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People/ communication skills

I am able to communicate my ideas and present my projects/ data to people in a clear and understandable manner. 

Deliniation of watersheds

I have experience using geoprocessing tools in the ArcPro program to create accurate watershed symbology layers for use in management plans, data contextualization, and Data collection

Symbology use

I enjoy and have become familiar the use of symbology in the ArcPro program to better convey information to the viewer of a map.

Use of Arc Field Maps Designer

I have used Esri's Field Maps Designer in multiple projects for effective data collection. Field Maps has allowed me to collect/ organize field data more efficiently through the use of custom collection types and displays most notably in the use of data collection for the "Save Abingdon Woods" effort.

Field data collection

I am experienced when it comes to collecting both geospatial data for GIS uses but also, I have experience in field work with the DNR collecting trout population data, experience with Save Abingdon Woods collecting abiotic stream health data, and experience on my own time collecting behavioral data of fish species.

Work experience

DNR Cold water stream surveys

Maryland DNR

I worked with Maryland DNR on the collecting of field data on brook and brown trout populations using electro fishing. I Helped with measurement and identification along with using and managing data for my SAE project. Because of my work with DNR I have become familiar with the use of Microsoft excel tables.

Save Abingdon woods

Save Abingdon Woods

I have worked with a team of people to collect data on the ecological impact of the Abingdon Woods Clear cut through a variety of field work. I worked to measure biotic and abiotic factors of stream health to assess these impacts, then used ArcPro to display the data collected and to create a basis of which areas of the Ha-Ha branch stream may be most impacted by the clear cut.



GIS and NRAS Experience

North Harford Highschool

As a student at North Harford, I have two years of GIS experience under the teaching of Greg Murrell, I have used this experience in a multitude of ways, mostly geared at helping with class work for my natural resources class, Or for my SAE projects.