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A 5 year experienced development and operation graduated from HUST university capable of:

  • Design, implement infrasucture and  application in mcroservice architect. 
  • Mantainced multiple projects and initiatives throughout the entire project life cycle; held full responsibility for project staffing, design/architecture, modeling, budgeting, and execution.
  • Familiar with many modern tech stack including:
    • FE development: React/Vue/MaterialUI, Typescript/Javascript.
    • BE development: NodeJS(Caching, Message Broker, SocketIO, File Management) & Express, ApolloServer, Sequenlize, TypeORM, NestJS, Python.
    • Database design: Key-Value(Redis, LevelDB), NoSQL (MongoDB), SQL(Postgres, Mysql), TimeSeri(InfluxDB), GraphDatabase(ArangoDB, Neo4J) , RealTimeDatabase(Firesbase, rethinkDB) and GraphQL query style 
    • Frameworks & design patterns: Pub-Sub systems (RabbitMQ, Kafka, SQS),  API Gateway), caching strategies (Redis, Memcache), Saga patterns (Orchestration, Choreography), CQRS, Event Sourcing, discovery patterns (Client-side & Server-side), monitoring strategy (Prometheus/Grafana & EFK), gRPC, REST, MVC, Tracing,M icroservice (MoleculerJS) .
    • CI/CD & Container: GitOps, DevSecOps using Gitlab/Bitbucket, Jenkins/GitlabCI, SonarQube, Puppeteer, private registry (NexusSonatype, Verdaccio, ECR), Kubernetes, Helm, Service-Mesh Istio, Terraform, Terragrunt in a number of scenarios (multi-staging env SIT, UAT, PROD, HPA autoscale,blue-green).
    • 41

Employment History


Apero Technologies Group

Responsible for implement infrasucture for customer and maintaing in a long time behind . Work included:

  • Direct implementation of CICD pipeline with container development, entire application infrastructure based on scenarios including notifications, solution for static file, security rule etc.
  • Work around projects related mainly to AI
  • Mainly responsible for system health monitoring.
  • Research and integrate appropriate technologies to improve management efficiency and user experience.

    Tech stack used:
    • Github, Jenkins, SonarQuebe, Nexus, K8S- Vultr,  Istio,  ECR,  Kubernetes, Helm, Istio, Cloud Gateway, 
    • NestJS, TypeORM, Kafka, Redis etc.
    • Canary deployment, container HPA autoscale, service-mesh, CDN, microservice, API GW, design patterns, etc.

CMC Global (Hanoi)

Responsible for implement infrasucture for customer and maintaing in a long time behind . Work included:

  • Direct implementation of CICD pipeline with container development, entire application infrastructure based on scenarios including notifications, solution for static file, security rule etc.
  • Leading several teams from small  in total (4 and 5 members)
  • Manager task quanlity  and require from the customer.
  • Advising and reviewing junior's and middle work as well as direct communication with clients.

Tech stack used:

  • Terraform, Terragrunt ,Bitbucket, Jenkins, SonarQuebe, Nexus, Selenium, K8S- EKS,  Istio,  ECR,  Kubernetes, Helm, Istio, Cloud Gateway
  • NestJS, TypeORM, Kafka, Redis etc.
  • Canary deployment, container HPA autoscale, service-mesh, CDN, microservice, API GW, design patterns, etc.
JAN 2021MAr 2022


Responsible for implementations of some modules related to a Sim card bussiness. Work included:

  • Suggest & design the new feature for the bussiness (GG Analystic, SEO , Caching, message queues brokers).
  • Implementations of some frontend & backend applications, database migration and deployment.
  • Documentation responsibilities and participating in meeting clarifications.

Tech stack used:

  • Vue/Sail/GoglePubSub/FCM
  • ExpressJS,Sail, Sequelize, Redism Memcached, Auto mation tool, Lambda
  • MySQL, EKS, ECR, Jenkins, Helm,
may 2019nov 2020


Responsible for designing, implementing and reviewing the work done regarding the CI/CD pipeline and other modules for the IT department. Work included setting up the infrastructure for container deployment, security, quanlity,  automating the cleanup and deployment 

Tech stack used:

  • Python/Shell scripting,
  • Terraform, Gitlab, Jenkins, SonarQuebe, Nexus, Selenium, K8S, ECR, EKS, Kubernetes, Helm, Istio, NexusSonatyp, Rancher, 
  • Spring/Vue/PHP/Nodejs with AWS deployment (VPC, EC2, ECS, RDS, EKS etc.)
  • Prometheus & Grafana, EFK.
  • HA & disaster recovery, container & AWS autoscale, service-mesh, caching, microservice, event-sourcing, read-replica, multi-AZ, CDN, discovery pattern - client-side & server-side, serverless, API GW and others.


HA NOI university of technology
oct 2016jun 2020

Information Technology

GPA 2.9