Lead iOS Engineer
Nodle, California, USA (Remote)
- Architected and implemented enhancements using Swift 5 for secure and modular SDK development, adhering to MVVM principles.
- Led the development team for the iOS Nodle SDK, Nodle App, and Click Camera App.
- Integrated WalletConnect for communication with dapps, facilitating transaction signing and bridging transactions from Polkadot to Ethereum chain.
- Worked extensively with SubstrateSDK to handle blockchain-related communication.
- Implemented REST and GraphQL based APIs to enhance data synchronization and functionality.
- Developed secure mobile SDKs with enhanced cloud integration using DTN, improving scalability and security.
- Designed and implemented CleanArchitecture in ClickApp from the ground up.
- Pioneered automation processes for testing, building, and publishing, significantly increasing efficiency and productivity.
- Fortified the Nodle SDK against cybersecurity threats, ensuring a secure and trustworthy platform for users.
- Secured the SDK using obfuscation techniques and conducted rigorous security testing to harden its security.
- Introduced performance testing and time profiling to ensure smooth and efficient app performance.
- Ensured at least 80 percent code coverage by implementing extensive XCtests, ensuring high-quality and reliable code.