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Work History

Solutions manager

LapIT ltd

I work as a solutions manager in the Healthcare & Social Services business area of the ICT service company of municipalities in Lapland. I promote knowledge management tools and services in order to advance the effectiveness of the clients' decision making. My responsibilities also include creating, finding and procuring new IT-solutions to meet the clients' future needs.

Public procurement agent

The Regional Organization of Enterprises in Lapland

I help public authorities and private companies with public procurement processes.

Manager, Logistics & materials

Lapland Hospital District / Lapland Central Hospital

I ran the Logistics & Material department of the Central Hospital of Lapland. There are 30 materials coordinators and procurement specialists in the unit. The department is in charge of public procurement processes (EU, national & small), internal & external logistics and materials management. The logistics & materials unit operates the hospital's purchases, receipts, purchase invoices and contract complaints. I was in charge of supplier negotiations, quality control, risk management, contracts management, department development and department personnel management.

Project Coordinator

Sodankylä & Kittilä municipalities in Lapland

My job was to develop public procurement processes in two Northern municipalities. This involved assessing current organizational structures and innovating more efficient processes as well as eliminating overlapping tasks. I was also responsible for creating new procurement instructions (in line with the new public procurement legislation) and coordinating the creation of a procurement strategy (with municipality officials, policy makers and businesses). New procurement processes entailed the launch of online procurement systems: I was the superuser and trainer of these systems in both municipalities.

Project Adviser

National Audit Office of Finland

I investigated Industrial participation in the procurement of multi-role fighters to replace the operational capability of the Air Force F/A-18 aircraft.
Administrative field: Ministry of Defence, Ministry of Economic Affairs and Employment, The Ministry for Foreign Affairs.

In the report, published on December 20th, I discuss the prerequisites for industrial participation in replacing the operational capability of the Air Force F/A-18 aircraft. The aim was to examine current offset (industrial participation) practices and their viability and to produce information that can contribute to a more transparent debate and decision-making process as Finland is seeking a replacement for its Hornet fighter jets.

Coordinator, processes

National Police Board

A fixed term project for developing product life cycle management processes (emphasis on Procurement). I mapped national procurement processes (National Police Board and Police of Finland), advised police leadership on life cycle procsesses and reported on opportunities to evolve buyer and product management practices.

Project Manager and Researcher

University of Helsinki, Ruralia Institute

I planned and executed domestic and international research project on subjects related to rural entrepreneurship and sustainable use of natural resources. My responsibilities included designing the research, applying funding, gathering data (interviews), analyzing results, writing publications and presenting findings. Also project budgeting, follow-up, reporting, external communications (social media, press releases, presentations) and stakeholder relations.


Roschier Attorneys Ltd

VAT Refund Secretary

Intrum Justitia Ltd

Patent Assistant

Kolster Oy


Key Partners Ltd


Doctor of Philosophy

University of HelsinkiDoctor
201070 % finished

Doctoral Programme in Sustainable use of renewable natural resources

Faculty of Agriculture and Forestry: Economics and Management.

Master of Science in Economics

Helsinki School of Economics
2008 graduated

Major: Management. Minor: International Business.

Bachelor of Business Administration

Tampere Polytechnic Business School
2001 graduated

Major: Entrepreneurship and marketing


  • Sustainable hunting tourism - business opportunity in the Northern Europe / NorthHunt 2008-2010
  • Commercial hunting on State land (Metsästykseen liittyvän erätalouden toimintamallit valtion mailla) 2008-2010,
  • Marketing challenges of wooden log houses (Hirsitaloteollisuuden kehityshaasteet) 2008-2009,
  • e-RURALNET : e-learning in rural areas (sähköinen oppiminen maaseudulla) 2009-2011,
  • National wetlands strategy - the game perspective (Kansallisen riistataloudellisen kosteikkostrategian toteuttaminen) 2008-2009
  • The institutional challenges of  utilizing  wild plants in products (Erikoiskasvien liiketoiminnan kehittämisen haasteet) 2014
  • Innovations in non-wood forest products (Luonnontuotealan innovaatioverkosto) 2014
  • Green Care (toiminnasta terveyttä, hyvinvointia ja kasvua Etelä-Pohjanmaalle) 2014
  • Regional economic impacts of fishing and hunting in Finland (Metsähallituksen metsästys- ja kalastuslupa-asiakkaiden rahankäytön aluetaloudelliset vaikutukset) 2014
  • Customers' expectations for food-related information (Ruokatieto-selvitys) 2015
  • Process management: procurement and product life cycle management at the National Police Board and the Police of Finland
  • Industrial Participation in the procurement of multi-role fighters to replace the operational capability of the Air Force F/A-18 aircraft.
  • Sustainable public procurement: Developing procurement processes in two municipalities in Lapland (online systems, organization, instructions, market knowledge) 2017 - 2018


KESKINARKAUS, S., 2009. Hirsitaloteollisuuden kehityshaasteet. Raportteja 39: Helsingin yliopisto, Ruralia-instituutti, Seinäjoki.

