I’m a digital storyteller with more than two decades of experience crafting compelling, comprehensive content about science, technology and innovation. I can generate dozens of story ideas a day. I’m relentlessly curious, always looking for fresh angles to explain how the Next Economy will transform our lives and how those benefits should be shared by us all, not reaped by the privileged few. I work fast and I work smart – several years spent in some of the world’s top newsrooms, driven by deadlines, means I can quickly generate and iterate ideas until they pop.
There aren't many people in the tech space who can boast of 20+ years of blue-chip journalism experience, combined with a rigorous science education; in-depth multinational training; in-the-trenches work in the startup space and being kidnapped by the Russian police at machinegun-point in the middle of the night.
My key skill is generating compelling media content for innovative companies. Are you making a Bluetooth-enabled pacemaker that will change the state of medical science? Let me tell potential investors and customers all about it, in a comprehensible, accurate way that won't sacrifice the secrets of your IP. Will you design a groundbreaking AR running app, transforming the online fitness marketplace? I'll craft a comprehensive company narrative to wow investors who want to know more about your company's story.
That's what it's really all about: your story. It's why you started; it's why you'll keep going. Sometimes, you can get so involved in managing and working at your company you lose sight of what's important. I'll help you articulate your vision so you can effectively communicate exactly why your team will make a difference.