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Professional Experience

Principal Technology Policy Analyst (40 hours/week)

May 2022Dec 2023
Bipartisan Policy Center
  • Collaboratively authored comprehensive policy briefing documents to provide decisonmakers in Congress and elsewhere with new insights on AI, cybersecurity, XR, privacy and broadband
  • Developed relationships with ~50 stakeholders to outline 2023 cyber risks, inform federal and state regulation, facilitate cross-sector collaboration and influence government and corporate actions
  • Facilitated discussions with outside stakeholders and convened meetings to explore policies around XR, gaming systems and consumer electronics
  • Advised & managed team interns, focusing on bolstering Python skills and developing sentiment analysis of AI policy documents

Consultant/Analyst/Advisor (20 hours/week)

Aug 2019Present
  • National Security Innovation Network: Advise startup founders on application of optimization algorithms to resolve eCommerce supply chain issues
  • EL Labs: Play integral role in evaluating and coding data, assessing AI law and policy and offering high-level guidance for organizational success and growth
  • Internet Law & Policy Foundry: Integrated long-term organizational strategic vision into website redesign and outreach to relevant organizations
  • Wikistrat: Contributed expertise in technology and foresight for the future of mining

Deputy Curator/State of the Net Fellow (15 hours/week)

Nov 2021Feb 2022
Internet Education Foundation
  • Assisted in planning State of the Net conference, working closely with Tim Lordan, Internet
    Education Foundation Executive Director
  • Conducted research on state of affairs for issues of content moderation, antitrust policy and rural
    broadband to provide context for panelists
  • Served as point of contact for several high-profile speakers from US House of Representatives,
    Senate, White House Office of Science and Technology Policy & several executive agencies
  • Wrote copy for invitation letters, marketing materials and panel descriptions

Data & Policy Analyst (32 hours/week)

Sep 2017Jul 2018
Start-Up Nation Central
  • Investigated emergent stealth sectors in Israel and published an article highlighting startups in groundbreaking fields not known to the general public
  • Collaborated with Israel Internet Association and other technology stakeholders to explore the impact of Internet of Things on the semiconductor, manufacturing and consumer appliance sectors
  • Conducted complex market research analysis to determine which Israeli multinational corporations are best positioned to outcompete startups for engineering talent
  • Used R to reduce time required to gather data from the Finder database of Israeli startups and analyze/visualize data by 50%

Data Analyst (40 hours/week)

Sep 2016Aug 2017
Office of Innovation, Baltimore City Department of Social Services
  • Developed several report solutions involving information filtering and graphing, reducing the time
    taken for reporting from over 30 hours/week to 5 minutes/week
  • Constructed web dashboards using Shiny to display clear visualizations
  • Instructed colleagues how to program in R, using packages such as ggplot2 and the tidyverse
  • Developed governance strategy to help determine necessity of precise data and strategy for
    collection and analysis

Innovation Specialist (40 hours/week)

Apr 2015 Dec 2015
Office of Information Integrity and Access, U.S. General Services Administration
  • Composed policy memos detailing processes to purchase web security certificates and ensure web/usability compliance across all government agencies
  • Project managed the development of Digital Dashboard (formerly Pulse), a website dedicated to tracking agency compliance on federal standards for security, usability and data collection
  • Developed analytics software and practices to more efficiently develop metrics and graphs to determine the most crucial and often-viewed webpages
  • Collaborated with developers and other stakeholders from other governments agencies to provide support and develop timeframes for ensuring necessary upgrades to webpages


MS, Engineering and Public Policy

May 2020May 2022
Carnegie Mellon University

Research & Publications

Honors & Awards

  • Center for AI and Digital Policy Clinic Fellow (September 2023) - Selected to participate in course on up-to-the-minute AI policy news and contribute to current research on policy activities
  • Shafik Gabr Fellowship (October 2022) - Selected as one of ten American participants for US-Egypt
    cultural exchange program. Collaborated with Egyptian fellows on action projects to improve
    dialogue and communication between the two countries
  • Journal of Science Policy and Governance Endless Frontier paper competition (August 2021) -
    Placed third in competition soliciting ideas for the future of science policy with paper on the social
    impact of science research
  • Georgia Tech graduate paper competition (January 2020) - Tied for third place with literature
    review exploring the social impact of science research
  • Medium-curated interview (March 2020) - Interview on foresight/futures studies was curated by
    Medium in their "future" and "business" sections
  • Next Generation Leaders Fellow of Internet Society (July 2018) - Selected as a moderator
    of eLearning course in Internet governance, after previously taking the course in 2012
  • Israel Government Fellowship Fellow (September 2017 - July 2018) - Accepted to Masa-sponsored
    Israeli fellowship combining work in government with Hebrew lessons, lectures on Israeli history
    and culture, and trips around the country. Awarded Helyn B. Reich scholarship to assist with costs,
    and selected for Birthright Israel Fellowship to lead future Birthright trips
  • Baltimore Corps Fellow (September 2016 - August 2017) - Participated in training to better promote
    racial equity, connected with stakeholders throughout the city, and served as an advocate for the
    organization's mission
  • Center for Applied Rationality (February 2016) - Attended workshop to provide more
    understanding and control over personal decisions and behavior. Learned how to overcome
    ineffective heuristics and biases in personal judgments and analyses
  • Israel Tech Challenge Experience (December 2014) - Selected to travel to Israel and participate in
    software development, meet leaders in Israeli tech and explore the startup community
  • PresenTense Fellow (January 2014) - Worked with the PresenTense Group, the Jewish Federation
    of Greater Washington and local Jewish professionals to develop a social venture. Learned
    business and organizational skills for social impact

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