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Finished my studies at University of Jyväskylä (MSc, Econ.) in 2016. With information system sciences as my major, I have strong interest in human-computer interaction, usability evaluation and user experience, their relation to technology acceptance, and how this can be used to maximize efficiency and further technological progress in an organization. Working with people and understanding the way human cognition works when using technology is what motivates me. Human interaction is one of my strongest competencies and I always want to make myself understood, which is especially important when operating in multicultural environments.



Master of Science (Econ.)

University of Jyväskylä

Information systems science as my major. In my bachelor and master's thesis I focused on human-computer interaction from the viewpoints of usability and user experience.


Secondary school graduate

Outokummun lukio

Work History


System Specialist

Atea Finland Oy

Monitoring servers 24/7. Reacting to alerts and communicating with clients about issues with their servers or within their network & fixing them as needed. Fulfilling server related maintenance tasks. Assigning tickets to relevant teams within the operation center.

Main tools used:

VMware Vsphere
Remote Desktop Manager


Solution Designer

Metsä Group

Working with Metsä's ICT services. I was mostly occupied with writing documentation for Metsä Forest about the ICT services and processes. I was also helping with testing and usability evaluation of new applications. Main platforms were Confluence and Jira.

The contract was a fixed term Sep-Dec; substitute for a job alternation leave.


First Line Manager

Teleperformance Portugal

Providing positive customer experience to customers in one of the biggest e-commerce platforms in the world. Taking responsibility over the service quality of both Finnish and Swedish teams.

Responsibilities include but are not limited to
-Coaching and assisting the CSR's with customer service
-Helping the CSR's to improve their KPI's
-Conducting customer satisfaction analyses
-Collecting information about technical errors in the service platform and reporting them to the client
-Troubleshooting bugs and errors in collaboration with customers
-Analyzing qualitative aspects of the service

-Monitoring the daily work


Customer Service Representative

Teleperformance Portugal

Provided positive CX for customers in one of the biggest ecommerce platforms in the world.

In addition to the commerce related customer service and technical assistance, I trained and helped new recruits.


Integration trainee for summer

Solteq Oyj

I did a traineeship in integration services. My main tasks included retrieving configuration data from customer's servers in a migration project and using that information to conduct SQL-inserts, create&deploy downloaders and mount servers. The main tools used were Excel and IBM Integration Bus in Windows 10 and AIX environments.



Boliden Kylylahti

Kylylahti mine was acquired by Boliden AB. I have continued to translate documents for them when needed.


Summer employee

LSG Sky Chefs

Conducting inventories of inflight purchases and preparing sales trolleys for upcoming flights. I did this also during the summer months of 2012 and 2013.



Peikko Group

Translating documents from Finnish to English



Kylylahti Copper Ltd

Translating mining related documents from Finnish to English and vice versa when needed.



Kangas Service Jam

University of Jyväskylä

Kangas Service Jam was a service design hackathon where forty people created one hundred ideas in 48 hours, equal to over one thousand man-hours of work, for improving the new Jyväskylä Kangas smart city area. Our team's focus was in helping the elderly to maintain their capability of living independently with the help of ICT.

CERTIFICATE FOR MIC - Multilingual Intercultural Competence

A certificate granted by the University of Jyväskylä to highlight my intercultural competence and internationalization skills. To acquire this certification, one must
-Be able to to understand and respect cultural and linguistic diversity
-Recognise and understand major issues and phenomena in the areas of intercultural communication, multiculturalism and multilingualism

-Be able to analyse from a cultural perspective one's own communication, emotional and cognitive reactions, and behaviour

-Have gained communicative competence in at least two foreign languages and be able to adapt to multilingual groups by taking into account the group's members and their backgrounds