Director of Branch Network Information Technology: (Feb 2000 – Jan 2004)
Managed the Branch Technology (I.T. applications and infrastructure) division | Led a team of just over 50 people who were responsible for Branch Network infrastructure (LAN, servers, PCs, Teller Cash Dispensers, etc.) and Branch Automate software.
- Defined and implemented a strategy to transform the Branch Teller Terminal into a Branch Web Portal capable of delivering a variety of financial products improving the vertical sales index (VSI).
- Introducing Teller Cash Dispenser (TCD) technological resulting in improve security, customer service and cash management.
- Reduced the cost of managing the Bank's distributed PC infrastructure and software by 50%, through centralized, remote deployment and terminal management.
- Spearheaded the development of the business model and business plan for the expansion of our electronic banking solutions into neighboring countries.
Director of Branch Premises: (Nov 2000 – Aug 2003)
Managed the Branch Premises division, responsible for identifying and setting up Branch premises. This included a Planning department (including Planners, Architects and Security specialists) and a Shop-fitting department who were responsible for setting up the Branch premises.
- Implemented CAD and GIS technologies to speed Branch design and optimize location planning.
- Standardized and streamlined Branch design, review and shopfitting processes enabling us to setup and deliver a Bank Branch within 4-6 month, as opposed to the 8 -12 months it took previously.
- Introduced Teller Cash Dispenser (TCD) technology, to enable improved security and customer interaction, without the need for bullet-proof partitions between the Customer and the Service Consultant.