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Highly skilled marketing and communications professional with eight years of experience in providing communication strategies and improving corporate reputation

Areas of expertise

  • Copyediting and copywriting
  • Research
  • Presentation
  • Desktop publishing (i.e. InDesign, WordPress, etc.)
  • Social media
  • Project coordination

Marketing & Communications Experience


Senior Research Manager


Led Research & Consultancy team of ten market analysts, developed and facilitated media coverage of Savills as thought leader in real estate advisory; awarded International Property Awards 2015 for Best Property Consultancy in Vietnam

  • Sourced story ideas and media opportunities with senior management to develop and implement communication plans
  • Prepared speeches and presentations for senior management; pitched stories to international and local media
  • Acted as spokesperson of Savills, answering and coordinating all public and media requests related to real estate intelligence
  • Collaborated with marketing division to measure the effectiveness of communication programs, assess market needs and implement improvements accordingly
  • Managed intelligence reports on all sectors of property market

Research Manager

Taylor Nelson Sofres

Head of Healthcare Research. Formulated and developed marketing strategies that helped meet financial targets of over US$1mn annually set for the division in Vietnam

  • Developed and managed client relationships to create broadest portfolio on the team while expanding internal responsibilities
  • Managed division's advertising; wrote and developed online and print advertising materials, including monthly email newsletter, marketing collateral materials, and press releases
  • Organized seminars and sales events for TNS syndicated studies and proprietary business solutions
  • Developed monitoring tools for clients to track brand performance on social and traditional media
  • Conducted commissioned survey research and analytic analysis to provide data-driven strategic recommendations for clients
  • Guided client's business decisions to improve audience engagement
  • Chosen by the European Pharmaceutical Market Research Association to represent Vietnam on “Fieldwork Challenges & Opportunities in Vietnam” webinar held in May 2014 


Nicholas Hall & Company, United Kingdom
  • Consulted with client's marketing executives for tactical execution of branding initiatives featuring new positioning, messaging strategies, sales promotion and online marketing
  • Addressed complex issues in brand development and planning, ensuring campaign messaging aligns with strategic goals

Research Writer

Nicholas Hall's Insight Asia-Pacific, United Kingdom

Researched and wrote market reports and feature articles on consumer healthcare in Asia

  • Selected as guest author of The Market Partner magazine published by Zuellig Pharma Asia Pacific Corporate Office
  • Produced a wide range of editorial contents on brand management, company monitor, mergers & acquisitions, and country regulations
  • Sourced contacts and conducted in-depth interviews with specialists in Asia to produce market reports  
  • Edited and proofread all articles and ensured their compliance to in-house style
  • Edited photos and designed publication covers, page layouts, and graphical illustrations 

News director | producer | editor | presenter

VTV News | Vietnam Television
  • Selected as guest reporter of CNN World View to cover topical events in Vietnam
  • Managed“ International News” within VTV News-the only English news bulletin of Vietnam Television-from planning and assigning coverage to hosting
  • Launched “In Business” covering the Japanese capital investment wave in Vietnam. Voted the most watched programs of VTV News 

Liaison Officer

Asia-Europe Meeting ASEM 5 Summit
  • Handled media relations for the Maltese delegation in Vietnam
  • Managed work schedules and coordinated access of Deputy Prime Minister Tonio Borg and Maltese delegation to all meetings and conferences



MRS Advanced Certificate in Market and Social Research Practice, The Market Research Society, London, United Kingdom


UK Chevening Scholarship 2006 awarded by the Foreign & Commonwealth Office for world’s future leaders


Competitive salsa dancer and “karaoke” singer