CCI Consulting
Coaching Executives that are in a Career Transition. The duties include resume preparation and strategies for networking, interviewing and negotiations. Our Main Client is CCI Consulting in Blue Bell, PA
Seasoned Executive who effectively builds relationships and leverages Contacts and experience in External Affairs, Strategic Planning, Community and Government Relations to aid organizations and Coaching of Professionals that are in transition by assisting with resume preparation, networking and salary negotiation. Our main Clients are CCI Consulting and Upper Networks.
Coaching Executives that are in a Career Transition. The duties include resume preparation and strategies for networking, interviewing and negotiations. Our Main Client is CCI Consulting in Blue Bell, PA
Duties include developing business and investor relationships. Currently serve on the Executive and Human Resource Committees. Also is an active member of the Manufacturing Alliance of Chester and Delaware Counties.
Project Director for the Hire One Public/Private partnership. This program encourages all Businesses in Southeastern Pa to pledge to hire one new full time employee during the upcoming year thereby having our business community united in helping to overcome the lagging unemployment in the region
Duties included facilitating a Public/Private Task Force dedicated to getting local unemployed and underemployed back to work. Provide high level outreach to area Companies, Transition Groups and Networking Groups thereby providing an opportunity for Chester County Companies (Hire One Champions) to have immediate access to available local talent.
Spearheaded the development of a high performance team that resulted in a positive turnaround during 2009 despite the general economic conditions. This was accomplished with the introduction of a new event and new programing creating a high level of excitement and value for the members. In addition, many partnerships and affiliations were established allowing scarce resources to go further.
Working with Non Profit Boards; Facilitating Meetings; Profit and Loss responsibility; Best Practices and Continuous Process Improvement strategies for Board Development, planning and fundraising
Developing a Personal Brand: Resume and Profile Preparation; LinkedIn Profile: Strategies for effective Networking
Community and Government Relations; Stakeholders Relations, Coaching/Mentoring: Crises Management and Media Relations; Facilitating and Strategic Planning: