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Professional Summary

Dedicated, student-focused educational leader possessing a strong commitment to students, staff, and community. 


Oakland University

Doctor of Education - Organizational Leadership

Oakland University

Education Specialist - Educational Leadership

Oakland University

Master of Arts-Reading

University of Michigan, Dearborn, MI

Bachelor or Arts with Distinction-Elementary Education

Leadership Experience

Director of 21st Century Learning

Hazel Park School District

Cabinet-level position focused on the development and implementation of multiple curricula, instruction, and assessment functions across and within multiple departments providing support to teachers, building, and district leaders in the delivery of instruction and administration of assessments to students across diverse backgrounds and abilities in grades PK- 12. As the Director of 21st Century learning, I actively participate in short and long-range planning of the district's educational programs and outcomes along with designing and implementing processes and procedures aligned to district systems.

Responsibilities include:

  • Prepare and deliver reports and recommendations to the Superintendent, Cabinet, and Board of Education
  • Align curriculum department goals with the District Strategic Plan
  • Direct, manage and implement the district and building-level school improvement process
  • Organize, facilitate, and supervise K-12 district-wide administration of State, 3rd party, and local assessments
  • Supervise early childhood and elementary building principals and provide first-line support with sta΍, parents, students, and community members
  • Supervise district instructional coaches, ESL personnel, and School-Age Childcare
  • Provide district oversight of an alternative high school
  • Direct the development and implementation of curriculum and instruction for grades PK-5
  • Promote diversity, equity, and inclusion through leadership practices and the district curriculum, resources, and assessment tools
  • Develop and provide mentoring, professional learning, and coaching opportunities for building and district leadership
  • Utilize the Danielson and School Advance evaluation tools to support teacher and administrator professional growth
  • Implement the district hiring and talent management process
  • Develop and administer processes and procedures for supervising and evaluating district teaching staff
  • Act as district liaison for county-level curriculum and assessment committees
  • Organize and conduct grant writing to support building and district programming
  • Develop and implement curriculum budgets and state and federal grants
  • Facilitate effective implementation of technology in K-12 learning environments, STEM pathways , and the innovative design of learning spaces

Noteworthy Accomplishments:

  • Developed and implemented district systems and procedures for compliance with the 3rd Grade Reading Law, student growth components of educator evaluations, and state and local assessments
  • Orchestrated the planning, organization, and launch of a K-8 virtual academy and district K-12 STEM pathway
  • Redesigned the instructional coaching model to align with the District's Strategic Plan
  • Cultivated partnership projects and initiatives with Oakland University's School of Education including a teacher pipeline program that includes both undergraduate and graduate students
  • Visioned and facilitated the PK-12 curriculum revision and alignment process 
  • Developed and implemented, through a collaborative stakeholder process, the EC-8 Literacy Roadmap 
District Instructional Technology Coordinator

West Bloomfield School District

Curriculum Department Position: Provided building-level support and consultation for staff and administration in the areas of instructional technology, school improvement, and data analysis and assessment. Responsibilities included:

  • Directed the effective implementation of instructional technology and facilitated the Technology Integration Committee
  • Oversaw the adoption and implementation of the district data warehouse system
  • Provided building-level support and coaching in data collection and analysis and school improvement compliance
  • Led the development of a district technology vision, articulated actions plans, and provided input and guidance for technology bond expenditures
  • Designed and conducted professional development in the areas of instructional technology, assessment practices, data protocols, school improvement, MTSS, and Cultures of Thinking

Noteworthy Accomplishments:

  • Introduced, designed, and conducted virtual professional learning
  • Established and facilitated various stakeholder committees to facilitate effective utilization of technology to enhance and extend student learning and achievement
  • Co-facilitated district school improvement team and provided building-level support in the yearly completion of  SIP/DIPs
  • Developed a school-based student design center
  • Organized and co-facilitated the district AdvancEd External Review
  • Initiated and co-organized the Google Leadership Symposium

Additional Education Experiences

Special Lecturer-Teacher Leadership Masters Program

Oakland University

Assumed the role of a special lecturer in the teacher leadership masters program for Oakland University's School of Education and Human Services department.

  • Designed and delivered the course content
  • Developed and implemented a blended learning course
  • Mentored and coached graduate-level students

Noteworthy Accomplishments:

  • Transitioned course content to a blended learning format to offer a flexible, personalized learning opportunity
  • Designed innovative course content delivered through authentic, immersive learning experiences
Early Elementary Teacher

West Bloomfield School District

Responsibilities: Instructional leadership in a classroom setting focused on fostering student-led, immersive learning environments while serving as lead teacher and building-level leader

Noteworthy Accomplishments:

  • Developed student-led, innovative learning environments leading to high levels of achievement, student engagement, and ownership of learning
  • Facilitated building-level RTI and PLC committees
  • Led Building-level school improvement team
  • Key organizer of the Blue Ribbon schools application and award process
  • Nominated for Michigan Teacher of the Year
  • Nominated for Oakland County Teacher of the Year

Grant Procurement and Implementation

United Way of Southeast Michigan

Oakland Together Early Childhood Education Response and Recovery Grant

Amazon Future Engineers

Amazon AP Computer Science Grant-Hazel Park High School

Supported the launch of computer science courses and expansion of AP course offerings at Hazel Park High School.

Keysight Technologies

Keysight Technologies Foundation Grant

Alliance for Coalition of Healthy Communities

Summer Mini-Grants-Hazel Park Youth Empowerment Solutions(YES)

Michigan Department of Education

FIRST Robotics Grants

Grant funding supported the launch and expansion of FIRST Robotics in grades K-12.

PLTW Grant

Project Lead the Way

Two-year implementation grant supporting the expansion of PLTW courses for all students in grades 6-8 

Service to the Field and Community

Galileo Institute Advisory Board- Oakland University

Advisory Board Member

Hazel Park Community Coalition

School Sector Board Member

Quality Assurance Committee, Oakland University

K-12 Representative

EdcampOU Yearly Conference

Conference Chair and Lead Organizer

Leadership Training and Development

  • Michigan Leadership Institute Superintendent's Academy - Fall 2021
  • Traumatic Event Crisis Intervention Plan TECIP
  • Cultural Competency and Anti-Racist Leadership Training District; Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Committee
  • Organizational Theory and Change Management
  • Graduate of Galileo Leadership Academy
  • Advanced Cognitive Coaching Certification
  • Adaptive Schools Certification
  • MTSS Blueprint Facilitator Training
  • Danielson and School Advance Training
  • Cultures of Thinking, Group Facilitation, and Professional Learning Communities

Highlight Skills

  • School Improvement/School Turnaround Work
  • Building Internal and External Partnerships
  • Organizational Analysis and Change Management
  • Program Compliance and Accountability
  • Curriculum Development and Implementation
  • Group Facilitation and Staff Development
  • Leadership and Team Building
  • Data Analysis and Assessment Management
  • Competitive Grant Writing
  • Project Management
  • Teaching and Learning
  • Instructional Technology Implementation
  • Student and Family Engagement

Publications and Public Speaking Invitations

Oakland University Leaderful Podcast, March 2021

  • Podcast Topic: Leading for Impact and Educational Reset

Learning Forward Michigan Newsletter, Fall 2012

  • Publication Topic: Virtual Professional Learning Networks: Collaboration, Connections, Inspiration & Growth

University of Michigan 4T Virtual Conference Presenter, 2014 & 2016

  • Presentation Topics: Using Technology to Transform Learning Environments


Michigan School Administrator Certificate

  • Elementary & Secondary K-12 (ES)


Michigan Association of School Administrators (MASA)

International Women's Table - Oakland University