), $101,169, 2014.

MAXIMUS,$203,135, 2013.

Greater Good Science Center, University of California, Berkeley, CA, $200,000, 2012.

National Science Foundation: FACE: Feedback about Cyber-Classroom Engagement (with Sohum Sohoni of OSU College of Engineering), $549,967, 2011.