KESKINARKAUS, S. and MATILAINEN, A., 2009. The permit hunters’ opinions towards professional hunting tourism and the current hunting license policy as a perquisite of social sustainability. The XXIII European Society for Rural Sociology congress, 17-21 August 2009, ESRS.

KESKINARKAUS, S., MATILAINEN, A., KASARI, H. and KURKI, S., 2009. Kosteikon perustamisen haasteet. Raportteja 51: Helsingin yliopisto, Ruralia-instituutti, Seinäjoki.

KESKINARKAUS, S., MATILAINEN, A. and KURKI, S., 2009. Metsästysmatkailu ja sen kestävyys valtion mailla. Julkaisuja 18. Seinäjoki, Finland: Helsingin yliopisto, Ruralia-instituutti.

MATILAINEN, A. and KESKINARKAUS, S., 2010. The Social Sustainability  of Hunting Tourism  in Northern Europe. Reports 59: University of Helsinki, Ruralia Institute, Seinäjoki, Finland.

KESKINARKAUS, S. E-learning in a rural context: Alternative media and contemporary applications. Reports 65: University of Helsinki, Ruralia Institute, Seinäjoki, Finland.

KESKINARKAUS, S., MATILAINEN, A., KURKI, S. “As long as I can hunt” Hunters and hunting enterprises competing for small game licenses on State land. Pathways to Success Conference: Integrating Human Dimensions into Fisheries and Wildlife Management. Colorado, USA. September 2010.

MATILAINEN, A., & KESKINARKAUS, S. 2010. The economic role of hunting tourism –examples from Northern areas, Reports: University of Helsinki, Ruralia Institute.

KESKINARKAUS, S., KINNUNEN, J., KÄMÄRÄINEN, J. & TIKKANEN-KAUKANEN, C. 2014 No saako sitä väinönputkeä käyttää vai ei? Luonnontuotealan yrittäjien haasteita. Raportteja 146: Helsingin yliopisto, Ruralia-instituutti, Mikkeli.

KESKINARKAUS, S. MATILAINEN, A, BARBONE, S & MÄKELÄ, A.-M. (eds.) 2014 Leadership and governance for sustainable tourism: Proceedings of summer school 2014. Reports 139: University of Helsinki, Ruralia Institute, Seinäjoki, Finland.

ZIMOCH, U., TÖRMÄ, H., KESKINARKAUS, S., RAUTIAINEN, M., KINNUNEN, J. 2014 Metsähallituksen metsästys- ja kalastuslupa-asiakkaiden rahankäytön aluetaloudellisen vaikutukset. Raportteja 132: Helsingin yliopisto, Ruralia-instituutti, Seinäjoki.

MATILAINEN, A., KESKINARKAUS, S & TÖRMÄ, H. 2016. The economic significance of hunting tourism in East Lapland, Finland. Human Dimensions of Wildlife

ZIMOCH, U. A., TÖRMÄ, H. K., KINNUNEN, J., KESKINARKAUS, S-S. S. & RAUTIAINEN, M. 2015 Regional economic impacts of fishing and hunting in Finland In : Wies i Rolnictwo. 4 , 169.

KESKINARKAUS, S., MATILAINEN, A., KURKI, S. Social sustainability through cooperation arrangements - Entrepreneurs acting as corporate citizens in hunting tourism. Tourism Management Perspectives (submitted 2015 and under revision in 2016)

KESKINARKAUS, S., MATILAINEN, A., As long as I can hunt - Stakeholder views of hunting tourism on State land. (forthcoming)

KESKINARKAUS, S., MATILAINEN, A., KURKI, S. KESKINARKAUS, S., MATILAINEN, A., KURKI, S. Applying the resource-based view to understand challenges of hunting tourism enterprises (forthcoming)

National Audit Office of Finland 2016. Industrial participation in the HX fighter program. Investigator: Susanna-Sofia Keskinarkaus.

Hunting cultures and the ‘northern periphery’: Exploring their relationship in Scotland and Finland. Journal of Rural Studies 54 (2017) 255 - 265.


Process Development
Project Management
Analyzing qualitative data & writing reports
Social Media & Communications


Hunting, fishing, skishoeing & hiking. Yoga, knitting & reading.
