MaRCEL "MAC" Kloberg
SM / SE / TA / ERP / IT / Logistics
- Carrollton, VA
- 757-876-6751
1998: Designed, purchased, configured and operated first MS-Exchange and Firewall environment for all Liebherr US operations.
1999: Baan implementation Liebherr America: Coordinated all aspects of the ERP migration from legacy system. Wrote custom code to transform legacy item master data for several US Liebherr companies (5), and Liebherr Canada from legacy system into new ERP system, some of which required fuzzy logic and advanced statistical weighing treatment. Selected key users and traveled to train the key users in the areas of distribution, manufacturing and finance.
2001: Designed from the ground up, coded, implemented and hosted E-Commerce Website, with EDI interface to communicate with the local ERP system (Baan) to sell spare parts for earth moving equipment. Implemented custom local ERP interfaces to facilitate solution to print picking tickets instantly after orders received, including stock management and reordering parts from Europe- the solution also creates supply chain orders for parts not in the local warehouse. Developed additional interfaces to UPS and FedEx and coded workflows to channel the resulting tracking numbers back into the local ERP system (Baan), and display-link the data to the customer on the web at the same time. The site is still in operation and has a proven track record for 15 years now. The site processed about 270,000 orders from affiliated dealers as of 2016, resulting in several hundred millions of turnover in spare parts for Liebherr.
2002: Designed and implemented BI data warehouse from scratch, using C#, Informix and SQL Server technologies. At the time, SQL Server Integration Services (called DTS back then) was too immature and not ready for the task yet. The process involved tapping into the internal tables of the ERP system to discover the table schemes and reflectively recreate the same structures in SQL server tables (+500 tables x multiple companies), including any foreign constraints and indexes. Implemented as a windows service, the transformation of the internal field codes to human readable column names was realized at the same time. The reporting solution using SQL Server reporting services is still heavily in use to date and has provided employees across several companies to get the data they need on their on, using MS-Access via ODBC or Excel/PowerPivot. Other solutions inside the data warehouse included custom OLAP cubes and time series aggregations at the statistical level to provide easier ways to analyze the data coming from the ERP system for key users.
2012: Designed, purchased servers, built and installed highly available Hyper-V Cluster, using redundant NetApp FAS series SAN for guest OS storage. Selected and installed other NetApp SAN's in remote locations to replicate back to local data center using NetApp SnapVault replication technologies. Including a recent upgrade, the cluster has now six nodes, amounting to a total hosting capability of 576 GB in RAM, with failover.
2013: Added virtualized RDS farm to the Hyper-V Cluster. Hosting 20+ applications across four session hosts.
Dec. 1988: Interfaced a Commodore Amiga 1000 Computer to a Mercedes W123 (200 D), built custom switched power supply from scratch, reverse engineered and integrated two donated Siemens PLC 24 port I/O boards to control the cars functions. Implemented in dash display, consisting of a 6" b/w tube type small form factor TV. The implementation consisted of many power modifications to the car as well as sawing the entire dashboard in half, to execute the project.
Apr. 1995: Contract work: Designed and programmed modem based remote access system for all employees of NASA Lewis Research Center in Cleveland, Oh.
Sep. 2003: Developed predictive, autonomous stock day-trading service using e-trade api, advanced statistical point based custom engine (fuzzy) and Walt data feeds. Analytic approach included federal filing indicator values for traditional stock positions and IPO indicators. Eventually, the system failed: Available data feeds were too slow, for the system to be effective.
Mar. 2013: Redesigned and built a CNC Machine from scratch. Build log:
Nov. 2014: Mapped large dataset of raw GIS Space Shuttle elevation data as a 3D model. CNC cut a representation of the southern German alpine mountain region in walnut.
Sept 2014: Interfaced ARM processor based dash computer on Android to a Dodge Charger (personal car). Soldered custom wiring harness and custom programmed client side CAN bus controls so that the computer has full access to all sensors and actuators of the vehicle. Interfaced rear view camera to the system and added permanent wireless Internet connection.
Dec. 2014: Designed, CNC process optimized, started manufacturing and commercialized a successful, luxury line of cat furniture wall shelves. Featured in Modern Cat Magazine and other publications, featured on national TV - Animal Planet, To be featured in My Cat From Hell in the fall 2016. +250 shelves produced and shipped around the world, including Singapore, Australia and the UK.
Dec. 2015: Designed and started production of a high end wooden jewelry line.
- Remarks to 2015 Performance Rating Report 1/8/2016 by Lena Hogue, former President of Liebherr America, Inc.
- Letter of Recommendation 8/7/1996, INS Petition by Peter Kozma, Retired Executive Vice President of Liebherr America, Inc
- Letter of Recommendation 6/24/1996, INS Petition by Dipl. Kfm. Mario Trunzer, Director of Finance and Administration, Liebherr Verzahntechnik, GmbH