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My objective is to acquire a job that I am capable of performing to my best ability and work hard because that's what I'm all about. Being a student it is important, as I only have a few years left of high school until I graduate. Working in a situation that allows for me to understand what adulting is like puts me in a higher position when it comes to growing up and being ready for life. 

Work Experience

Linden High School


Student Worker

Service league- Working in the school library 

Volunteer work in church and at school



Linden High School



All honors classes 

All Principle Honor roll each marking period 

Kean Scholar Academy

2022- present

1st place Math KSA

1st place for Algebra/Trigonometry 

2nd place English 1025 

All A's 

Kean Scholar Academy is a program that is provided by Kean that allows students with exceptional academic ability to take college credits for four years free ride and they are given the ability to communicate and work with other students. In this dual program that allows for them to be educated on the college level for certain courses it includes community service, events that deal with working in the environment, with ones self, and allows teens to communicate with others that also have exceptional academic ability. 



I love people and being apart of something other than myself. My happy and hardworking personality add to me being outgoing as well as my personal sense of self. 


I exude patience and understanding the importance of being calm when situations arise. 


My situational awareness accounts for me being adaptable and being able to work with different groups of people and in different situations. 

Communication Skills

My love for talking and helping others accounts for my communication skills and I am able to draw in a person and help them deal with whatever they may need.

Problem Solving

My quick thinking allows for me to solve problems if they occur.

Conflict Resolution

I am always on point when it comes to conflict resolution and I am able to deal situations and move past them to continue to work to my best ability.