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Vincent Chiu

Software Developer and Data Analyst


Data Analysis and Modelling

Languages: R, Python, Matlab, C, C++

specialties: modelling and computing scientific data;  ie. electrical usage data, customer retention data, population growth, performing linear algebra, numerical computation, statistical methods


Matlab, partial differential equations, applied linear algebra, linear optimization, vector calculus, probability and statistics

Back End Web Development

Languages: Python, Ruby

Frameworks: Django (Python), Ruby on Rails,  Ruby on Sinatra

Databases: SQL, PostgreSQL

Other:  Git, Rspec, Test Driven Development, JSON, google maps API

Front End Web Development

HTML, CSS, Javascript, jQuery, D3.js


Computational physics, experimental physics, lagrangian mechanics, thermodynamics, quantum mechanics, electricity and magnetism, condensed matter

Work experience

Nov 2015May 2016

Software Engineering Intern (on the Data Science Team)


EnerNOC is a global, publicly traded, energy intelligence software and demand response company.

- completed a half year long internship on the data science team

- analyzed electricity and natural gas usage data using data science techniques; wrote programs in R and Python in order to gain insight into energy efficiency and business intelligence.

- wrote a program in R in collaboration with a statistician that generates descriptive statistics reports for utility energy savings programs

-created a web application with the Shiny package in R for manual algorithm validation.  This app was used by a Data Scientist to significantly expedite the process of checking thousands of results from an algorithm.

- added additional population filters and UI improvements to a customer population segmentation web application.

- calculated customer satisfaction metrics using R.

- wrote R scripts for operational support for energy savings program delivery.


Web Developer (Contract)


- successfully created prototype of Prollster's learning analytics platform; measuring various metrics for student performance; technologies used include Django (Python framework), postgreSql, and D3.js

- wrote custom postgreSQL queries and python code to create student metrics JSON API; aggregating data from over dozens of tables; researched which measures of student performance would be most useful to educators

- designed dashboard concept in pen and paper.  Created mockups in Balsamiq. Styled prototype with CSS to match aesthetics of the rest of the product line.  Delivered clean, quality code on time.

* very positive reference letter available upon request


Media Review Web App (hyperlink):

A web application with similar functionality to rotten tomatoes built with Ruby on Rails. 

Music Wall Web App:

A web application that can allows users to upvote songs; built with Ruby on Sinatra.

Contact List Local App:

A web app that functions as a contact list for users to manage their contact  list.  A simple CRUD app built with Ruby and SQL.

Computational Physics Program Library:

A collection of programs written during my undergraduate studies, programmed in C to calculate physics problems, such as heat transfer.  Involves numerical approximations of solutions to differential equations and other mathematics.

Superconductivity Experiment:

- measured the resistivity and other properties of gallium arsenide as a function of temperature (cooling using liquid nitrogen), culminating in a research report and presentation.


2014 Squamish Startup Weekend:  Member of a team of four that won first place in the Squamish Startup Weekend competition. We made a business proposal together, and pitched it to panel of judges. Our idea was an online platform for the sharing of physical goods.



Bachelor of Science: Physics with Minor in Mathematics

University of British Columbia

Courses taken include computational physics, object oriented programming, mathematical proofs, applied linear algebra,  linear optimization, partial differential equations, physics of materials, lagrangian mechanics and much more.


Web Development Immersive Full-time Bootcamp

Lighthouse Labs

Immersive full stack development bootcamp with over 8 hours of programming practice per day, 6 days a week for 8 weeks. Technologies learned include Ruby on Rails, Rspec, JavaScript, jQuery,  CSS and Node.js. Programming paradigms and techniques covered include object-oriented programming, test driven development, and DRY principle.